How to make your own hands on the stove working out of scrap materials

How to make your own hands on the stove working out of scrap materials

To save on heating a small utility room, you can build oven for working out their own hands


  • 1 The principle of operation of furnaces for waste oil
  • 2 How to make your own hands oven for working out the easiest way
  • 3 Oven for working out with his hands (video)
  • 4 Using capillary technology in the manufacture of furnace
  • 5 Organizing additional oven capacity for waste oil
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages of oil furnaces
  • 7 How to make the oven for working out with his hands (video)

The principle of operation of furnaces for waste oil

Fuel oil has long been used by man as a fuel. As one of the heaviest components of the oil, this substance is not only fuel, but also for the production of a variety of oils and other petrochemical production fluids. As all components of oil, fuel oil and its derivatives have good flammability releasing large amounts of heat. Waste motor oil must be disposed of using complex processes. However, it can be benefit, having carried out the combustion in the furnace in working out a homemade. The drawing of the simplest embodiment of this design may look as shown below.

Waste oil is a complex material consisting of a mixture of different hydrocarbons. If it is set on fire, then burn out a volatile substance, and the rest will go to waste. And they are very toxic and not be disposed of on the normal to the dump. When heated, without combustion testing of it begins to disintegrate into many components, most of which are gaseous. Here they are something, with sufficient supply of oxygen, are burned completely, leaving no harmful substances. To this process has occurred, it is necessary to build the oven for working out. Their own hands this can be done, for example, from an old gas bottle.

The principle of operation of the furnace waste oil

The principle of operation of the furnace waste oil

How to make your own hands oven for working out the easiest way

In order to make their own stove to the garage, which is as a fuel will consume waste car oil, you need to find an old gas tank. Before you start to cut it, you need to release any residual gas and condensate drain. Thereafter, the cylinder was washed with water to eliminate even the possibility of ignition. To disassemble the cylinder, it is necessary to lower the gas from it by pressing on the valve.

Useful advice!To make sure that the gas in the tank is completely absent, the valve must be lubricated with liquid soap. Necessary to press the valve until soap solution stops bubbling.

EXAMPLE homemade furnace made of gas cylinder

EXAMPLE homemade furnace made of gas cylinder

After full throttle shutter, unscrew the valve. If this is not possible, you have at the bottom of the container, drill a small hole diameter of 10 mm. To do this, take the drill and in the center of the bottom of the drill, do not hit hard enough to not get a spark. To make sure the drilling site is constantly watered. Once the hole is ready, the container is poured into ordinary water and washed. The water is then drained and mark a place of incisions on the cylinder.

In the manufacture of furnace gas cylinder on working out their hands, which drawing has been presented previously, it is necessary to cut the lower part. Its height of 20 cm. To her welded legs, which can be done with adjustable for ease of installation on any surface.

Mounting dimensions of the furnace from the barrel to create with their own hands

Mounting dimensions of the furnace from the barrel to create with their own hands

make the primary combustion chamber from the bottom thereof. It will be poured waste oil, which during the controlled combustion will be heated and degraded into volatile fractions. The upper part of the chamber is closed by circular cover of steel 4 mm thick. It should necessarily be easily removed when necessary, since the inner surface of the chamber needs to be thoroughly cleaned weekly from slags.

In the middle of the cover cut hole with a diameter of 10 - 15 cm. It is welded tube length of 50 cm, in which is drilled a plurality of 10 mm. holes. The pipe must be thick-walled, at least 4 mm. In the same cover side hole is smaller, to about 5 cm diameter. It is inserted into a small tube with a valve. She plays the role of the neck for pouring oil and throttle to control air mixture into the furnace of receipt.

Oven for working off of welded sheet metal

Oven for working off of welded sheet metal

Since created with their own hands, the oven for working out, in need of withdrawal of exhaust smoke without fire, then top of the container is made another chamber in which the exhaust gases cool down before flying in pipe. Inside the chamber there is a partition which prevents direct penetration of fire in the exhaust pipe. Hot gases have time to burn out completely in the chamber until this encircle septum.

Useful advice!The height of the draft tube should be 4 m. This is the optimal size for proper traction. It should be strictly vertical, as any horizontal sections are able to accumulate a condensate.

