How to form cucumbers in the greenhouse video: caring for the bushes and the scheme is correct, the cucumber to form from polycarbonate

Having correctly formed cucumbers in a greenhouse, you can significantly improve the quality of the crop made the proper formation of cucumber in the greenhouse, it is possible to significantly improve crop quality Today, almost all gardeners know that without the formation of clusters is hardly possible to obtain a large and a good harvest. The formation of the bush should be started as early as possible, since it determines the correct growth of plants and the formation of fruits on them. Too violent growth of cucumbers can lead to various diseases of plants, as well as to the fact that the fruits simply will not be able to ripen."How to form cucumbers in a greenhouse," - advise professionals.

    • cucumbers in greenhouses: the departure and shaping bush
    • forming circuit cucumbers in greenhouses
    • Methods of forming cucumbers in greenhouses
    • How to form the cucumbers in greenhouses
    • How to form cucumbers in greenhouses polycarbonate
    • As
    • form in a greenhouse cucumbers( video)
    • Examples formation in the greenhouse cucumbers( photo)

cucumbers in greenhouses: the departure and shaping bush

Proper forming bush provideActive formation of fruits, their pouring and maturation. If cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, then there can be no question that the growth of the plant was neglected. If greenery is rampant in the greenhouse, it means that the harvest will be poor, since all the nutrients will go to the growth of extra leaves and ovaries.

Methods of picking cucumbers differ in the type of plant variety: short-fruited and self-pollinated and hybrid varieties.

You can form both tied cucumbers, and those that lie on the ground Form can be both Squirting cucumber, as well as those that lie on the ground

Each individual lash is formed differently. That is why gardener trusted the procedure of pinching only professionals who chose the method, based on the size and characteristics of the development of plants of a particular variety. The main prischipka usually occurred over the seventh or ninth real leaf, the lateral - "over the cucumber".

modern formation of the bushes:

  1. main stem at the cucumber hybrids modern pinch out only after they have reached and will be above the level of the upper horizontal trellis.
  2. When the main stem reaches the required length, the lateral branches are completely removed in the five lower nodes. In the first three branches, it is necessary to remove female flowers. Thanks to this, the sheets will grow large and healthy, which will help plants to yield a rich harvest.
  3. The prickling of the lateral branches is made above the fifth sheet at the bottom of the plant to proceed according to the scheme: first - above the first sheet, then - above the second and above the third. Upper shoots run through the upper trellises, lowered down and a pinch procedure is made. All this is done when the plant reaches a length of at least 70 cm.

Over time, the wilted leaves will appear on the lower parts of the plant, which will need to be removed. You need to do this very carefully, so as not to damage the healthy stem. It is important that after the procedure, no petioles remain. Side shoots must also be removed, when they are completely rid of the greens.

The scheme of cucumber formation in the greenhouse

The successful formation of bushes largely depends on the experience of the gardener. Many do not know how the bush is formed and with what regularity they take care of it. Cucumber bush can be formed in different ways.

Schemes for the formation of cucumbers can be downloaded on the Internet and for ease of use print on the printer Scheme formation of cucumber can be downloaded from the Internet, and for ease of use to print out

Selecting the method for the formation depends on the cultivar, the method of its planting, its size and area of ​​the most greenhouse.

Many gardeners adhere to the classical pattern of stem formation. With the growing of cucumbers, every vegetable grower acquires his own secrets of planting and growing plants, improves the technology of forming shrubs. It is important that all actions are coordinated, and, most importantly, systematic.

Classical scheme:

  • Tie the plants to the trellis or wire support a few weeks after the planting.
  • Form the plant in one main stem, retaining the lateral branches. The lower nodes need to be "blinded", that is, to remove flowers and shoots from them. This applies to the sinuses of the first four leaves.
  • Leave 5 to 6 lateral shoots and pinch the tops. It is important to keep up to 20 cm of length from each branch.
  • Leave the shoots, reached from 30 to 40 cm, to pinch their tops.
  • Above, where the bush is tied, leave side shoots that have reached a length of 50 cm. They are fixed with a support twine.

The main escape should be shifted through the trellis. It is a horizontal support made of wire. The top of the main shoot is plucked when it reaches from 60 to 70 cm.

