What better radiators to the apartment: market analysis

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The choice of radiators - a serious event, which affects not only the efficiency of home heating, but also the service life of the heating of communication in general. In apartment buildings the risk of water hammer is higher than in private homes, which is due to binding to the central heating network. Therefore, this article will detail the question of what is best for the radiators of the apartment.

What better radiators to the apartment: a detailed analysis of the current market

Choosing a heating radiator, you need to take into account the characteristics of domestic heating systems, as well as to choose the right material, the power and the number of its sections


  • 1 Features centralized heating networks
  • 2 Which to choose a radiator: varieties of radiators
    • 2.1 Characteristics of cast iron batteries for apartments
    • 2.2 Why is it better to abandon the purchase of iron: a review of deficiencies
  • 3 Varieties of steel radiators for apartments
    • 3.1 What better radiators to the apartment: panel made of steel battery
    • 3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of steel panel radiators
    • 3.3 Tubular (sectional) steel battery
    • 3.4 The choice of tubular batteries, depending on their design
    • 3.5 The plate of steel radiators (convectors)
  • 4 What better radiators to the apartment: a review of the aluminum models
    • 4.1 anodized aluminum batteries - ideal for apartments
  • 5 Bimetallic radiators: which is best for an apartment?
  • 6 What better radiators to the apartment: features and prices of copper batteries
  • 7 Vertical radiators for apartments of different materials
  • 8 What radiator buy for the apartment: the main selection criteria
  • 9 What better radiators to the apartment: Tips professionals
    • 9.1 Rating radiators for apartments of bimetal
    • 9.2 What are the radiators to better apartments: prices and features aluminum models
    • 9.3 Steel and cast iron radiators: which is best for an apartment?
  • 10 How to calculate the power of the radiators and the number of sections?
  • 11 Prices radiators of different brands

Features centralized heating networks

the coolant supply to the apartments is done by connecting to the central heating network (DSP). Movement of the coolant in such systems there is a forced manner. the liquid supply to each apartment is produced by special pumps that are part of the DSP. Pressure, pressurized by pumps, an average of 16 atmospheres.

When choosing radiators keep in mind that the coolant pressure is constant

When choosing radiators keep in mind that the coolant pressure is constant

Helpful information! When choosing a heating radiator in the first place it is recommended to pay attention to how often there are pressure surges in communication. In order for the battery was able to withstand water hammer, its material must have a sufficient margin of safety.

Quite frequent, which are subject to centralized communication - a violation of conservation. As a rule, this takes place in the summer time. However, not all batteries can withstand water hammer, that occur during such depressurization system.

Individual elements of the DSP greatly deteriorates over time, which entails deterioration of the quality of the coolant entering into it and various foreign matter. As they can act tehprimesi, rust particles, dirt and various sedimentary elements. The presence of the first in the working environment have a negative effect on its thermal impact in the circulation of the DSP. The remaining promote luminal narrowing of pipes and radiators, it also reduces the efficiency of domestic heating.

By replacing the heating device in the flat check the compatibility of the materials from which the manufactured battery and connecting members (fittings). Incompatibility between metal leads to oxidation which often becomes the cause of accidents in DSP.

Any radiator must operate in a common filling and discharge system

Any radiator must operate in a common filling and discharge system

Which to choose a radiator: Varieties of radiators

As of today, you can find a variety of batteries for installation in apartments. All of them are classified into types according to several criteria. In the first instance, radiators are classified according to the material from which they are made:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal;
  • copper.

And also, they can, depending on the design, be:

  • sectional;
  • panel.

Each of the above types of heating devices, suitable for use in certain circumstances. It should also say that there are highly specialized models that are used to perform a single function. Such a mind can be attributed convectors floor type used in rooms that have a large area of ​​glazing. Their use allows to exclude the likelihood of misting.

Deciding what is best for flat radiators, it is preferable to choose the devices that have greater heat loss

Deciding what is best for flat radiators, it is preferable to choose the devices that have greater heat loss

In the market you can find another type convectors - baseboard. They are mounted in special metal boxes that replace the classical plinth. The main advantage of such heaters is that they do not violate the overall interior room.

