each spring to all vegetable growers is the question of how to choose the best varieties, and opt for planting in the greenhouse: harvest, or harvest the most high-yielding. The answer to this question can be found below.
- determines which tomatoes the most fruitful for the greenhouse
- ripening and harvest for greenhouse tomato varieties
- One of the most high-yielding varieties of tomatoes for
- greenhouses delicious yellow tomatoes for greenhouses
- Overview: which varietiestomato very fruitful for greenhouses( video)
- yielding varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses( photo examples)
determines what the best harvest tomatoes for greenhouses
Top superurozhaynye rubbishand tomato - is tall. They are called indeterminate. These varieties have a large number of ovaries. In this case, during the ripening of fruits, flowering and plant growth are possible. Flowering often continues under suitable conditions - heating the greenhouse and additional lighting.
The most productive varieties are:
- Evpator F1;
- Budenivka;
- Pink elephant;
- Blagovest F1;
- Mikado pink.
Evpator F1 varieties yield was 40 kg per 1 m 2 .He is indeterminate and light-loving. Red heart-shaped fruit Budyonovka tomato, reaching 350 grams, used in fresh form. A tall bush gives 9 kg of tomatoes per 1 m of 2 .The only disadvantage of this variety is that there is no evidence of resistance to various diseases.
Early-maturing and yielding varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses
Not super, the usual yield gives determinant varieties. They are designed for a certain number of flowers, after the appearance of which, the plant stops growing and dies. In a greenhouse, it is necessary to prune shoots in such varieties.
Yield varieties include such varieties as:
- Taly F1;
- Russian size;
- Master F1;
- Pink honey;
- The Black Prince;
- Baby F1.
Tomaty varieties Talitsa F1 are hybrid. They are resistant to fungal lesions and excess moisture. The weight of one tomato is 125 g. The fruit itself is round, dense. From the plant you can get up to 20 kg. Their purpose is conservation.
Black Prince used fresh, as well as for the manufacture of juice.
Variety Pink honey is very productive. One fruit can reach 700 g. From tomatoes prepare juice, sauce, ketchup. Plants do not react to temperature changes, fruits do not crack. The variety is short. The taste of tomatoes has good reviews.
The baby F1 is preserved and salted. On the 50-centimeter bush many fruits on average 50-70 g. The Russian size is used fresh. Each brush has 3 large fetuses. Master F1 is the earliest and most productive of varieties, and one of the most fertile among the rest. There are 6-8 fruits on the brush.
One of the most high-yielding varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses
breeders are constantly working on improving the appearance of old and new varieties. For example, new varieties of Sibiryak F1, Ural F1, Shaolin F1 were introduced. Fruits of the variety Sibiryak F1 reach 2.8 kg. The average size of the fetus is about 1.5 kg. They are flat-rounded, smooth, have a pleasant aroma and dessert taste. Ural F1 - a variety for regions such as the Urals and Udmurtia, used for salads. About 25 flat fruits have 1 plant. The weight of the fruit is 350 g. Shaolin F1 is a very delicious sort for salads, fruits - up to 400 g. The yield is average, about 9.5 kg per bush.
There are a lot of high-yielding varieties, and among them it is necessary to note varieties:
- DeBarao;
- Intuition F1;
- Kostroma F1;
- Rosemary F1;
- Chio-chio-san, etc.
Tomatoes of De-Barao can be used for preservation and pickling. It grows in different climatic conditions, even with cool air and lack of lighting. The variety is represented by red, pink, gold and black shades, there are also low yellow. Weight of the fruit 68 g, have a thick skin and dense flesh. The height of the bush is 2.5 m, and the yield is 7-12 kg. The De-Barao variety can be called super-yielding, since the crop yield for some is 30 kg, and the record value is 70 kg. A variety of DeBarao red, along with a hybrid of Ivanhoe F1, are able to achieve yields in excess of 20 kg. Hybrid Ivanhoe F1 resembles grapes in appearance. The fruits are bright and red, are very tasty, suitable for salads.
Tomato is very resistant to diseases.
A very tasty variety. Rosemary F1 has smooth fruits around 390 g. An ideal salad comes from these fruits.1 plant is able to give 11 kg of tomatoes.
Intuition F1 has round, smooth fruits weighing more than 95 g. This variety is preserved and consumed in fresh form. One plant gives about 5 kg. Approximately the same yield for Tomato Kostroma F1.It has additional advantages over others: resistance to viruses and vagaries of weather. The rounded fruits of the mid-term hybrid weigh 150 g.
The branches of the pink, plum-shaped tomato Cio-Chio-San include 50 fruits each. The weight of tomato is 40 g. On the whole plant, approximately 4 kg of vegetables. For freshly cut salads, as well as conservation, a short variety of Verlioka F1 is used. The harvest of its round fruits is 5 kg. One fetus weighs about 95 g.
Kamchatka F1 reaches a height of 1.5 m. Round fruits reach up to 144 g. The species is resistant to viruses. Productivity - 6,8 kg with 1 bush.
Tomko Semko-Sinbad F1 weighs about 95 grams, in inflorescence - 8 red fruits. The average yield is about 9.9 kg per 1 m2.
Tasty yellow tomatoes for greenhouses
Yellow tomatoes can be eaten for allergic people, children, people who are on a diet. They are rich in many useful microelements and vitamins, which allow supplementing the daily diet.
For greenhouses suitable varieties of yellow tomatoes, such as:
- Persimmon;
- Koenigsberg gold;
- Amber cup;
- Orange;
- Honey drop, etc.
The Persimmon variety is medium to medium height. The weight of the fruit is from 150 to 600 g. One bush can share 2.8-3.9 kg of fruit. Fruits are round, flattened. Koenigsberg gold has elongated fruit. The height of the bush is 2 m, the yield is up to 3 buckets of tomatoes. Plants do not require special care, fertilization is necessary.
Grade Amber cup is characterized by early maturation of fruits( up to 90-120 g), increased resistance to diseases, remarkable resistance to high temperature. The bush reaches 1,7 m. The fruits of the variety Orange weigh 350 g, the height of the plant is 1.4 m. The weight of the fruit of the honey drop is 130 g. It has a pear-shaped form. The height of the Azooshka plant is 1.8-2 m, the Altai orange 1.6 - 1.8 m, the Piglet sucker up to 2 m.
Overview: what kinds of tomatoes are the most productive for greenhouses( video)
Thus, when choosingVarieties of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses must take into account such features as the ability to grow with an insufficient source of light, high humidity, sudden temperature changes, high yield in a limited space, resistance to disease. Perhaps, in the next year, these varieties will be replaced by others with higher yields and improved taste qualities.