Pasynkovanie cucumbers in the greenhouse video: the correct scheme that you need and care, photo

Through pasynkovaniyu can significantly improve the quality and quantity of future harvest of cucumbers Thanks to pasynkovaniyu it is possible to significantly improve the quality and quantity of future harvest of cucumbers Today, many greenhouse owners prefer to grow cucumbers in a closed ground. This allows the plants to provide systematic care and organize exactly such conditions that will be favorable for a particular variety of cucumbers. If the plants do not give enough fruit, and the whip is good. It can be concluded that extra stepsons take away from the plant vital energy. In this case, the patronage of cucumbers is an obligatory procedure that will help support the plant and give it strength.

    • methods pasynkovaniya cucumbers in greenhouses
    • As pinch cucumbers in greenhouses: features procedure
    • Scheme pasynkovaniya cucumbers in greenhouses
    • Pasynky whether cucumbers in greenhouses: the advantages
    • procedure Pasynkovanie cucumber greenhouse( video)
    • Examples: how to go in for cucumbers in the greenhouse( photo)

Methods for paparking cucumbers in the greenhouse

Experienced greenhouse owners know that even a healthy whip can appearShoots that will interfere with the normal growth and fruit bearing of plants. In order to increase the number of fruits on plants, excess lateral shoots in the lower sinuses are cut off. Also check the ovaries in the first leaves, if they are, they too are subject to mandatory removal.

Pasynkovanie must be made correctly, otherwise there is a high probability of damage to the entire stem and colors.

When pasynkovanii cucumbers should be used scissors When shepherding cucumbers, you should use the scissors

Beginners will need some to be able to distinguish between the stepson and the main stem, only this ability will make the entire procedure neat and safe for the plant. Cucumbers will begin to appear according to the terms of their variety, provided that the plant was not damaged when removing stepsons. Pasynkovanie can be performed by hands. For this, it is necessary to carefully bend the bush with one hand, while the other one pinches off the extra stepchild.

Methods of cucumber pickling:

  • If there are stepchildren in the nodal part of the trunk of the plant, all of them without exception need to be removed.
  • If there are stepchildren on the ovary before the first six real leaves, the entire ovary must be removed.
  • To save the bush from the cost of unnecessary efforts and the development of early fruits, the first four nodes must be removed.

The plant has a juicy stalk, which has a thin and brittle structure. In order not to damage the plant, it is necessary to pull the leaf with one hand, and with the help of another, gently rid the plants of the stepson. If the procedure is difficult to produce by hand, you need to use scissors.

How to patch up cucumbers in a greenhouse: features of procedure

Almost all truck farmers who grow cucumbers in one stalk in greenhouses use trellis for them. These devices save greenhouse area. Thanks to the procedure for planting plants to acquire shoots with female flowers, which accelerates the ripening of cucumbers and increases the number of crops.

Pickling cucumbers is not necessary immediately after transplanting the seedlings, but after the plant has four full-length leaves.

During active growth, plants should be tied to trellis - this will allow the whips to naturally twist it. After the appearance of 5 to 7 pages, the procedure of pasyning becomes more complicated. Side shoots remain with one ovary and leaf, and one point of shoot is plucked. A growing lash is wrapped around the rope at this time.

Stepping through cucumbers, it is necessary to take into account the growth characteristics of the cultivated variety Stepping on cucumbers, it is necessary to take into account the growth characteristics of the grown variety

Procedure features:

  • After 8 to 10 leaves appear on the plants. Side shoots are subject to pinching, while always leaving a couple of leaves and fruits.
  • When the eleventh sheet appears, all ovaries are removed. Leave only 3 leaves and 3 ovaries on each of the shoots.
  • The whip that reached the wire is fixed around the wire by wrapping it.
  • After reaching the main shoot of 50 cm, the point of growth is cut off, and the ovaries do not touch.

The truck driver should carefully monitor the moments when side shoots appear. They must be immediately removed, not paying attention to the presence of ovaries and flowers. If unnecessary shoots are not removed, the plants occupy the greenhouse, the cucumbers will not receive enough light, will be prone to disease and stop growing and bearing fruit.

The scheme of papermaking of cucumbers in a greenhouse

Many gardeners today prefer hybrid plant varieties. This applies to many vegetables that are planted in a greenhouse. Hybrid varieties are more resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, which significantly increases the probability of obtaining a rich harvest. The scheme for the formation of a hybrid variety will differ somewhat from the papyrling of cucumbers of the ordinary variety.

For the first pinching, the grade of cucumbers is not affected. It is important to carefully monitor when the main shoot will acquire the fourth sheet.

The schemes of cucumber pasynkov can be found on the Internet and for convenience to print on the printer The caddy's paternity schemes can be found on the Internet and, for convenience, printed on the

. The stepchildren, who appeared to the level of the fourth sheet, should be removed immediately, and for the plant itself, the trellis should be built. The stem can be tied with a string, which is usually attached to a stretched wire. Garter should be done very carefully, as the stems are very thin and fragile, so they can easily be damaged. Also, you should not tie the plant too tightly, as it can slow down in growth.


  • Where there are lateral shoots, between 4 and 7 leaf, you need to remove everything, leaving one sheet and one ovary.
  • The main shoot must be pinched and tied to the trellis
  • When the ninth leaf is formed, the stepsons are removed, leaving two ovaries and two leaves.
  • After the 11th leaf appears, the stepsons are removed, leaving three sheets and three ovaries growing.
  • The main stem reaches this length when it needs to be wrapped around the trellis.
  • If the whip is increased by another 50 cm, the whip is pricked at the main growth point.

After the basic procedure has been done, the plants need to provide regular care. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of new lateral shoots and remove the excess ovaries and leaflets in time. In order for plants to obtain enough light and useful substances, they must be properly planted, pamphoned and fertilized.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse are advised: the advantages of

Some people think that it is not necessary to patronize cucumbers. Usually, serious gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse. However, for a good harvest for cucumbers, too, you need to carefully look after.

Stepchildren - unnecessary processes that take away all the nutrients from the main stem, they prevent the fruit from pouring and ripening.

Before proceeding to picking cucumbers, it is worth watching the training video with the master class

. If you give the pannies to grow to 30 cm, you can see the yield compressibility from the bush by about one or even two kilograms. It is important to catch the moment, until the stepson has not yet begun to germinate. The best way to patronize is to remove the stepsons that have not exceeded seven centimeters.

Advantages of pamphling:

  • Active growth of plants;
  • Developed root system;
  • Formation of a large number of fruits;
  • High yield;
  • High quality fruit.

It is necessary to perform the stepson very carefully. Removal of stepchilds is necessary at each stage of plant growth, starting with the appearance of the first four sheets. This method will help increase the yield of each bush.

Caddy picking in the greenhouse( video)

The method of cucumber picking is not that old. Many truck farmers still believe that removing stepchildren from cucumber bushes is not worth it, since plants grow not much, at least not as cucumbers. Scientists have proved that it is necessary to patronize cucumbers, since the yield from one bush can be increased to two kilograms. It is necessary to carefully remove the stepchildren. Do this with your hands or with scissors. It is important not to damage the main stem, otherwise the entire plant may die.

Examples: both pinch cucumbers in greenhouses( photo)

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