Today, you can find a variety of batteries, from a design standpoint. Range of modern radiators are incredibly wide and varied. The disadvantage of batteries carried in a unique design, is their price. Therefore, such heaters are not in high demand.

Characteristics of cast iron batteries for apartments

Not long ago, the heating of the iron instruments were the most popular and used almost anywhere. But today, those bulky designs, covered enamel paint, faded into the background. With the development of manufacturing technologies appeared more effective and durable steel radiators, as well as devices from other materials.

Note! Cast iron material has high thermal conductivity. And it is worth saying that it is heated for a long time, but as long and cooled.

Among the advantages of cast iron is its inertia, heat transfer, rising particularly in connection with increasing metal thickness

Among the advantages of cast iron is its inertia, heat transfer, rising particularly in connection with increasing metal thickness

Cast-iron batteries are able to withstand quite a lot of pressure (30 atmospheres), which exceeds the standard DSP indicators in 2 times. Thus devices of this material are characterized by high resistance to waterhammer system.

Among the advantages of radiator panels made of cast iron can also highlight what they have compatibility with pipes and fittings of other materials. It saves money, since the battery replacement is not necessary to replace the accompanying communication.

And also made of cast iron are characterized by their resistance to destructive corrosive influences. They are unpretentious in terms of quality of the working environment, which moves him. Prolonged exposure inner surface of the battery, made of cast iron, with water leads to the appearance of dark precipitate, which possesses antioxidative properties. Therefore, under normal use of such radiators are able to serve more than a dozen years.

Modern radiators of this material at the production stage with special protective enamel. Unlike the old cast-iron battery, the new models do not require annual staining and easy to clean because they have a smooth, glossy surface. In addition, cast iron heater does not accumulate gases, so do not need too much air descent.

The ability to withstand high pressure and hammering is positive characteristic of cast iron radiators

The ability to withstand high pressure and hammering is positive characteristic of cast iron radiators

In Soviet times, these radiators are manufactured in large quantities and have standard dimensions. Today's range of devices, offering customers virtually unlimited options for cast iron products, which differ in shape, design and color scheme. A wide range can increase the operational area of ​​the radiator.

Western companies involved in the production of cast iron radiators, produce special designer line heaters. Such batteries are performed in a trendy retro style and are equipped with various ornaments. Of course, the cost of these products is much higher than conventional cast iron, but their quality and presentable appearance is not in doubt.

Cast iron structure chosen, depending on the room size. If necessary, the number of sections can be increased or decreased, which is very comfortable. Consider the factors that influence the choice of the number of sections:

  • floor area;
  • window size;
  • Number of doors;
  • particular climatic region.
Cast iron radiators are durable - their life, with proper maintenance, is at least 50 years

Cast iron radiators are durable - their life, with proper maintenance, is at least 50 years

Cast iron structures differ in volume filling. For example, in the domestic radiators it is 1.3, and a foreign - 0.8 liter. the latter value is higher than approximately 2-3 times. To install heaters in the flat, made of cast iron, uses brackets. It should also be noted that some models are mounted directly to the floor.

Why is it better to abandon the purchase of iron: a review of deficiencies

As mentioned above, the cast iron radiators are no longer as popular as before. This is due to their disabilities. The main disadvantage of these products is their great weight, because of which their storage, transportation and installation are accompanied by certain difficulties.

Note! For fixing the standard cast-iron structure necessary to use bulky latching elements - brackets.

Also worth mentioning is that, in terms of design, the standard cast iron products are not too presentable. They are categorically not suitable for rooms with a modern design. Another disadvantage of cast iron heating batteries - low inertia. With this battery will not perform the operational regulation of the temperature in the room, and for autonomous heating systems, this feature is particularly important.

The disadvantages of cast iron batteries is their weight and not very aesthetic appearance

The disadvantages of cast iron batteries is their weight and not very aesthetic appearance

Cast iron structures are not different strength characteristics and are particularly susceptible to mechanical stress (shock). It is because of the above-mentioned properties of these products are not in great demand on the market of heating equipment.

Varieties of steel radiators for apartments

Steel radiators are one of the most popular to date. They are characterized by a lot of positive qualities, and are quite presentable and fit virtually any room design.

