Cultivation of greenery in the greenhouse: to plant year-round in its own, grow vegetables, basil as hands of beginners

Even a small greenhouse is perfect for growing a variety of greenery Even a small greenhouse is perfect for the cultivation of various greens Vintage green all year round will delight any owner. Greenery is a good addition to most dishes. It not only improves the quality of taste, but also the type of dish. Also, the greens serve as a source of vitamins, micro- and macro elements. The special importance is the presence of greenery all year round. This is possible for beginners if grown in a greenhouse. How to grow greenery in your greenhouse, what to choose for this culture, how to make a design, is lower in the material.

    • Types of greenhouses for the cultivation of greenery year round
    • How and when it is better to plant herbs in a greenhouse
    • Why grow herbs and vegetables in the greenhouse
    • What herbs grown in the greenhouse
    • winter How to grow herbsin a greenhouse in winter( video)
    • Examples of greens in the greenhouse( photo)

Types of greenhouses for growing

greenery year round indoors greenery harvest will be much higher than in the open field. For cultivation during the year, the following types of greenhouses are suitable: mini greenhouse, greenhouse, greenhouse with wooden frame, winter constructions on shelves.

The home mini-greenhouse is compact. It is suitable for growing greenery in an apartment. It looks like a glazed box. In this box are smaller boxes with the ground. Under the mini-greenhouse you can equip an old aquarium. The profitability of breeding is high and it is possible to produce year-round crops.

In order to grow green all year round, it is necessary to correctly choose the choice of a greenhouse order to grow fresh herbs all year round, it is necessary to approach to the choice of the greenhouse

Greenhouse - a simplified version of the greenhouse, but not yet agro. Its construction consists of thick wire arcs, covered with a film( hydroponics).Heat plants receive from the sun, the process of rotting manure and compost. The most traditional is a multi-level technology with a wooden frame. It is usually covered with a film or polycarbonate. Also for the production of greenhouses in the course are old windows or other unnecessary materials. A greenhouse for greenery does not necessarily have to be made large.

In this case, it can be heated with a burzhuyka, infrared burner or electric heater.

The winter greenhouse is characterized by the greatest strength, because it must withstand the mass of fallen snow. Also it must have warming and lighting. Lighting should function from 12 to 18 hours a day( size and culture affect the rate).Daylight lamps are suitable for these greenhouses. To properly build and warm a greenhouse, you need a double layer of covering material( usually films) and an additional foil-coated thermal film.

To construct the greenhouse, it is necessary: ​​

  • Pour the foundation;
  • Make a warm floor;Fill with earth and peat.
  • .

to the floor in the greenhouse was warm, it is necessary to lay the foundation of a heating tape or mount the heating wires. The wires are insulated and placed at a considerable distance. The warm floor in the greenhouse will help increase yield, the first batch of the harvest will be at an earlier time. For heating, they are laid along the perimeter of the greenhouse of the pipe. A frost-resistant film is attached to the wooden structure for greenery. This will ensure the necessary microclimatic conditions in the construction.

How and when to plant greenery in a greenhouse

To ensure the presence of greenery on a regular basis, it is necessary to plant 1 time in 2 weeks. The first harvest is growing until January-February. It is important to consider the characteristics of growing a certain variety.

You can get a rich harvest of greenery all year round, if you properly equip the greenhouse and maintain a comfortable microclimate in it You can get a rich harvest of greenery all year round if you properly equip the greenhouse and maintain a comfortable microclimate in it

The following are the general requirements for crops:

  • In warm;
  • In watering;
  • In the sun.

Due to lack of light, artificial lighting is installed. It is necessary to rationally organize the available area. You can apply zoning territory. In each zone there will be 1 kind of greenery or with similar care requirements. For example, 1 zone is reserved for plants that prefer a moderate amount of nutrients and fertilizers, the other for those who like intensive watering.

In the first you can plant spinach, lettuce and onions, for the second it is possible to sow dill.

