Material for greenhouses polycarbonate: the necessary greenhouses, which is better and which one to make, a cover choice

Polycarbonate is excellent for finishing the greenhouse due to its good performance properties Polycarbonate is excellent for finishing the greenhouse due to its good performance Technological progress has given the gardener many innovative solutions, but, despite this, the wear resistant material for polycarbonate greenhouses continues to be well-deservedly popular. Even in conditions of Siberian frosts, citizens have the opportunity to plant heat-loving seedlings in the open ground. In many respects, a good harvest now depends on the abilities of the gardener and the properly selected coating.

      • Polyethylene: a universal material for greenhouses
      • Greenhouse materials: efficiency
      • Cellular polycarbonate: a necessary material for a greenhouse
      • Answers to frequently asked questions: what material is better for a greenhouse
      • How strong is the coating materialFor greenhouses
      • Polycarbonate as a material for greenhouses( video)

Polyethylene: a universal material for greenhouses

Several decades ago, our grandmothers and deears could not pick anything else, so polyethylene remained perhaps the only alternative to glass. Inexpensive material for greenhouses, which can withstand at least 6 seasons, was found almost in every private plot.

Among its other advantages were the resistance to prolonged exposure to the sun, high density and the ability to reduce heat loss. Among the advantages of polyethylene, it is worth noting the small price and practicality of the

. It would seem that as the innovative materials appeared on the market, polyethylene should go down in history, but not everyone is in a hurry to give it up. The Among the advantages of polyethylene is worth noting a small price and practicality Among the advantages of polyethylene is worth noting a small price and practicality

This fact can be explained as follows:

  • With careful care of polyethylene, the covering material will last up to 10 years;
  • To increase the ultimate strength, the protection provided in the folding places helped;
  • It was made of plastic corners, which were supposed to protect the coating from excessive physical impact;
  • The absence of sharp corners in the polycarbonate greenhouse had a positive effect on the deadline for the operation of the structure;
  • The absence of zones with excessive tension is another factor that makes cellophane really durable material.

Cellophane film is historically the first type of coating for greenhouses with year-round or seasonal use. The duration of its use is up to 10 years, so even in the 21st century some gardeners cover it with their personal plots.

Greenhouse materials: the effectiveness of

Despite the durability, the choice in favor of cellophane by experts in the field of horticulture is contested. Maximum cellophane throughput ranges from 60 to 75%.Is it good or bad?To answer this question, it is better to pay attention to the practical aspect.

Regardless of the variety of cultivated crops, the greenhouse should have a constant value, reflecting the amount of sunlight.

If the greenhouse is small, then it is enough to cover it with a film If the greenhouse is small, then it is enough to cover it with a film

From a practical point of view, this indicates the need to ensure a uniform spread of the sun's rays.

When it comes to cellophane, this can not be achieved for several reasons:

  • Heat spreads pointwise, it provokes the formation of cold and hot zones;
  • The cellophane coating does not allow the reflected light to uniformly spread out over the whole plane of the base;
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight makes the coating less strong;
  • The density of the polyethylene material is not uniform;
  • It can not be used for a winter greenhouse.

Durable, affordable, but not strong enough - this is how you can characterize this type of coating. On the one hand, even a beginner can make it with his own hands, but on the other hand, even with a slight cooling, multiple modifications are needed.

Cellular polycarbonate: a necessary material for the greenhouse

The selection of gardeners with and without experience often falls on this coating because of obvious advantages. Despite the greater., Than the above-described option, the cost, the design from the moment of installation does not require additional manipulations. This means that after the construction is completed, the maintenance costs of the greenhouse tend to "0".

It is recommended to choose a transparent cellular polycarbonate, as it passes the sun It is recommended to choose a transparent honeycomb polycarbonate as it passes the sun's rays into the greenhouse

. In addition, cellular polycarbonate is more efficient than other cheaper types of coatings due to the following characteristics:

  1. Comfortable temperature mode forSeedlings will provide a coating, the thickness of which is at around 8 mm. If the weather outside the window is characterized by a severe temper, then in this case it is necessary to build a greenhouse with a thickness of polycarbonate film of 16 mm. This is commensurate with triple glazing.
  2. Thanks to the use of honeycomb structure, it is easy to calculate the required amount of material.
  3. The presence of a 2-layer coating makes the translucent sheets an optimal means for dispersing sunlight. After covering with Agrastan elastic coating, dangerous UV radiation does not get inside, while the heat as well as the light necessary for photosynthesis enter the plants in the required amount.

The cellular polycarbonate coating is rightly called the universal means of hiding the greenhouse. It is enough 8 mm of a thickness of a leaf that in the winter and in summer a ground tomato or a cucumber did not test overloads. In addition, the material allows you to save resources. Where previously it was necessary to use at least three layers of glass, today there is enough 16 mm of polycarbonate sheet thickness.

Answers to frequently asked questions: which material is better for the greenhouse

Cellophane, glass and polycarbonate are the three common materials used to form the hull of the greenhouse. As it was said before, the final choice and calculation of the required quantity is made on the basis of the needs and financial possibilities.

From the point of view of simplicity of installation and further maintenance, here polycarbonate sheets are out of competition.

Aluminum glasshouse of glass has a wide functionality, so it can be used in winter The aluminum glasshouse has a wide range of functions, so it can be used in winter.

The necessary resources for their manufacture are present in sufficient quantities, so the cost of production remains at an attractive level for the end user.

The process of installing such structures is as follows:

  • All the elements are fixed together by means of aluminum fasteners;
  • The side parts are connected using metal profiles;
  • The use of thermal washers should be abandoned, because today there are often sharp cold snaps or long periods of heat;
  • Replace thermal washers are neutral to temperature changes by screws.

Polycarbonate sheet is convenient and durable in terms of installation and further operation. The main thing is to avoid using materials that are exposed to temperatures during assembly. Enough 1-2 thermal expansion, so that the entire structure literally went to the seams.

How strong is the covering material for the

hotbeds? Regardless of which manufacturer the design is chosen for, it must withstand long loads. First of all, it is about the vagaries of the heavenly chancery. To ensure that the used construction tool does not have to be retrieved from the box, it is necessary to carefully study the performance of the parts to be used prior to purchase.

When choosing a film for a greenhouse, it is worthwhile to give preference to the reinforced

First of all, it is necessary to remember that even a slight expansion of the metal under the influence of rapidly changing temperatures will destroy the honeycomb structure of spunbond-polymer sheets. Avoid such a development of events the presence of strength marking on the package with polycarbonate.

If available, the following material benefits can be fully appreciated:

  • Withstands active growth of weeds, which often provokes deformation of the lower joints;
  • Direct hit of an abandoned stone will not damage new sheets that have been recently installed;
  • Withstands not too strong direct impact;
  • The ability carries a long hail.

Polycarbonate as a material for greenhouses( video)

In order to fully enjoy the benefits of the purchase, it is necessary to pay attention to the marking of the polycarbonate sheet. The thickness of the product must be specified without fail, which is related to the width of the base and the permissible range of operating temperatures. In addition, there should be a mark that allows you to immediately determine which side is facing the sun, and which - to the ground.

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