Cultivation of Peking cabbage in a greenhouse: seedlings in a greenhouse, plant a colored cabbage, sow

Before growing Peking cabbage in a greenhouse, it is worth studying the theoretical part of the process Before growing Peking cabbage in a greenhouse, it is worth studying the theoretical part of the process Growing Peking cabbage in a greenhouse has its own characteristics. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the cultivars. The early-ripening edentulous plant has 5-6 leaves a month later, which can be used for food. Completely on aging takes another 1.5 months. Russians have long been using the culture not only as an ingredient for salads - cabbage greens can be cooked, stewed, added to meat and vegetable dishes.

      • Doing our own greenhouse cabbage cabbage cabbage
      • How to start growing cauliflower in a greenhouse
      • 4 stages, how and when, to sow cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse
      • What kind of plant cabbage inGreenhouse
      • Different ways to grow Peking cabbage in a greenhouse( video)

Doing our own greenhouses for cabbage seedlings

All-year-round cultivation of Peking cabbage will require a suitable greenhouse onPlace. In principle, the greenhouse is also suitable for the cultivation of cabbage such as white and colored, other vegetables, berries and greens.

Greenhouse for cabbage seedlings can be made from polyethylene The greenhouse for cabbage seedlings can be made from polyethylene

There are several types of greenhouses:

  • The best option is the construction of glass and polycarbonate, because they have insulated walls, and polycarbonate, Winter does not sink under the snow;
  • For use all year round, a combined structure with foam walls and polycarbonate roofing is also suitable;
  • Semi-subterranean type of greenhouse - excavated trench with a roof erected above it, sufficient depth allows the ground not to freeze, but it will require lighting and high-quality waterproofing in case of flooding with groundwater.

Based on all the above, the most common and convenient is a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, which you can build yourself.

For construction, the strip foundation is most often chosen, it is best to make a masonry made of stone or concrete for structural stability. As a frame, you can use metal profiles - they are safer than wood and more weighted than aluminum.

First put vertical beams, after which the rear and front walls are erected. The structure is fixed by welding.

You can cover the frame with sheet polycarbonate, for this there is a certain technology. All gaps are carefully sealed. Now you need to equip the room.

How to start growing cauliflower in a greenhouse

The composition and structure of the soil is very important for the cultivation of a Peking salad. It's good to plant it in the ground, where before it was grown tomatoes, cucumbers or zucchini.

The plant does not like acidic soil, but it feels fine on the ground with a neutral composition.

Before planting a plant, you can fertilize the soil with humus, lime, a small amount of potassium sulphate and even a bird litter.

When growing cauliflower in a greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain optimum humidity of air When growing cauliflower in a greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain optimum air humidity

In order to grow cauliflower and other vegetables throughout the year, you need to consider the arrangement of the following equipment in the greenhouse:

  • Heating devices may be different- hot piping, convectors, appliances, emitting infrared light;
  • No less important is the lighting that determines how fast seed sowing will come - for this purpose, LED strips or ordinary fluorescent lamps, evenly distributed over beds or boxes with crops, will fit;
  • In addition, an effective irrigation system will be required, it is better to choose an automatic system to avoid over-wetting and over-drying.

It should be borne in mind that even in cold winter time a warm greenhouse will have to be ventilated - the air should not stagnate. You can make special transoms and windows in advance or carry out simple ventilation.

4 stages, how and when, to sow cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse

Pre-seed seedlings should be soaked. You can sow them in open ground or peat cups. Many prefer boxes.

To do this:

  • Mix the seeds with sand;
  • The earth in the box is moistened abundantly and is made in it by shallow furrows of 1.5 cm with intervals of 10 cm;
  • Sand covered with seeds;
  • Cautious watering and furrows are poured over the soil.

Find out when to sow cabbage for seedling, you can by reading the information on the back of the package with seeds Find out when to plant cabbage for seedlings by reading the information on the back of the

seed package. If the selected variety does not tolerate picking, the seeds should be planted immediately in peat cups. Despite the fact that it takes too much time, shoots will be stronger and stronger.

Planting can also be done in the ground, then the sowing should be done in boxes, but the distance between the furrows should be no less than 20-25 cm. For the later varieties, the intervals are about 35 cm.

In general, Varieties. Spring species are planted in early March, autumn - in mid-July and early August. We must not forget to cover the planted seeds with a special film for the greenhouses.

Once the seedlings appear, they should be dived, after their formation the plants are placed in a warmed and composted soil. Almost a month later, the head is already ripening and can be cut.

What kind of plant to plant cabbage in a greenhouse

In the conditions of the middle strip, early Peking cabbage is planted only in greenhouses. However, late, autumn and middle-ripening varieties can also be successfully grown in a greenhouse, and taking several crops a year.

An excellent solution is the planting in a greenhouse of cauliflower varieties Tsarevna An excellent solution is to plant green cabbage cultivar in the greenhouse. Princess

The most common species among truckers:

  • "Yuki" - gives an early harvest, the variety is not susceptible to most plant diseases;
  • "Granat" - a vegetable with a dense head, growing to 2.5 kg, medium-sized crop;
  • "Mandarin Orange" - a small head with a weight of 1 kg, ripens in 40 days, in addition, this species is cold-resistant and can be grown in an unheated greenhouse;
  • "Vesnyanka" is an early ripening variety, a salad plant that can form and mature in 35 days;
  • The middle-ripening species "Cha-Cha" - high-quality and large crop yield can be obtained after 50 days, the weight of the head is up to 2.8 kg.

Different ways to grow Peking cabbage in a greenhouse( video)

In general, care for shoots of lettuce is not particularly difficult. It is important during the time to deal with weeding, loosening and watering the soil, not allowing it to dry out. And in order for plants to stay healthy, lime should be added to the pit for planting. All the charm lies in the fact that unlike ordinary white cabbage, the harvest of Peking cabbage can be obtained up to 3-4 times a year.

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