There are three main varieties of products, which differ from each other in their Embodiment:

  • panel;
  • tubular;
  • plate.

Each of these types is suitable for certain conditions and has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to answer the question of which is better to choose the heating radiator for an apartment, you must consider the characteristics of both the panel and tube and convector construction.

Depending on the model, manufacturer, and many other factors tubular heating radiator can have a variety of technical parameters

Depending on the model, manufacturer, and many other factors tubular heating radiator can have a variety of technical parameters

What are the radiators to better apartments: Panel of steel battery

Panel structure includes two steel sheet. By stamping them give the necessary form. Thereafter, the obtained preform are joined by welding, which allows to obtain a hollow panel. If necessary, it is supplemented convectors, through which air moves in a vertical direction. This allows you to perform a kind of "barrier" that protects the room from the cold coming from the window.

After the assembly of such a radiator executed his painting. The protective coating is a very important element of the design because it protects against corrosion, makes it more presentable and facilitates care of it. When choosing a new battery of steel necessary to pay special attention to how evenly applied to the panel a coat of paint. It should not contain gaps, cracks or chips.

Steel structures are capable of withstanding the working temperature of the medium to 95 ºC. They are designed for standard pressure, which is created within the DSP, namely 16 atmospheres.

Helpful information! Steel batteries of this type can have a different number of elements and convector panels.

Panel radiators made of two stamped metal sheets connected in such a way that formed between them channels through which the coolant circulates

Panel radiators made of two stamped metal sheets connected in such a way that formed between them channels through which the coolant circulates

The length of these radiators varies from 40 cm to 3 m The minimum height of such a construction is 20 cm, and the maximum -. 90. Some companies manufacture steel radiators of this type under the order, which also extends their range, and accordingly, the operational sphere.

Related article:

Convector type heaters: advantages and features selection

Functional description, comparison heaters. Overview of types of companies and prices convector heaters.

Depending on where in the heater is docked with the pipe, there are two main variants of steel devices:

  • with bottom connection;
  • with side connection.

When choosing a steel heat sink is necessary to pay attention to the wiring arrangement of heating pipes in your home. Accordingly, the required design is chosen, with the necessary connections for this.

Feature panel radiator

Feature panel radiator

Advantages and disadvantages of steel panel radiators

In order to answer the question of how to choose the heating radiator for an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of steel panel designs. Such models are currently the most common. To begin, consider the positive qualities of these heaters.

The first and perhaps the most important advantage of the panel structure - the simplicity of its installation. Installation in the heating circuit is carried out according to the instructions quite quickly. If necessary, it can be done independently. In addition, the radiator design eliminates the need for assembly, since it is a whole, which also saves time.

Panel radiators have high inertia, so it warms up quickly. Due to this they are easy to adjust to the desired temperature. And also such steel structures are rather large area, which contributes to rapid and efficient heating of the room.

Steel battery in the form of panels are compact in size and have an attractive, modern appearance. Such models are most appropriate for the flats equipped with autonomous heating system. This is due to the fact that to fill them requires a minimum amount of coolant.

The disadvantages of the panel radiators include low operating pressure, a high sensitivity to various shocks, including, and hydraulic, as well as the vulnerability of corrosion

The disadvantages of the panel radiators include low operating pressure, a high sensitivity to various shocks, including, and hydraulic, as well as the vulnerability of corrosion

Like any other products, steel panel and batteries have their drawbacks. The main one is that they are not designed for a strong water hammer. They are reliable only under normal pressure indicators in DSP. However, you can cope with this problem. When mounting the panel structure of the apartment is recommended to use a special device - reducer. This device reduces the load level on the panel during the surge.

The inner walls of such radiators are usually not equipped with a special protective coating against corrosion. It follows that their shelf life will depend on how well the heat transfer fluid circulating through them.

Tubular (sectional) steel battery

In contrast to the previous versions of steel radiators, such batteries include several sections. Fixing these elements together is performed by welding. Such products do not require assembly, which undoubtedly is their advantage.

Note! How to choose a battery tube type? Before buying a tubular heater must-see destination is the selection of the required power. This index is calculated based on the total area of ​​the room, which will heat the section model.

