The cucumbers in the greenhouse wilt: what to do and why the leaves wilted, the causes wither, the bottom greenhouse and the whip wither

If cucumbers wilt in the greenhouse, this indicates an incorrect care If cucumbers wilt in the greenhouse, this indicates that is not properly maintained. But most often the reason for this is that the cucumbers wilted, the usual lack of moisture becomes. Cucumbers are a moisture-loving plant, and if they grow in a greenhouse, it is not necessary to count on natural watering. The higher the temperature in the greenhouse, the higher the humidity should be there. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves will first sink, and then they wither.

    • dangerous neighbors: why wilt cucumber in a greenhouse
    • invasion of aphids and wilt of cucumber leaves in the greenhouse
    • Violations agrotechnics cucumbers wilted in the greenhouse
    • If fade cucumbers in a greenhouse, what to do
    • HighTemperature and fading cucumber
    • Why cucumbers in the greenhouse fade( video)

Dangerous neighbors: why the cucumbers in the greenhouse wither away

Another reason that may seem surprising to many is the cucumber plantingPoison with tomatoes. Yes, not everyone knows that this can not be done. Young gardeners often plant cucumber and tomato in one greenhouse, believing that the difference in the care of plants will be insignificant. Cucumbers need high humidity, but tomatoes can not tolerate it.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse are recommended to be planted at a distance from other plant cultures. They get along well in one greenhouse with tomatoes It is recommended to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse at a distance from other plant cultures. They get along well in one greenhouse with tomatoes

Also the reason why the cucumbers wither, may be herbicide exposure to the garden bed. Their cucumbers can not stand, therefore, not that in a greenhouse, even in neighboring beds, it is not worth using them. And if herbicides have already fallen on cucumbers, only abundant watering will help. With it, the chemicals are washed off with water, and go deeper into the soil.

Invasion of aphids and wilting of cucumber leaves in a greenhouse

The source of many troubles associated with plants in the garden is a pest. Many, probably, still in the childhood from the grandmother heard a phrase: "Here, cucumbers have withered, aphid has come".Look at the back of the page, you will immediately see if this unwelcome guest has come. The pest can infect all healthy plants in a couple of days, therefore it is necessary to act immediately.

How to deal with aphids on greenhouse cucumbers:

  • Ladybugs are the main enemy of aphids, and they can be planted in a greenhouse of dill or a sheet of mustard;
  • It works and people's tobacco method - a liter of hot water accounts for 50 g of tobacco, then 15 g of soap is added to the same capacity, everything is insisted for 24 hours;
  • You can also use ash - pour two cups of wood ash into a bucket of water, and again the household soap, 50 g, a day later, the infusion is suitable for spraying;
  • 1 kg of green tomato leaves / 10 liters of water, stand for 4 hours, boil, again defend;
  • Pour 1 kg of celandine 2.5-3 liters of boiling water, until the solution is brewed, you need to add 9 liters of hot water, all 48 hours are infused.

If the first aphids are found, you should purchase a special remedy in the store for vegetable growing to combat it If you find the first aphids, you should purchase a special remedy in the grocery store for combating it.

Yarrow, dandelion, pepper solution is also used. But the main thing is to get rid of ants, the main aphid satellites. Suitable for this chalk from cockroaches. Ants are defenders of aphids, and they bring her to the greenhouse.

Violations of agricultural technology: cucumbers wither in the greenhouse

Wrong agricultural technology is a whole complex of factors. Often, vegetable farmers are too keen to fertilize, and excess fertilizing, like its deficiency, is fatal to the plant. Similarly, it is possible to miscalculate with the landing site - especially in the case of open ground, where even the lower leaves are burned under the sun, whips, etc. wilt.

As mentioned above, watering is of no small importance. Let's say you water cucumbers every day, but by and by. Or water not in the morning and evening hours, but in the very sun. Or watering comes from the water directly from the column, well, that is cold, not heated. On a sunny day, if the water is sprayed directly onto the leaves, droplets of water become tiny leaves, and cucumbers will simply get burned.

If the cucumbers in the greenhouse wilt: what to do

If all of the above reasons do not fit, then perhaps it's a matter of illness. Not in pests, but viruses, which by the way, these pests suffer. Diseases also cause fungal parasites. After seeing the first signs of the disease, remove the affected leaves, fruits. Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse.

That the cucumbers in the greenhouse do not fade, they should be moderately watered To keep cucumbers in the greenhouse, they should be mildly watered

The most dangerous diseases for cucumbers:

  • Powdery mildew;
  • Mosaic ordinary;
  • Olive spotting;
  • Cladosporium.

Good antifungal drugs are sold at their respective stores. You can spray plants with manganese-acid potassium and chalky solution. The main thing is to detect the disease in time, while it has not yet become fatal for the harvest.

High temperatures and fading cucumbers

The wilting of cucumbers can be caused by a disturbance of the microclimate. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly regulate the temperature regime, to monitor the stable moisture indices. Monitor the ventilation process, ventilation. Sometimes shrouds are installed on the structure, as the most effective means for regulating temperature and illumination.

When caring for cucumbers in the greenhouse, they are regularly fed When care of cucumbers in a greenhouse, they are regularly fed

. As prevention of wilting leaves and fruits - quality seed selection. Seedlings should be healthy and seasoned.

It's great if you have the opportunity to use drip irrigation technology. This implies and careful monitoring of drainage of nutrient solutions, so that liquid fertilizing will not stagnate, and be sown by pathogenic microorganisms. This minimizes the burden on plants, and the roots will grow older more slowly.

Why cucumbers wilt in the greenhouse( video)

Wilting cucumbers in the greenhouse can occur for a whole list of reasons. Reconsider the system of care of plants, the regime of fertilizing, inspect the plants for fungal attack. And act when there are negative factors quickly.

Good harvest!

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