Eggplants and peppers in one greenhouse: plant and grow, plant pepper together

To grow peppers and aubergines in one greenhouse, you do not need to have any experience to grow peppers and eggplant in a greenhouse, it is not necessary to have any experience Representatives of classical horticultural school argue that the eggplant and peppers in a greenhouse to grow impossible. For decades, with this statement, no one even tried to argue, but everything changed with the development of agricultural technology. Today, even in a small greenhouse, you can get a good harvest of both crops without any problems. The main thing is to remember a few important nuances.

    • recommended to plant peppers and eggplant in a greenhouse after preparation
    • understand the nuances: whether it is possible to plant the peppers and eggplant in a greenhouse
    • Independently grow peppers and eggplant in a greenhouse: determine readiness
    • seedlings finalstage: the cultivation of pepper and eggplant in a greenhouse
    • landing eggplant and peppers in a greenhouse( video)

recommended to plant peppers and eggplant in a greenhouse after preparation

To begin with it is necessary to choose which type of seedling is planned to be planted in the greenhouse. Gardeners with experience give preference to independent germination, and beginners - options presented in the trade network.

Regardless of the final choice, future vegetables need to be properly prepared. First of all, the emphasis is on mandatory hardening, otherwise a good harvest can not be expected.

Plant peppers and eggplants in the greenhouse should be on separate beds Planting eggplants and peppers in the greenhouse should be on separate beds

Quenching is better to conduct in that moment until the seed stored in temporary cups. In this case, you can fully prepare the seed material to the open ground.

further procedure is as follows:

  • Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse must gradually lower the temperature to 17 degrees;
  • It is recommended that the first 9 days reduce the temperature only during daylight hours;
  • As soon as there is no more than 4 days left until the time of disembarkation, it is also necessary to lower t at night;
  • Gradual reduction of intensity and quantity of irrigation;
  • For 10-15 minutes during daylight, the seedlings must be placed in the sun for hardening.

A summerman should remember that eggplants and peppers require mandatory hardening. This requirement applies fully to the greenhouse. Therefore, the temperature inside the building decreases. Do not forget about the need to gradually reduce the number of watering and fertilizing.

We are sorting out the nuances: can peppers and eggplants be planted in one greenhouse

As soon as the seedlings are left in the open ground for up to 15 days before planting, the gardener should consider carrying out the necessary prevention in such cases. Mostly it concerns all kinds of ailments and pests.

Even if there are no outbreaks of all sorts of horticultural problems in the region, this can not be a reason for complacency.

If the greenhouse is small, then it is not recommended to plant tall tall eggplants If the greenhouse is small, then it is not recommended to plant tall aubergines

Peppers and eggplants are inherently sensitive to very sensitive vegetables. Even a small mistake can destroy all hope of a good harvest.

Based on the information collected over many years, the following recommendations have been developed:

  • With the help of a weak solution of Bordeaux, seedling processing is carried out;
  • If it was not found, the plantings are treated with copper sulphate dissolved in 5 liters of warm water;
  • To carry out top dressing with mineral fertilizers;
  • As an alternative, sodium humate is used;
  • 72 hours before the planting time in the open ground seedlings should be properly watered.

Protection of landings from pests, diseases and colds is the main concern of the summer resident. It is necessary to pre-process the planting material. It is necessary to rely on the characteristics of the soil and the features of the purchased seedlings.

We independently grow peppers and eggplant in a greenhouse: we determine the availability of seedlings

The minimum required height of the planting material should be at least 20 cm. If the seedlings do not reach the specified value, it is impossible to fully cultivate in the open ground. In addition to the size, it is necessary to plant only those seedlings that have at least 8-10 full-leaf leaves.

It is not superfluous to pay attention to the thickness of the stem, the width of which should not be less than 20 cm.

As an additional detail, indicating the possibility of planting, the number of full-grown leaves on a thick stem is used. It is best to move the seedlings, when they appear at least 7 real sheets.

After planting the seedlings, it should be watered a little

In addition, the following practical tips will help in the work:

  • Carry out a test to determine the degree of acidity and fertility of the soil;
  • Grow both cultures, it is recommended only in abundantly primed soils;
  • To transplant seedlings into the open ground it is necessary not later than the beginning of May, when a stable positive temperature is established on the street;
  • Put pepper and eggplant together at a temperature of at least +19 degrees inside the hotbed.

Pepper and eggplant are very demanding at the time. It concerns transplants from temporary "houses" to a permanent home. It is necessary to monitor the temperature, the level of acidity and the degree of fertility of the soil.

The final step: the cultivation of pepper and eggplant in one greenhouse

The further attention of the grower is directed to the preparation of the soil itself. In the middle band, it is necessary to form a fertile layer. To do this, it is required to make one bucket of peat brown and sifted river sand. In addition, it is necessary to add compost and sawdust in the ratio 1: 1.The situation is more complicated if in the greenhouse we are talking about sandy soil.

Correctly plant peppers and eggplants in this case will help pre-introduced 2 buckets of compost.

To improve the quality of fruits, plants should be fertilized and mulched To improve the quality of the fruit, the plants should be fertilized and mulched

Some guidance for beginners and gardeners with the experience will be as follows:

  • Plowing the land - this helps get rid of pest larvae;
  • Align and compact each bed;
  • Make indentations, the size of which is 10x15 cm;
  • A concentrated solution of Mullein is poured into each of them.
  • For every square meter of soil, a mixture of ash, potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate must be introduced.

Planting eggplants and peppers in one greenhouse( video)

Growing two contradictory, at first glance, cultures is possible even in a small greenhouse. First you need to choose the right grade of pepper and eggplant. After this, the planting material is grafted and hardened. Properly prepare and need soil, or the future harvest will be a victim of attack pests or numerous diseases. It is not superfluous to recall the normalized watering and feeding.

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