Scheme tubular (sectional) steel panels

Scheme tubular (sectional) steel panels

Sectional heaters are used in the systems, the pressure of which ranges from 8 to 10 atmospheres. As a rule, it is not enough for the apartment buildings heated by DSP. Therefore, experts recommend using these models to get the gearbox, which can protect the battery from water hammer tube.

Standard gearboxes sectional wall thickness of 1-1.5 mm, so they have a high coefficient of inertia. But a small wall thickness and is less of such products, since they differ quite weak strength characteristics.

Construction of tube type have good resistance to contaminated coolant medium. Unlike panel models, their internal surface is equipped at the manufacturing stage a special protective layer of polymeric material. This makes them resistant to corrosion and have a longer operating life.

Such devices are available with different dimensions. The width depends on the floor space and the number of sections. The height can vary from 0.2 to 2.5 m and a depth of - 10 to 25 cm.

Basically, tubular radiators made of stainless steel, which has a light weight and capable of withstanding heavy loads

Basically, tubular radiators made of stainless steel, which has a light weight and capable of withstanding heavy loads

Sectional products have two major drawbacks:

  • low heat transfer coefficient;
  • the presence of welds, which are unstable to water hammer.

Thus, sectional batteries are a good choice for use in autonomous heating communications. However, for applications where the DSP they are not suitable because they are susceptible to waterhammer.

The choice of tubular batteries, depending on their design

Many landlords are interested in the question of how to choose the heating radiator, depending on the design. Tubular steel batteries (and not only) are common solution for mounting in a flat. The range of such instruments is diverse design solutions. Depending on the location of the sectional radiator, you can purchase the product for wall or floor.

Such devices are mounted in different points of the dwelling. For example, the most common option is to install a tubular batteries however, below the window, if desired, may be any location. Often they are used for installation in the center of the room (vertical version). In this case, the battery height corresponds to the height of the ceiling.

With the help of tubular radiators can not only fully warm room, but also to make it more attractive

With the help of tubular radiators can not only fully warm room, but also to make it more attractive

Helpful information! Some sectional radiators include special wooden panels, which are mounted in the upper part of the device and act as a working surface. This shelf can be adapted for a variety of purposes, but most often it is used to dry shoes.

A wide range of forms, a variety of colors and the presence of additional structural elements significantly enhance the operational area of ​​these steel products.

Plate radiators steel (convectors)

Working medium in the plate radiator is moved along straight or curved pipes of steel. These plates are mounted, made of the same material. The purpose of these elements is to increase the impact of thermal design.

Plate batteries are resistant to water hammer. And it should be said that the steel bars are located inside the structure are heated to relatively high temperatures. However, their covers shielding, the temperature of which is not more than 40 ° C.

Such structures are ideal for use in rooms with high ceilings. This is due to the fact that the heated air is moving steadily upwards and can be raised to a considerable height. If necessary, you can independently regulate the temperature regime, wherein the function is similar to the heater.

Plate heaters are so called because they are made of several plates, planted on a curved or straight pipes

Plate heaters are so called because they are made of several plates, planted on a curved or straight pipes

Plate battery capable of withstanding the pressure in the standard DSP (16 atmospheres). A maximum pressure rate for these is 24 atmospheres. From this it follows that the convector structure suitable for use in apartment buildings. Battery price for heating this type of an average of 6-9 thousand. rub.

Such heaters have several drawbacks. For example, the vertical orientation of the movement of heated air - is not only positive but also the negative side of the plate product. This is due to the fact that the heating of the room is performed unevenly.

convector plates very quickly become contaminated with dust, which affects the heat transfer coefficient. Cleaning these elements is quite difficult to measure. Also worth noting is that these devices are no different aesthetics and fit is not for everyone interior. Such batteries most suited for mounting in rooms that have high ceilings. They are often installed in the hallways, swimming pools and so on. N.

What better radiators to the apartment: a review of the aluminum models

Design, made of aluminum, differ in their appearance, as they have a stylish design. However, such products are not the best option for installation in apartments with DSP. This is due to the fact that aluminum construction has a relatively thin wall, unstable to the damaging effects of corrosion. Given the poor quality of the coolant, this battery can be damaged after only 5 years of use.

