Greenhouse for cucumbers with own hands photo: how to make a greenhouse, video homemade, cucumber to build a device

You can make a greenhouse yourself without spending a lot of financial resources Produce greenhouse you can own, without spending a lot of funds Today you can become generous and to buy on your site any greenhouse. Pleasure, of course, is not cheap, but such an acquisition is still not one year of use. But, according to many summer residents, homemade hotbeds are, among other things, a pleasure from the design process. If the hands of the case are not afraid, then use the experience of recognized masters, and design your greenhouse for a large harvest.

    • How to choose the right place: a hotbed for cucumbers own hands
    • reinforced film: a greenhouse for cucumbers own hands
    • Polycarbonate: Greenhouse device cucumbers
    • types and design: how to make a greenhouse for
    • cucumbers
    • -frames
    • greenhouse cucumbers for their own hands( video)
    • Examples of greenhouse cucumbers for their own hands( photo ideas)

How to choose the right place: a hotbed for cucumbers own hands

First of all, you need to select the site where the greenhouse will stand. This is really important. There are certain criteria that determine the choice.

The greenhouse for cucumbers should be located in a place where it will not interfere with free movement through the territory Greenhouse for cucumbers should be located in a place where it will not interfere with freedom of movement in

What factors influence the choice of location for the greenhouse:

  • It should be a surface with a flat terrain, noThere should be no differences in altitude;
  • Access to the entrance to the greenhouse should be unconditional, you will not just go there, but also to use buckets for irrigation, etc.;
  • This should be a sunny and windless place, because cucumbers love light and warmth, the ideal placement direction is west-east;
  • Make sure that in the place where the greenhouse is planned to be placed, the groundwater table is not high;
  • The greenhouse should also stand away from perennial planting of trees that need careful watering.

After you have decided where to make a plot under the greenhouse, you can choose the type of coverage. Often the choice falls on the reinforced film. This is a very durable material, and it is not necessary to remove it from the frame. That is, this coating will last for many years.

Reinforced film: cucumber greenhouse with your own hands

If you choose reinforced film, you can be sure of its mechanical stability. She is not afraid of ruptures and sprains. Moreover, the temperature range for such a greenhouse is extremely wide - from -40 to +70.If any parts of the reinforced film are damaged, they are easily replaced.

This film is not afraid of the effects of atmospheric precipitation, it will hold the weight of snow, even if heavy snowfall has occurred. Dropped hail, this film is also not damaged.

Among the advantages of reinforced film is worth noting the long service life and a small price Among the advantages of the reinforced film is worth noting a long service life and low price

Excellent It retains heat in the greenhouse, to create the necessary climate to grow high quality cucumber planting. Also this greenhouse boasts a high conductivity of light. Coverage is economical, its cost is low and is accessible to a wide range of consumers. But cellular polycarbonate - an acquisition more expensive.

Polycarbonate: a greenhouse for cucumbers

This material has the highest strength, but the weight will be small. Also, he has high rates of light transmission, that is, for growing light-loving cucumbers of light in a polycarbonate greenhouse will be enough. And this is not all the merits of such material.

Greenhouse Polycarbonate:

  • resistant to different weather phenomena - hail, snow, rain is not afraid of it;
  • Has a high thermal insulation, that is, the temperature in the hotbed is maintained reliably;
  • Such a greenhouse is expensive, but the price is justified by the long term operation of the greenhouse.

With all the advantages of polycarbonate, many frighten off the price, and people decide to make a greenhouse of glass. But the material is very fragile, any injury can be fatal to the design. And the weight of the glass frames will be great.

types and design: how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers

believed that the simplest design for a greenhouse is a metal arch which topped the light guide material. For example, many gardeners such a construction is covered with several polyethylene layers. A greenhouse that is simply covered with a film, of course, will not be durable.

All materials for making greenhouses are sold in any construction shop All materials for the production of greenhouse sold in any hardware store

Thus, the construction of a greenhouse can be:

  • arched;
  • Recessed;
  • Single;
  • Gable.

arched greenhouses can be capital, consist of proftruby and polycarbonate. They can also be demountable - arcs covered with film or cover material. Arched collapsible greenhouses are usually set for a period of spring frost, after which they are removed to grow cucumbers. One-run and two-story greenhouses can be built from wood, pipes, metal. For coating, a film, glazed frames or polycarbonate is used.

Frame for greenhouse

Special attention is paid to the frame. From its reliability and strength it depends on whether the whole structure is strong. There are several frequent options. The frame can be wooden - completely reliable, lightweight, cheap. Immediately treat this frame with special impregnations that will protect the tree from fungi and putrefaction.

Metal frame - the height of this structure can be any. This is the most reliable design, the metal is not afraid of corrosion, and additional processing( as in the case of wood) is not needed.

The frame for the greenhouse is recommended to be made of metal -frames made of metal recommended

skeleton may also be made from PVC.The microclimate in such greenhouses will have to be maintained independently. The strength of the structure depends on the thickness of the profile. The design is as tight as possible.

Well, if in the greenhouse you will equip the ventilation system. In a small building, it is enough to have a window leaf. If you need heating, then biofuels, water, electricity can play in its role. Do not place the cucumber very thickly, then with the other diligence in the care of them, the arrangement of the greenhouse, cucumbers will not receive sunlight.

Greenhouse cucumbers for their own hands( video)

Buy or build?You can do a lot by yourself, by calculating costs and labor. With modern materials, you can get together with a family, and quickly make a quality greenhouse that will serve you for several seasons.

It's good work!

Examples greenhouse for cucumbers with their hands( photo ideas)

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