Basic requirements for the installation of gas boilers

Gas boilers have found wide application for working as a part of autonomous heating systems. Simplicity of operation, cheapness of "blue" fuel - all this contributes to their popularity among homeowners, especially in the private sector. At the same time, work with these units requires special care. Accordingly, and the premises in which they are located, must also meet certain standards and meet the necessary requirements.

Few of the owners of residential buildings wondered about the correct name of that "room" in which a gas boiler will be installed( read about his choice here).And the name determines the order of its arrangement and the conditions that will need to be met at the same time.

You can often hear - the "home boiler room".Is it correct? Before you decide on the requirements that are imposed on this room, you need to understand the terminology. After all, a full furnace furnish is much easier than a boiler house. For example, there are fewer problems with the installation of electrical equipment.


Without going into details, subtleties of definitions and various additions to the main regulatory documents, we point out that the furnace is either a separate room attached to the building or a room specially allocated for the installation of the boiler in the house itself. This is the first. In addition, it can put no more than 2 units of gas heating appliances( boilers).At the same time, there is a limit on their total power - no more than 200 kW.Consequently, with regard to a private house( with rare exceptions), then it is a furnace house, not a boiler house.

It should be noted that these are floor-standing boilers. Wall models can be installed in almost any room, except those in which there is constant excess or increased humidity( laundry, bathroom or toilet room, swimming pools).Also they can not be installed in bedrooms and nurseries. As a rule, for the convenience of managing a wall-mounted boiler, it is located in the kitchen( up to 30 kW).But for floor-mounted appliances, a full-fledged furnace is needed.

Once again we note that the conversation is about gas floor boilers.


Requirements for the arrangement of "flue"

Room dimensions

All gas boilers have design differences, including the type of combustion chamber. If it is closed( a coaxial chimney is laid), then the dimensions of the room do not play a role. But for models with open cameras there are certain standards( at a minimum):

  • 7.5 m3 - for appliances up to 30 kW;
  • 13.5 m3 - up to 60 kW;
  • 15 m3 - for boilers with a power of more than 60 kW.At the same time, for each additional "kilowatt" of the device it is necessary to add 0.2 m3 of room.

The volume, as is known, is a product of quantities: length x width x height. So, the last parameter is strictly fixed and can not be less than 2 m. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the dimensions of the room with an "oglyadka" at its height.


Location of furnace

On any floor, including basement and basement. This applies to all models, where the movement of liquid through pipes( water, antifreeze) is forced( pump).But if the boiler is a series of TLO( natural circulation of the coolant), then only in the basement or basement.

The door to the furnace must comply with fire safety standards( type III).Below - the gap between its bottom and floor - not less than 0.025 m2.If the door is adjacent to the floor tightly, then a small window is set up in its lower part, covered with a grid.


For each "cube" of the room - not less than 0.03 m2 of glazed surface. And at least one window( at least 0,25 m2) - on the street( this does not apply to devices with closed cameras)


First, there must be a vent window. Secondly, there must be a forced draft. For 1 hour it should provide 3-fold air exchange.

Boiler installation site

  • From the front panel of the boiler to the wall( door) - at least 1 m.
  • The device must be freely accessible from all sides. This is necessary for the convenience of carrying out maintenance work in its entirety.
  • Boilers are placed on the pedestal, the height of which, as well as the fire protection requirements for its arrangement are stipulated in the Instructions for the installation of the device.
  • The wall( or walls) at which the boiler is located should be of non-combustible materials( or reliably protected from thermal exposure).

connection schemes

It should be noted that all of the above concerns private houses with centralized gas supply. If liquefied gas( cylinders) is used, then there are some features. For example, in this case the boiler can not be mounted in the basement. Therefore, such nuances should be specified additionally.

In addition, there are features, depending on which material the house was built from, the interfloor floors are made. Therefore, before connecting the gas supply, so as not to cause problems, it is desirable to invite a specialist to inspect the furnace and identify shortcomings.

It should be understood that the requirements are constantly being updated, changing, and being refined. In addition, each region has its own regulatory framework. Therefore, the hint of a professional will not be superfluous, but the main and most important moments we indicated.

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