Aluminum radiators, neat and elegant, are composed of several sections connected nipples

Aluminum radiators, neat and elegant, are composed of several sections connected nipples

Helpful information! For the apartments that are heated by the heating due to autonomous communication aluminum radiator may be a good option. High thermal conductivity, and presentable appearance - the main advantages of these products, due to which the demand for them is good.

Aluminum models are designed for operation in a pressure of 15-20 atmospheres systems. However, thin-walled structures used in DSP, can not boast of resistance to water hammer. Given this fact, it should be said that the heat sink for this type of home is best suited for installation in a self-heating.

Experts advise to not use these batteries in case the pressure in the communication than 12 atmospheres. Regarding the quality of the coolant, the aluminum design is best operated with index Ph 5-6 units, which is a rarity in domestic DSP.

Such heaters are distinguished small weight, so easy to store, transport and installation. It is important to remember that the installation of such batteries requires not only care, but also the selection of fittings from a compatible material. Otherwise formed corroded areas in places of docking. Consider materials that absolutely can not be used when installing the aluminum battery:

  • steel;
Aluminum batteries exposed corrosive processes, so the inner layer radiators must be protected from contact with the coolant

Aluminum batteries exposed corrosive processes, so the inner layer radiators must be protected from contact with the coolant

  • brass;
  • copper.

Ideal for installation of aluminum radiator - heating circuit made of plastic. In this case, the occurrence of corrosion is eliminated, and the very heating arrangement is easy to repair or disassembly.

you can find a wide range of aluminum products to date. They differ in size, color scheme and design registration. The height of such products ranges from 25 to 50 cm, but can be ordered custom model (70-80 cm) if necessary.

Experts note that such batteries have excellent compatibility with thermostatic equipment. When installing the aluminum construction are advised to pick up the thermostat. And they have a glossy finish, so if pollution is not difficult to clean a radiator. How to choose a radiator made of aluminum, depending on the brand?

If we talk about companies that produce aluminum radiators, the most popular among consumers is the company ROYAL THERMO. Products from this brand are of good quality and reasonable cost. These radiators are adapted specifically for use in the CIS countries. They have good corrosion resistance and long service life (over 10 years).

Lightweight, with excellent heat dissipation aluminum battery model attracts customers not only their technical characteristics, but also a pleasant appearance

Lightweight, with excellent heat dissipation aluminum battery model attracts customers not only their technical characteristics, but also a pleasant appearance

anodized aluminum batteries - ideal for apartments

Heating aluminum appliances may be manufactured with a special anti-corrosion coating, which is called the anode. For the production of such batteries use a high quality aluminum alloy, which passes the pre-cleaning, and applied to the surface oxidized layer of the anode.

Technological process of manufacturing of these products are quite difficult. During the aluminum structure is repeatedly subjected to a change, which is a kind of tempering. Thus, the final product is characterized by increased resistance to the corrosive effects and can be applied in a DSP.

Such radiators are made by casting. After that, the obtained sections are collected into a unitary structure. One of the main advantages of such products is that, if necessary, you can repair a radiator in an apartment. Replacing a section that has been damaged, it is fairly simple thanks to the radiator design.

Helpful information!If necessary, the anode to the battery, you can add additional sections.

Aluminum panels with anodic oxidation of metal release, a process which took ematalirovaniya

Aluminum panels with anodic oxidation of metal release, a process which took ematalirovaniya

The inner walls of these models are smooth, which helps heat dissipation. The heating medium without any difficulty moving on aluminum structure. The operating pressure of the anode product is 20-25 atmospheres, which is much higher than necessary in the conditions of an apartment building with a DSP.

When buying such a heater, experts advise to be careful. This is due to the fact that the anode product looks no different from ordinary cast radiators. So before you buy a particular model of this type is recommended to read the documents on it. Check the passport and certificate of quality to avoid problems when buying a radiator anode.

Bimetallic radiators: which is best for apartments?