Creating a furnace at working off their own hands

Creating a furnace at working off their own hands

This furnace operates as follows. Through a hole in the combustion chamber is filled with the waste oil to two-thirds its volume. There it is ignited. When burning increase, the damper cover. This provides a more economical oil consumption and total burnout. Unburnt fraction immediately upon heating in the raised perforated tube where contact with air, then ignited and burn, releasing heat in a large quantity. Exhaust gases enter the upper chamber where they are final and afterburning in the exhaust pipe.

So from a conventional gas cylinder can be made on working out the oven. Drawing with all details and their size can be viewed in the photo.

Oven for working out with his hands (video)

Using capillary technology in the manufacture of furnace

Also a simple method of manufacturing an oil furnace used and more improved variants described above. One of them is the capillary oven for working out. His arms around her to do the same by virtue of anyone who knows how to deal with metal and tools.

The oil in this construction, not just poured into the combustion chamber where it is stored in large quantities, and make it gradually by drip system. This method allows you to burn oil more efficiently, and its consumption is reduced to a minimum. Separately from the furnace at the top of the oil tank is installed, which pipe is connected to the combustion chamber of the furnace. The stub contains a regulating valve, via which the metered flow of oil into the furnace. Otherwise nothing special design differs from the simplest oven for working out. His hands drawings, presented below, will help make this unit without any difficulty.

Scheme dropping fuel supply for the furnace homemade

Scheme dropping fuel supply for the furnace homemade

Organizing additional oven capacity for waste oil

In the manufacture of home-made stove that works electric fans can be used for waste oil. With them it is possible not only to inject air mass in the combustion chamber, but also draw hot air from the furnace, creating an artificial circulation in the room, which greatly speed up the process of warming up to the required temperature. For this purpose the main chamber is mounted around the casing, wherein the air flow created by the fan. You can live to see the work of such established their own hands furnace at working out. Videos of all the combustion process is very interesting and descriptive.

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Another improvement - is the production of the water circuit in a makeshift stove oil. The coil of tubing placed inside the secondary combustion chamber, where the highest temperature is observed. Or it is wound outside of the perforated pipe. The coil is connected to the flow and return pipe of the heating system. When a liquid is heated it comes natural circulation in all batteries. Make a furnace for working off their own hands, the video is a good reflection of its effectiveness, it is possible in one day.

A more complex design of the furnace in working out a water circuit and a fan boost

A more complex design of the furnace in working out a water circuit and a fan boost

Useful advice!If necessary, the system can also be installed centrifugal pump, which enables to use energy more effectively heated water. She will not have time to cool down much during the passage of the pipeline.

Advantages and disadvantages of oil furnaces

Like all self-made structures in the oil furnaces has the main advantage - it's cheap. They can be made out of old parts, which have long been lying in the corner of the garage, waiting for their application. Another advantage of these devices is the fact that they work virtually nobody wants cheap fuel, which receive no difficulty. These furnaces are very quickly able to heat a small room, as they use an open flame.

furnace chamber for waste oil - inside view

furnace chamber for waste oil - inside view

Turning to the downside, I would say that such self-made design not intended to be permanent position, and the main sources of energy. They only help to warm barns. So, we list all the disadvantages of oil furnaces:

  • inability to indoor use only;
  • increasing the size of the combustion chamber does not increase the unit's capacity, since the efficiency is reduced;
  • furnace can not extinguish the fire extinguisher of the powder, as a mixture from the oven blows hot parts;
  • it is impossible to accurately adjust the intensity of the heat exchange;
  • there is a risk of explosion if the boiling mining.
Example furnace at working out that you can make with your own hands

Example furnace at working out that you can make with your own hands

Creating an oven at working off their own hands, we are wondering where to get fuel for it. This issue can be resolved in the simplest way. You just need to negotiate with the owner of one of the service stations located near your home. Perhaps he was happy to go out to sell you at a low price is a valuable fuel for you, but not for him having no practical benefit.

Useful advice! During operation of the furnace with open combustion chamber should not allow violations of fire safety rules.

This may lead to the consequences of the loss which certainly surpass all the benefits from such a furnace.

How to make the oven for working out with his hands (video)

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