main purpose of greenhouse design - creating a comfortable environment for the growth of plants during adverse conditions outside the greenhouse. In the greenhouse you can grow: vegetables, fruits, berries, greens, flowers. If there is a desire to grow vegetable crops all year round or create a winter garden with marvelous flowers, the key to success is to make the proper heating of the hothouse structure.
- warm greenhouse: natural heating
- How to insulate a greenhouse: natural fuel
- Electric heating: heating greenhouses with their hands
- heating greenhouses: Reviews of IR systems
- simple version: heating greenhouses pipe
- How to make a warm greenhouse: stove and gas heating
- heating greenhouses with their own hands( video)
warm greenhouse: natural heating
heated, not to invest a lot of finance. Among the possible ways of heating the greenhouse, the simplest, most economical, environmentally friendly and at the same time effective, as the calculation has shown, is the heating by the sun.
However, this method has several drawbacks :
- energy of sunlight is necessary to convert.
- Warming up depends on weather conditions. Heat is transmitted only on a sunny day.
- In winter( due to short daylight hours) this type of heating should be combined with another method.
And now more for those who have decided to choose this kind of heating the greenhouse construction. What is the essence of the method?The rays of the sun, penetrating through a transparent surface, heat the soil and objects that are located in the greenhouse, thereby increasing the temperature in the greenhouse. To ensure the conservation of heat, the greenhouse must be built in the form of a dense construction, with all responsibility approaching the choice of construction materials.
Where to put greenhouses that are planned to be heated by the sun?Usually, summer residents either make an extension of such a greenhouse to the southern part of the cottage where there is no canopy, or prefer to build a greenhouse separately, then the structure is called a helio-heater. In both cases, it is necessary to select the place, the type of construction and the orientation to the sides of the world with all responsibility.
As already clear, a person can not control solar energy, but after receiving it, it is possible to use the heat that nature has given to maximize.
believed that the smallest loss of heat from the greenhouse structures in the shape of balls, those that have a rounded dome shape and arches. Also, the structures of the tents showed themselves well. It must be remembered that in fact all the energy released by the sun comes from the south, so you need to worry about the northern side of the greenhouse being painted with glossy white paint or covered with foil.
For the successful use of solar energy it must be accumulated during the day and released at night. When the sun is on the horizon, the temperature regime in the greenhouse is skyrocketing and sometimes reaches +40 ° C at noon. But, as soon as the sun disappears behind the horizon, it cools down sharply in the hotbed, and at night the temperature in the structure can be equal to the temperature regime outside the greenhouse. This can not be tolerated, because vegetation can die.
Special accumulators are often used for the accumulation of solar energy. This is the most economical option. What it takes to heat the hothouse structure with your own hands, using a heat accumulator?The first thing to do is dig a hole 15 cm deep, then cover it with insulation, preferably with polystyrene. For waterproofing the greenhouse, it must be covered with PE film. Further, all sprinkled with damp large sand and cover with the earth left from digging the pit.
Such a simple device can even at an ambient temperature of -10˚C keep a comfortable microclimate in a hothouse design. But, it must be understood that in very cold days and short light days it will be necessary to use other methods of heating. As it is better to warm and warm up, we will tell below.
How to insulate the greenhouse: natural fuel
This natural, cheap method of maintaining the necessary temperature in a greenhouse is the oldest and beloved by many summer residents. It is not only harmless, but also economical. The secret of heating is hidden in the allocation of heat by natural material, which rot.
How everything happens?First, you should stock biological material. Often used a mixture of waste vegetation and manure, both from his dacha, and taken from neighbors around the site, which are not going to build greenhouses. Heating with biofuel will make it possible to maintain a comfortable microclimate for seedlings. Secondly, it must be taken into account that a variety of types of biological fuel differ in effectiveness.
The useful life of biofuel is :
- Horse manure keeps the temperature at + 33-38˚С for up to 3 months.
- Manure from a cow holds a temperature of + 12-20 ° C for about 100 days.
- Pig manure will help keep the temperature at + 14-16 ° C for up to 2 months.
- Opil will hold + 20 ° C for 14 days.
- Overripe cortex will maintain a temperature of + 20-25 ° C for 4 months.
