Diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse photo and treatment: struggle for tomatoes, caterpillars eat polycarbonate, pests and diseases

Diseases of tomatoes are caused by viral and fungal pathogens Tomato Diseases caused by viral and fungal pathogens Tomato - one of the most popular vegetables. He was recognized thanks to his bright taste, wide vitamin and mineral complex, universality of application. Therefore, practically on each site, today, one or several varieties of this vegetable can be found. But growing tomatoes in greenhouses is not so simple: the culture is susceptible to many diseases, when detected which should be acted immediately. What diseases and pests can cause significant harm to tomato and how to save seedlings - read below!

    • diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse polycarbonate Causes
    • dangerous disease of tomatoes in the greenhouse and treated
    • Disease Control tomato greenhouse improvised means
    • who eats tomatoes in
    • greenhouse caterpillars on tomatoes ingreenhouse
    • Common diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse and their treatment( video)

diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse polycarbonate causes

Any disease prevention is better than cure. To protect seedlings, you should know why these or other diseases occur. So, most of the disease affects plants because the seeds for seedlings have not undergone proper pre-sowing treatment( dressing, disinfection, hardening).

Before sowing tomato seeds should be carefully selected, treated with solutions of potassium permanganate, hydrochloric acid.

Often tomato diseases associated with the violation of plant cultivation conditions: high humidity and temperature, which are the ideal environment for the development of disease-causing organisms, proximity to potentially dangerous cultures. With a lack of moisture, tomatoes dump all their flowers and small fruits, the stems acquire a yellowish hue, they can twist.

Diseases of tomatoes can be associated with a violation of the conditions of plant cultivation diseases of tomatoes may be associated with impaired

plant cultivation conditions for planting in the greenhouse polycarbonate important to choose hybrid varieties of tomatoes: they are genes that are resistant to the most common greenhouse diseases of tomatoes are well tolerated in the lack of moisture, and someAre able to tie even in extreme heat.

Tomatoes may suffer from disembarkation on unsuitable soil. It should be remembered that tomatoes can be planted on the same soil where the nightshade( potatoes, peppers) did not grow earlier than in a few years. The best predecessors for a tomato will be perennial grasses, annual wheat, beans. In addition, the cause of the development of gray rot can be acidic soils in the greenhouse.

Protection of seedlings from damage caused by fungal and viral diseases includes the replacement of soil in the greenhouse, cultivation of the soil.

Also tomatoes suffer from improper or excessive fertilization: an abundance of fertilizer in the soil can lead to the twisting of plant leaves "in the tube".In addition, plants can begin to "fatten": direct all nutrients to thickenings and development of the stem, the growth of shoots, and not fruits. The lack of nutrients in the soil( for example, potassium) can lead to the fact that plants will give unpalatable fruit.

dangerous disease of tomatoes in the greenhouse and treated

What to do if tomato, despite all precautions are sick?First, you should study the symptoms, and determine the type of disease. Next - to proceed to immediate resuscitation of seedlings: many diseases can be successfully cured at the initial stage without significant losses.

If the first symptoms of a plant If the first symptoms of a plant disease appear, it is necessary to take immediate measures.

The following common diseases of tomatoes in protected soil are distinguished:

  1. Fusarium or Fusarium wilt. The disease affects fruits, stem and leaves, and even flowers of tomatoes, is able to completely destroy all the seedlings in just 2-4 days. For the treatment of fusariosis, fungicides should be used, the affected plants removed.
  2. Late blight .The disease affects green fruits, leaves and stems. Treat phytophthora with an aqueous solution of calcium chloride( 1%), Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Anthraciosis .When the disease on the fruit, watery spots form, which darkens with time. Vegetables become bitter and lose an attractive appearance. Treatment involves the removal of affected plants, the use of fungicides against tomato patches.

