How many times to water the greenhouse: the time of watering in the morning and in the evening, what regime and methods, the first week for seedlings

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Virtually every plant species requires its own watering regime Almost every plant species requires its own irrigation regime Some plants require frequent irrigation during the day, while others need only be watered once a day, and even less often. Most often, in a greenhouse grow cucumbers and tomatoes, which require different moisturizing. More details about watering - below.

      • Optimal watering time in the greenhouse
      • Do you need to water the plants in the greenhouse in the morning and in the evening
      • The correct watering mode in the greenhouse
      • What time to water the plants in the greenhouse
      • How to water:(Video)

Optimum watering time in the greenhouse

When growing crops such as cucumbers, you need to create certain conditions for them in terms of temperature and humidity. It is not necessary to allow very strong moistening of the soil and to overdry the soil.

The frequency of irrigation depends largely on the ambient temperature The frequency of irrigation depends largely on the ambient temperature

For this, it should be watered according to certain rules:

  1. To maintain optimum humidity, when it's hot and sunny outside, you should water the crops in the greenhouse2 times a day - in the morning, when the heat has not yet arrived, and also in the evening after 17 hours.
  2. If the weather is overcast and not very hot, you can water the crops once a day in the morning or in the evening. If cucumbers are grown in the greenhouse and the beginning of summer, they should be watered in the morning, and when the nights are warmer, it is possible in the evening.
  3. If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, they are watered only in the morning, about an hour after 2 after sunrise and only with warm water. If there is no such possibility, then it is possible to water the greenhouses and later about 8-9 o'clock in the morning.

Some gardeners and truck farmers to install the necessary watering mode, install automatic systems that greatly facilitate the procedure. The automation can be programmed, and assign different times.

Some systems allow you to adjust the watering of plants every day at different times.

Thanks to the system, you can practically not care about watering plants in the greenhouse, just need to periodically check everything and adjust according to weather conditions. Automation is convenient only if the plants are already large, and when the seedlings are only planted, it is worth pouring crops only manually.

Is it necessary to water plants in the greenhouse in the morning and in the evening?

. In Russia, there are a large number of truck farmers who have different opinions and different methods of watering plants grown in a greenhouse. Some say that you can water plants only in the morning, others only in the evening, and still others that water should be 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening. It is possible to disassemble this dispute on the basis of advice and recommendations. The most optimal time for irrigation is the afternoon

Watering in the greenhouse in the morning is good:

  • Because it does not increase the humidity level in the greenhouse;
  • During the day, ventilation occurs;
  • The air remains relatively dry;
  • Water, which is used for watering from barrels, can be cooled down overnight, which can adversely affect some types of plants and seedlings.

Watering in the evening is also possible, and the water has time to warm up during the day, but in the evening and at night, the moisture does not evaporate so intensely, and the humidity in the greenhouse rises, and condensation may form in the morning.

High humidity can lead to different plant diseases.

Some gardeners perform watering of plants in the afternoon before the evening and, perhaps, this is the best option for watering, as the water already has enough time to heat up in the tanks and there is also enough time for airing the greenhouse.

The correct watering mode in the greenhouse

Watering vegetables is one of the most important processes when growing them. It is important to follow the rules of irrigation, since lack of water in the soil, as well as its excess, can lead to problems with plants. Watering plants depends on what crops are grown in the greenhouse. So, for example, when growing cucumbers and tomatoes, you should water them in a certain way.

Pre-heated water for irrigation contributes to better development of plants Pre-heated water for irrigation promotes better development of plants

Before planting tomatoes in a permanent place in the greenhouse:

  • Pour about 1 liter of water into the wells;
  • Due to this, the root system develops better;
  • After landing, the watering of tomatoes stops for several days;
  • After that, the tomatoes are again watered at a rate of 24-29 liters per 1 m2.

When flowers begin to form, watering the plants is reduced, if watering is abundant, the plant will begin to increase the green mass. When fruits are formed, irrigation is again increased to 3-6 liters per each bush. When tomatoes begin to ripen, watering plants should also be reduced, as with abundant watering, the fruits will be less resistant to a variety of infections. If cucumbers are grown, they are watered fairly moderately before flowering, 3.5-4.5 liters of water per m2, and when flowering starts, water the cucumbers more abundantly at the rate of 7-13 liters of water per 1 m2, every 1.5-3, 5 days.

Traditionally, watering during the growth of cucumbers is performed in the morning preferably up to 10 am.

When the cucumber starts to bear fruit, the watering is transferred to the evening time. In hot weather, water the cucumber 2 times in the morning and in the evening, cloudy once a day. When growing peppers, they are watered in the heat once a day, and if the weather is moderately hot, then it is enough to water the plants 2 times a week.

At what time to water the plants in the greenhouse

Successful cultivation of plants is simply unthinkable without proper watering and if a person wants to get at least some amount of crop, it is necessary to provide for each plant a certain level of humidity, both land and air. To achieve this, it is necessary to comply with certain irrigation rates, while water must have a certain temperature, because this also affects the development of plants. Especially important is the water temperature for plants such as cucumber, since watering with cold water, this is a real shock for plants. Best of all, the first watering of plants to produce depending on the culture grown in the afternoon before the evening, but at the same time, there are certain features.

To significantly facilitate the work truck farmers will help install the irrigation system The installation of the

greatly facilitates the work of gardeners. If the cold night is predicted, it is necessary to irrigate the plants, in particular cucumbers, in the morning. During the day, moisture will have time to evaporate, and there will be no high humidity in the cold air in the greenhouse. If it is predicted to be a hot sunny day, then you need to water the plants 2 times a day, in the morning, while the sun does not become hot, and in the evening, after the fall of the day's heat. Such watering will allow the soil to be sufficiently moistened, and the plants will feel comfortable.

The best that every gardener can do is to install an automatic plant irrigation system, where moisture can flow directly to the roots of the plants( drip irrigation system), and such a system can be adjusted for certain watering hours of plants. It can be done so that moisture comes to the plants once a week, but it is more relevant to certain plant species that successfully tolerate a lack of watering and moisture in the soil.

How to water a greenhouse( video)

How many times to water a greenhouse, each gardener decides himself, but, nevertheless, should heed the recommendations written above, and this will get a good harvest of a variety of crops grownIn the garden.

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