If you need emergency heating of the greenhouse in winter, then the composition of the straw of winter wheat / flaky foliage, which is able to quickly raise the temperature regime to + 45 ° C, is not bad. But this effect of biofuel is short-lived, therefore it is used for short-term warming. Experienced truck farmers give recommendations. Biofuel can be heated by watering it with boiling water or adding to the composition quicklime.
This combination of is recommended:
- Manure-opil-bark.
- Straw manure.
- Bark-sawdust.
These types of fuel are efficient. In order for the biofuel heating process to be successful, it is necessary to maintain aeration and normal humidity. Nitrogen fertilizers are necessary for proper start. Attention!Biological heater provides a double benefit, feeds the soil with fertilizers, heats.
Electroheating: heating the greenhouse with their own hands
When the winter is long and the cold is very strong - especially in the north, then it is impossible to do without artificial methods of warming the greenhouses. Thermotechnical heating of the land in the greenhouse usually complements the natural.
Types of artificial heating :
- Electrical( air, cable, infrared).
- Heating with a water pipe.
- Using an oven.
- Gas. Among the advantages of electric heating for greenhouses, it is worth noting the small price and efficiency of
A comfortable and economical method for air-warming a greenhouse is a fan heater that can be easily transferred from place to place. Heat guns not only warm the air, but also move it inside the structure, which prevents moisture from accumulating on the walls. A warm gun received good reviews and is often used.
Electric heaters 220 volts are able not only to provide the necessary temperature regime, but also to work in the circulation mode.
Ideally, the technology provides the device devices with electric heating under the shelves with plant culture. This heating of the hothouse structure is characterized by ease of control, uniform heat output through the greenhouse and the ability to control temperature automatically. But over the device heating the electric cable will have to work hard.
First, remove the soil layer, pour 5 cm of sand onto the surface and lay the insulated insulation on it. You can use foam, foam polyethylene. From above you need to lay a snake underground cable to heat the soil in the greenhouse and protect the system either by a metal grid with small cells or an asbestos cement perforated sheet.
On top of the homemade version of insulation, you need to pour 35 cm of earth. Such a heating system is durable and will help to avoid heat loss, it maintains an autonomous mode. Greenhouses heated collector will lead to a plentiful harvest. Even heat-loving plants will give year-round fruits.
Heating of greenhouses: feedback on IR systems
Can be heated by infrared electricity. Infrared heaters will help to reduce the cost of heating greenhouse 2 times. Because of this, such projects are so popular.
In addition, the use of infrared equipment :
- helps save power;
- Increases yield;
- Allows you to create different temperatures in a single greenhouse.
Zest work IR heaters - the direct action of heat on the ground, which then warms the air is small or large greenhouses. Attention!To improve the efficiency of the IR heating system, the device must be placed in a "checkerboard" order.
simple version: heating greenhouses pipe
Pipe heating due to low cost and ease of application are still in demand, but it has some drawbacks. Regardless of the presence of temperature regulators in modern solid fuel furnaces, it is not easy to control it.
tube system functions not only for solid fuels :
- Coal.
- Peat.
- Firewood.
It is possible to use gas, as well as to fill up with liquid fuel. Heating is due to hot water. Gas and liquid fuel allow you to control the temperature. Attention!If a decision is made to use gas to heat water, you need to pull out the outlet so that the gas does not accumulate in the greenhouse. Water heating options are very effective.
How to make a warm greenhouse: stove and gas heating
Building a stove for heating is not easy.
set design includes :
- stove.
- Chimney.
- Stoyak.
Soot and smoke should not accumulate inside the greenhouse, otherwise the vegetation will die. Usually stove heating for financial investments is most beneficial than heating from electricity. It is more profitable to heat a burzhuya than by systems on electricity. As an example of locomotive work.
But, usually, wood heating is used for small hotbeds( up to 20 m) and solid fuels are used at the same time. The heating of the gas is characterized by the stability of the supply, but it requires a considerable amount of monetary investment, so it is used in a fierce cold, when a stable temperature is needed. For these purposes, it is not necessary to arrange gas pipes, and cylinders are also suitable. It is important to arrange a hood. A garden expert can also use a diesel. The diesel system also showed itself well in practice.
heating greenhouses with their own hands( video)
Skillfully combining the above options for heating, greenhouse will function correctly throughout the year, all summer and spring and winter. The good news is that the heating technologies are constantly being improved, which allows you to harvest all the year round.