Bi-metal batteries are the most popular on the market of heating equipment. They have many good qualities, among which it is worth noting separately versatility. From the name it becomes clear that the production of such heaters are used two metal. Combined manufacturing can significantly improve the performance of these products.

The outer part is made of a bimetallic construction, usually made of aluminum. This allows you to achieve high thermal impact and improve the heating efficiency. In turn, the internal passages necessary for coolant circulation, made of high quality steel, which is resistant to corrosive influences.

Bimetallic radiators made of two basic components: the internal components - of stainless steel, and the outer - Aluminum

Bimetallic radiators made of two basic components: the internal components - of stainless steel, and the outer - Aluminum

We should say that the outer part, made of aluminum, is further provided with a layer of enamel which gives such radiators presentable appearance. Bimetallic batteries have a sectional structure. Coupling of individual elements is made by means of couplings, which are provided with sealing rings.

Long service life of the bimetallic heaters driven by their structure. Aluminum cladding is not in contact with the medium and performs a kind of "case" function for internal channels made of steel, which moves coolant.

Steel part bimetallic radiator has a high resistance to loads in the system. Such products are capable of functioning at very high pressure (35-40 atm). This makes them ideal for installation in apartments, which are heated by the DSP.

And also such radiators have a small mass, which facilitates their installation in an apartment. Among the few drawbacks of such products may be noted, perhaps the only one - a rather high cost. However, their qualitative characteristics and shelf life fully justify the price.

The outer form of bimetallic radiator is sometimes compared to analogs of aluminum, but the first cost is much more expensive

The outer form of bimetallic radiator is sometimes compared to analogs of aluminum, but the first cost is much more expensive

If we talk about choosing the best bimetal radiator for an apartment, you should pay attention to several popular models. Among them: SIRA RS BIMETAL 500, GLOBAL STYLE PLUS 500 and RIFAR MONOLIT 500. Each of these models is well proven in the work under the conditions of an apartment building with a central heating circuit.

What are the radiators to better apartments: prices and especially copper batteries

Batteries made from this material occupy the most insignificant segment of the market of heating devices. Their low popularity is due primarily to the fact that they are quite expensive. However, they are characterized by high performance and this may even compete with bimetallic articles.

Such batteries are manufactured from high quality copper material having no impurities that could reduce the efficiency of the device. These radiators have a number of positive qualities, though rarely used in replacement radiators in the apartment. The main advantage of these products, of course, can be called a high efficiency, which is 4-5 times higher than that of cast iron models.

A further advantage of heaters made from this material - a high coefficient of inertia. They are able to quickly heat up, resulting in efficient heat transfer. Also copper structures have high strength characteristics and resistance to water hammer. They are able to function with a pressure of 20-25 atmospheres systems that exceed the standard parameters in DSP.

Heating with copper panels are not afraid of water hammer - soft metal facilitates uniform distribution of loads and prevents depressurization

Heating with copper panels are not afraid of water hammer - soft metal facilitates uniform distribution of loads and prevents depressurization

Helpful information! If as a coolant is not water and anti-freeze, then use copper radiators is the only solution.

Also worth noting is that these heaters do not need to paint, because they have high anti-corrosion properties. The service life of copper products is more than 10 years. They have a presentable appearance and thus can become an ornament of any interior, especially, is decorated in a classic style.

It is important to remember that such batteries is necessary to select the fittings of the same material, to eliminate the possibility of the oxidation reaction.

Vertical radiators for apartments of different materials

Vertical radiators have several advantages over the devices which are mounted in a standard way. They are lightweight, versatile and easy to install. High batteries are excellent in solution if the wall space enough to install the conventional apparatus. Vertical models are made of different materials:

Cast iron. High heating devices of this material are quite unpretentious. For them, no matter the quality of the coolant. They are distinguished by a good heat transfer coefficient, as well as resistance to water hammer. They are located in the middle price segment. Among the few drawbacks of the high batteries can be noted - a large mass, which makes it difficult to install them.

The material used for the vertical radiator is not limited, they may be metal, bimetal, glass, wood, stone

The material used for the vertical radiator is not limited, they may be metal, bimetal, glass, wood, stone

Steel. Experts recommend using the flats of panel steel structures. The wall thickness of such batteries varies from 1 to 1.5 mm. The outer walls of such products are equipped with a protective layer of the enamel, which also makes them aesthetics. High steel radiators are susceptible to water hammer and most commonly used in private homes, equipped with autonomous heating circuit.