Techniques for forming cucumbers in a greenhouse

In order to grow healthy cucumbers and get a rich and healthy harvest of cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to have some knowledge of agronomy. Cultivation of plants in conditions of closed ground is based on the formation of female flowers and activation of their growth, which increases only with a fairly active branching of shoots. But the main stem is usually occupied by male flowers.

It is possible to form a bush correctly with the help of the agrotechnical procedure of pinching, which will allow to increase the harvest volumes several times.

Forming cucumbers in a greenhouse is recommended using scissors It is recommended to form cucumbers in the greenhouse with the help of scissors

The procedure for the formation of bushes will be inappropriate when growing cucumbers in the open ground. But in the greenhouse plants need constant care. It is very important to give proper attention to the garter of plants.

Techniques for forming shrubs of plants of different kinds:

  • Hybrid and bee-dusted small-fruited varieties of cucumbers are planted on a vertical trellis in one stem. When the plant reaches the top of the trellis, pinch the main stem. In the sinuses of the three leaves remove the lateral shoots and flowers in the sinuses.
  • Long-fruited and other hybrid varieties are formed by removing all female blossoms and lateral weaves in the sinuses of the first 3 real leaves. The main stem is plucked at the level of the third or fourth sheet. Shoots that appeared in the sinuses of the upper leaves, lowered down and pinch at a level of one meter.

Pinching can not be done chaotically, it is important to know which period is the most favorable. It is best to do a pinching with already formed eight or nine real leaflets. In this case, removal of lateral branches in this period should be done completely. The shoots that reached the wire are plucked into two or three sheets.

How to form cucumbers in a greenhouse

To unload a bush from unnecessary ovaries, you need to properly form a bush. Cultivation of cucumbers assumes regularity of this procedure, since the root system of the plant can not provide too many leaves and ovaries with the necessary useful substances. If you do not, the fruits will eventually suffer.

All cucumbers in the greenhouse must be tied up without exception. For this, the twine must be strong and should not slip.

It is important to take into account that the stem will become thicker with time, therefore the loop should be as free as possible. Garter should not be stretched too, because during vibrations of the trellis the plant can be damaged. As the stem grows upward, it must be turned clockwise.

When forming cucumbers, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the cultivated variety When forming cucumbers, it is worth considering the characteristics of the cultivated variety

Advice on forming:

  • Dried leaves and systematically cut with a sharp knife.
  • Regularly thin out bushes.
  • Monitor the condition of the cucumber liana.

Following the simple rules will allow you to get a rich and healthy harvest. All procedures are best performed in dry weather, so that plant wounds quickly tighten and dry up. Plants need to be planted at a sufficient distance from each other.

How to form cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse

If a varietal or hybrid cucumber does not require formation in the open ground, then in a greenhouse such a procedure is mandatory. Particular attention should be given to the variety of hybrid parthenocarpic cucumbers. Octyabrina Ganichkina, an experienced vegetable grower, gives advice on how to best shape shrubs.

When forming shrubs, it is important to pay attention to the variety of cucumbers - this will determine the care of plants.

It is especially interesting to look after plants of bouquet type. Hybrid cucumbers give a healthy and rich harvest. However, it should be remembered that their seeds can not be sown for several years.

Before you start the formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse, it is worth to study the advice of professionals and watch the training video Before starting to form cucumbers in the greenhouse, it is worth to study the advice of professionals and watch the training video

The best varieties of hybrid cucumbers F1:

  • Courage;
  • Zozulya;
  • Farmer;
  • German;
  • Alphabet

Care for cucumbers must be regular. If we allow the growth of plants, the fruits will cease to grow, pour and ripen. It is important to support the root system of plants by timely cutting off excess sheets and ovaries.

How to form cucumbers in a greenhouse( video)

The formation of cucumbers is an important stage that can not be ignored. Correctly formed shrubs will give a healthy and abundant harvest. This is the only reason why bushes need to be systematically plucked and to ensure that the bush receives nutrients. If the plant grows too much, then the formation and ripening of the fruit will cease. Methods of formation depend on the type of tomatoes and conditions in the greenhouse. Examples

formation in the greenhouse cucumbers( photo)

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