Drip irrigation of the greenhouse: from the barrel with their own hands, how to make the system, video and beetle device, photo

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Drip irrigation from a barrel for a greenhouse is a reliable way to greatly simplify the care of plants Drip irrigation from a barrel for a greenhouse is a reliable way to greatly simplify your care for plants Those who decided to connect life with growing plants in a greenhouse know how much time it takes to care for both vegetables and the greenhouse itself. Even if you redo all the work, then you still will not be able to throw your greenhouse for a long time. Because plants need watering. It is only necessary to lower the moisture level in the ground a little, as the plants immediately begin to react to this: the foliage wilts, turns yellow, and twists. Probably, it is for the sake of the idea of ​​having at least a maximum of free time, someone and has developed an auto-watering system.

      • Existing drip irrigation systems for the greenhouse: varieties and advantages of the
      • method How to make a drip irrigation in the greenhouse: step by step instruction
      • The drip irrigation system for the greenhouse with your own hands: all the advantages of the
      • Drip irrigation greenhouse beetle: how it works
      • Simplify the care of plants in the greenhouse: drip irrigation system automatic
      • Greenhouse drip irrigation kit in the greenhouse: how to make autopolyIn drums
      • Drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands and professional equipment
      • Drip irrigation in the greenhouse( video)
      • Examples of drip irrigation in the greenhouse( photo ideas)

Existing drip irrigation systems for greenhouses: varieties andAdvantages of

The automation of plant watering implies an independent spontaneous supply of water into the soil to the rhizomes of plants. This means that with minimal participation of people, watering of all areas on which this system is equipped is carried out.

Drip irrigation systems for greenhouses for polycarbonate, greenhouse film or glass are a way to reduce labor costs and temporary losses for greenhouse care, as well as the ability to reduce water consumption. With auto-drip irrigation water for irrigation is spent so much, what norm is needed for plants to fully grow, and not a drop anymore.

You can install such an auto-system on your site yourself. Many do so with their own hands with the use of improvised means. But, it is possible to buy a ready-made systemized drip line, watering, which can work with just one button press.

The drip irrigation system can be of several types Drip irrigation system can be of several types

Existing types of automatic watering systems:

  • Homemade simple drip irrigation from a barrel;
  • Simplified point drip irrigation from a stationary water pipe;
  • Automatic watering from ordinary plastic bottles;
  • Independent rain watering plants;
  • Subgrust auto-irrigation with pump;
  • Multifunctional air auto-watering of greenhouses.

The difference in all these systems is that the pipes that irrigate the plants are in one case above the ground, and in the other they are hidden in the ground. Option 2 is much more profitable, because the water from the system much faster reaches the roots of plants. But if this system fails, then you will have to search for a long time of the site of its breakdown.

How to make a drip irrigation yourself in the greenhouse: Step-by-step instruction

Situations in our life are very different. Sometimes it happens that even yesterday we were not going to leave anywhere and planned to deal only with our own greenhouse, and today suddenly some circumstances force us to make adjustments to our plans, and we simply need to leave urgently for a few days.

Drip irrigation in the greenhouse. How to make the most such a device in a hurry?After all, this is a way out of the situation when it is necessary to leave for a few days. It will help to save plants life for 3-4 days, until you solve your own, suddenly arising problems.

If you can not install a ready-made, ready-to-use automatic watering system yet, then it's not a tricky temporary design, it will help you to save plants in the greenhouse. The fastest and most inexpensive method of watering is automatic watering in a greenhouse made from ordinary plastic bottles.

Principle of drip irrigation system Drip irrigation system principle

Automatic drip irrigation:

  • It is necessary to prepare plastic bottles and caps for them, preferably more, 2-liter, with the expectation that the 1st bottle is sufficient for 1-2 a bush of your plants;
  • Do bottles need to cut the bottom, but not to the end, but so that in an inverted state it would look like a vessel with a lid;
  • Attach the bottle upside down, somewhere near the root of the plant so that your neck with the lid from the bottle barely touches the ground;
  • Pour into a bottle of water;
  • Then, slightly opening the lid on the neck, adjust the desired frequency of droplets that drain to the roots of the plant.

By installing bottles near each plant and filling with water, you will ensure that the water is supplied to the plants for 3-4 days.

The drip irrigation system for the greenhouse with your own hands: all the advantages of the

method Nowadays, even watering your own hotbed can be started and turned off, being many kilometers from your greenhouse. Famous manufacturers of auto-drop irrigation systems have achieved unprecedented success in this direction.

The drip irrigation system for the greenhouse with your own hands is a breakthrough in the field of agriculture. After all, summer residents spend most of their time on irrigation of land. The new drip irrigation has become for many a great helper, and a gift from the inventors for their hard work.

All automated irrigation methods, from the most primitive and simple to remotely controlled via the Internet and satellite, perform the same function, differing only in details.

The drip irrigation system for the greenhouse provides the necessary humidity The drip irrigation system for the greenhouse provides the required air humidity

Positive moments of automatic irrigation:

  • Qualitatively ensures the uninterrupted supply of any necessary quantity of water of the right temperature to the roots of plants;
  • Allows to save natural water resources;
  • Reduces the time for watering plants in a greenhouse by a person;
  • Provides the required humidity in the greenhouse;
  • Significantly reduces the leaching of minerals and other nutrients from the surface of the soil;
  • It is possible even at a distance to adjust the feeding time and water temperature.

You can rest assured that such a watering system will lead. You can always view its operation and adjust the water supply process.