Cladosporium, mold, rot are treated using the whole complex phytosanitary, agronomic and chemical methods: crop rotation, the collection and destruction of infected plants, maintaining the optimal level of humidity and temperature( avoid sudden changes in temperature in the daytime and at night, increasing the air humidityIn more than 70%), spraying the plants with the same fungicides as against the phytophthora.

Disease Control tomato greenhouse improvised means

fight against diseases of tomatoes can be made only by means of chemical compounds: in the early stages of the disease a good result given the means at hand.

So often, gardeners have resorted to using tomato treatment:

  1. garlic tincture. This drug helps fight fusariosis. Prepare the solution as follows: 100 grams of the plant is ground and poured into a bucket of water, left for 24 hours, after which add a gram of potassium salt of manganic acid to the tincture.
  2. Skim milk and urea. This tool is used to treat plants infected with tobacco mosaic virus. To prepare the composition, the milk is diluted 1:10 with water, after which a teaspoon of urea is added to the solution. Painful bushes are watered with a solution once a day.

Fighting tomato disease can be done with the help of folk remedies struggle with diseases of tomatoes, you can use folk remedies

Gardeners of the southern regions during the summer may be faced with such a problem as the overheating of the plants. With an increased temperature regime( 35-40 ° C), pollen of tomatoes becomes sterile, and leaves, flowers, ovaries and buds fall off, while the fruits disappear( white, burns, cracks appear on them).

Reseat tomatoes that are "burned" by adjusting the temperature in the greenhouse, and saturating the air in the hotbed with carbon dioxide. This can be done with dry ice( 10-20 grams per cubic meter), a container filled to half with fermentable manure and water.

who eats tomatoes in the greenhouse

The quality and quantity of tomato crops and pests affect which often remain to winter in the greenhouse. If the tomatoes in the greenhouse began to wither, and in the fruits there were holes that rot, then pests came to the greenhouse.

The whitefly and the bear are dangerous pests eating tomatoes Whitefly and cricket - dangerous pests, eating tomatoes

most common, dangerous pests that eat tomatoes:

  1. Whitefly .White midge is dangerous because of its high population. Fight with a pest can be with the help of chemicals, smoke and sulfur beads, planting umbellate plants that attract insects eating whitefly.
  2. The is basically a tomato root and a lower part of the stem. The insect is removed by chemical treatments, the smell of kerosene and a bite, and the landing in the greenhouse of chrysanthemums.

On the outside, fruit, usually gnaws a snail or slug. Fight them with the help of the drug "Slizneeid."Often tomatoes eat caterpillar, whose population is killed by the onset of cold weather( autumn period).However, the pest can affect the quality of the fruit and yield.

Caterpillars on tomatoes in the greenhouse

Caterpillar-scoop is a dangerous, voracious pest of tomatoes. The development of the insect coincides with the period of fruiting of tomatoes. Determine the presence of a pest in the greenhouse can be by perforated fruit.

Caterpillars shovels eat tomato fruit, which can lead to decay of vegetables.

Broken tomatoes indicate that a caterpillar caterpillar has wound up in the greenhouse Broken tomatoes indicate that the caterpillar has been crawling in the greenhouse

With a scoop fight with the help of such tools as "Tsitkor", "Leptocyte".Apply them before planting the plants, in early June. After - the use of chemicals is not recommended. In this case, the damaged plants must necessarily be cleaned and burned to destroy the pupae of the insect.

In order to prevent the appearance of a scoop, it is always necessary to remove plant residues from the greenhouse after harvest( this will deprive the scoop of food and stop its reproduction), and conduct soil cultivation.

Common diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse and their treatment( video)

Growing tomatoes is a rather complicated process that involves not only organizing the most optimal conditions for plants in the greenhouse and careful care for tomato bushes, but also, in which case, treatmentSeedlings from viral and fungal diseases, pests. Today, there are many diseases that can destroy all the seedlings in a matter of days. Knowing what is different about a disease, what measures to treat tomatoes should be taken, you can save the harvest, saving your strength and time to plant new plants!

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