To grow year-round, first begin with seedlings. Seedlings are planted and for salad. First, the seeds are placed in small peat pots. This container is dug into the ground after the emergence of sprouting. Seedlings require timely watering. After 5-6 days, as a result of the action of warm water, the pot is destroyed and turns into a fertilizer for greenery.

Why grow herbs and vegetables in the greenhouse

Usually, in a greenhouse plant such herbs like dill, parsley, onions on the pen, spinach, lettuce, various types of basil, mint, cilantro, rosemary, sorrel, and others. In addition to theseCultures, you can grow cruciferous and umbrella, for example, radishes, carrots. In the greenhouse, early planting is possible, so they grow a salad. When choosing seeds, it is necessary to give preference to greenhouse varieties. The advantages of the salad consist in a permanent harvest( when sowing in 2 weeks), and that we grow without seedlings, it is unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation.

Greenery and vegetables are best grown in a greenhouse, because here you can create for them the ideal conditions greens and vegetables are best grown in a greenhouse, because here you can create the ideal conditions for them

Suitable conditions for the salad include:

  • temperature from 18 to 20 ᵒS;
  • Loosening the soil;
  • Relief from weeds;
  • Watering.

Cress-salad is unpretentious to the temperature and fertility of the soil, gives a quick harvest. After 1,5-2,5 weeks, this sort of salad can be eaten. The cultivation of onions is widespread. For cultivation, it is necessary to prune the top of the bulb first and put it in water for a couple of days. In autumn, put onion-batoon, slug, slut, in the winter - shallots. Bow is not hardy and frost-resistant. At the beginning of winter, the onion is planted in a greenhouse. The soil must be loose. If

grow onions from seed, you need to sow them deep into 4-5 cm.

Dill seeds before plant, previously left in the water for 2-3 days by rinsing under running water and changing. Then they are put in the soil with fertilizers. Seeds should sit 2-3 cm deep. Dill loves light, frequent and abundant watering. The water temperature should be above 15 ° C.Parsley grows well at a short time both on the window and in the greenhouse. You can grow from seeds or from root crops. The first option involves a preliminary germination.

Approximate growing algorithm is as follows:

  1. parsley seeds stored in gauze.
  2. When the sprouts come out, they need to be held for a short time at + 2 ° C.
  3. Next plant.

spinach cultivation starts with the preparation of the soil, which must contain fertilizers, such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The seeds of culture are planted in peat pots. He prefers warming the soil and warm watering. Optimum - 15 0С.The yield of spinach appears after 2 months.

What herbs grown in the greenhouse

winter for growing greenery in winter, suitable heated greenhouses in cold climates, and unheated - in hot. In winter, they plant dill, onions, feathers, salads, parsley, celery. In autumn and winter, you can get several harvests of greens and onions, because they are early-ripening vegetables.

Greenery in winter is grown on the main and additional area.

The base area is the least used since it can be useful for other crops. The additional area is created with the help of shelving. They put boxes or other containers under the green. This method is more economical.

In the greenhouse in winter, you can grow any greens, including watercress, onion or parsley In a greenhouse in winter, you can grow any greens, including watercress, onion or parsley.

For growing greenery, it is necessary to perform the following work:

  • Prepare racks;
  • Buy boxes or containers;
  • Prepare the primer and pack it in a container, making notes about what culture it is intended for;
  • Mark in the journal of the trucker the name and requirements for care of planted greens;
  • Buy seeds.

For growing by own hands in the winter, choose such kinds of it that do not need special care, temperature and light levels. A small growing season allows you to get several crops. It is also necessary to choose the correct location of the culture. For example, dill fits suitable for shaded places, parsley for well-lit ones, and salad for any.

How to grow greenery in a greenhouse in winter( video)

Cultivation will allow to receive vitamins all year round. When growing, mini-greenhouses, greenhouses with wooden frames, greenhouses, winter greenhouses are used. On an ongoing basis, dill, parsley, onion, and salad are grown. To increase the level of yield, it is important to take into account not only the features of growing each crop, but also the variety.

Examples of greenery in a greenhouse( photo)

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