New drip irrigation system for greenhouse beetle: how it works

Auto-drip irrigation systems fill the expanses of country areas and greenhouse constructions. They allow the necessary dose to dose the amount of water that flows directly to the rhizomes of plants. One of the most interesting designs is the drip irrigation system Beetle. Equipped with the most complete equipment, it constantly receives good reviews in its favor among truck farmers and truckers.

The drip irrigation system of the greenhouse The beetle must have an original design resembling a beetle. From the main main hose to the sides dispense droppers - paws. In appearance, the system really looks like a beetle, which has a huge number of paws.

Basically, because the system is always subordinate to a person, it does not at all provide for automatic irrigation. But on the other hand, taking into account the relative inconvenience, watering plants through the application of the beetle system is simplified many times. This allows plants to bear fruit better.

The drip irrigation system of the greenhouse The beetle is a perfect assistant for gardeners Drip irrigation system for the greenhouse Beetle - a perfect assistant for gardeners

Standard system kit Beetle:

  • Main hose length 9 or 18 m;
  • Droppers in the amount of 30 or 60 pcs.;
  • Required tees complete with 17 to 33 pcs.;
  • Extreme end caps for 2 - 3 pcs.;
  • Valve cranes are usual for 1 - 3 pcs. In each system;
  • Clamping brackets made of metal for 6 - 18 pcs.

Few competitive drip and drip irrigation systems can give you such a complete range of necessary parts in one set.

We simplify the care of plants in the greenhouse: a drip irrigation system

This scheme of auto-drip irrigation is very simple. So it has all the details and irrigation zones, from the very beginning of the water supply to its entry into the ground. So basically those systems look like they are made independently.

The drip irrigation in the greenhouse, which you buy in the store from a licensed manufacturer, will be more perfect than homemade, and has additional functions that facilitate self-watering. But it will cost you a lot more.

The complexity of the circuit always depends on the complexity of the design. If this watering is simple, going by gravity from the tank or from a barrel with a damper, this will be one option. If your stand-alone watering has sensors, a timer, automata and an auto-regulator in the microcontroller, and the automation is connected via the Internet, this is another case.

Automatic drip irrigation scheme in the greenhouse

Advantages of drip irrigation from the drums:

  • The labor intensity of maintenance of the greenhouse is significantly reduced;
  • Water consumption is reduced;
  • The need for frequent loosening of the soil disappears;
  • Plants grow better and yield increases;
  • You can organize the correct root fertilizing of plants.

Scientists have proven the benefits of all auto-drip irrigation systems repeatedly. With all the necessary components, you can easily make your drip system from the barrel.

Greenhouse drip irrigation kit in the greenhouse: how to make an automatic watering from the drums

The device for auto-drip irrigation is a very versatile thing. It is impossible to say specifically how much it will cost you. If you can make such a design yourself, collecting it from various improvised tools, then maybe you do not have to spend it at all. But if in your plans to make the system of auto-irrigation by the newest technologies, then it will cost you not one small penny.

The drip irrigation kit in the greenhouse is not hard to do. It is only necessary to learn the principle of water supply, to debug its uninterrupted supply to the irrigating lines, and to place the pipes in the right places.

In addition, you need to take into account that the service life of drip irrigation from the manufacturer, on average, is 3-4 years. Then the question arises: "Why invest in a system that is so short-lived?" It is better to make it free of charge from used irrigation pipes.

A set of drip irrigation in the greenhouse is not difficult to do The drip irrigation kit in the greenhouse is not difficult to make

The kit for the irrigation system includes:

  • Conventional irrigation hose, tape, or pipes of the required length;
  • Short pipes of small diameter;
  • Storage tank, tank or large barrel;
  • Water supply plug;

If you have any doubts as to whether or not you can arrange drip branches for irrigation on your own, you can buy ready-made hose and prepared drip tubes.

The device for drip irrigation in the greenhouse with their own hands and professional equipment

The system of auto-drip irrigation, no matter how complicated it was, much facilitates the work of a person in the maintenance of plants in the greenhouse. The usual watering, as, actually, and semi-automatic, takes almost half the time for maintenance of the greenhouse. If you decide to equip yourself with a system of auto-drip irrigation, then your efforts will not be in vain and will minimize the labor costs for watering plants.

Arrangement of drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands - a way out of the situation when you become a hostage to round-the-clock care of plants. A self-made or purchased watering system will become your reliable assistant in the maintenance of the greenhouse.

If even watching a video lesson, you do not risk to take up the manufacture of the system yourself, then you can buy a ready-made set for watering in the store. There you will be offered a choice of a large number of differently complex systems of auto-drip irrigation.

The device of drip irrigation in the greenhouse can be built by own hands The device for drip irrigation in the greenhouse can be built by yourself

The well-known automatic drip irrigation systems:

  • Leroy Merlin;
  • Aquatic;
  • Water meter;
  • of Gardena;
  • Beetle;
  • Arduino;
  • Signor Tomato.

The best of all of the above is the Gardena irrigation system.

Drip irrigation in the greenhouse( video)

If you value your health and time, then consider installing a system of auto-drip irrigation in your greenhouse. Having invested money at a time, you will be able to use such a system for a long time. The technology makes it possible to use the drop system many times. Installation and installation of this equipment is not difficult. There is such a system as in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, and in the open ground. It can be used for watering any plants, including roses, where watering in general is very difficult.

Examples of drip irrigation in the greenhouse( photo ideas)

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