High heating devices are distinguished by their performance and aesthetics. Buy vertical heating radiator for an apartment can be a profile in any store or place an order via the Internet. When buying a steel device, it is recommended to pay special attention to whether they have anti-corrosion paint.

Aluminum. High aluminum batteries are low temperature. They provide space heating due to its size. The temperature of the working medium in such radiators varies from 60 to 70 ° C. They are able to provide a standard room temperature conditions (20 to 24 ° C). Aluminum vertical heaters differ light weight and also have the ability to add sections. Such products are often used in independent heating circuits.

Bimetallic. They are of high quality and efficiency by using two metal shells (aluminum and steel). It is best suited for use in apartment buildings.

The vertical radiator can be made in sections and monolith fixed size and the order

The vertical radiator can be made in sections and monolith fixed size and the order

what radiator buy for an apartment: the main selection criteria

Before buying a heater for the apartment you need to pay attention to a few highlights. There are certain criteria which allow the study to answer the question of how to choose a radiator. Radiators must comply with all the necessary technical characteristics, have the passport and instruction.

Consider the main factors on which it is necessary to produce a battery option for the apartment.

Operating pressure. The documentation for the heater must necessarily indicate the operating pressure. Experts recommend to buy the battery with a certain margin. Battery working pressure must exceed the same figure in the central heating circuit is about 1.5 times. This will allow to be safe, since the DSP is often pressure peaks occur.

Note! In the five-story buildings old sample the pressure in the heating circuit is about 6-8, and in modern high-rise buildings - 10-15 atm.

Resistance to water hammer. This factor has a direct impact on the service life of the heating equipment. If the front of the radiator is not installed reducer, then the pressure surges will affect the design with full force. When choosing batteries are recommended to take into account the specifics of the work of the heating circuit in your home.

The apartments with central heating is recommended to use cast-iron radiators, which are the most resistant to corrosion and have a long service life

The apartments with central heating is recommended to use cast-iron radiators, which are the most resistant to corrosion and have a long service life

The number of sections. If the choice of heater having difficulty with the definition of the required number of sections, then it is recommended to pay attention to models that can "build up" if necessary.

Power. This figure is perhaps the most important. Not all heating appliances capable of maintaining the desired temperature in the living room. This is especially problematic in northern regions where the temperature can drop to 40 ° C below zero. In such situations, experts recommend to choose a model which can withstand the high temperature of the coolant (130 ° C).

the heating temperature of the heat sink in the apartment must meet the required standards and provide a suitable microclimate in the room. To date, it found that the rate for the premises is the temperature +18 ° C. For angular premises which walls are in direct contact with the street, this figure is increased by 2 ° C. Therefore, when choosing a heater is necessary to calculate its capacity to meet the specific operational features.

The composition of the heat transfer medium. Do not forget that on the battery shelf life is also affected by the characteristics of the working medium circulating through it. High quality coolant - a rarity. It generally includes various malicious (radiator walls) impurities. Thus, the design should be chosen with thick walls or protective coating.

Today the replacement of innovative solutions out old cast-iron and steel standard batteries - designer radiators, which surprised the variety of its forms, colors and ways mount

Today the replacement of innovative solutions out old cast-iron and steel standard batteries - designer radiators, which surprised the variety of its forms, colors and ways mount

radiator design. This factor is completely individual and depends on the preferences of owners of the apartment, as well as interior features.

Easy to install. This criterion is not included in the numbers required. However, if you decide to install the heating design your own, then you should choose products that have a low weight. As well as to explore options for fasteners and connection features of a particular model to the heating circuit.

What are the radiators to better apartmentsTips professionals

So what better to put the radiators in the apartment? Experts recommend before purchasing a heater to consult a plumber. You always need to learn the characteristics of DSP and coolant, such as:

  • the pressure in the heating circuit;
  • Ph working fluid;
  • coolant temperature.

After receiving all the necessary information regarding the heating circuit, it is recommended to ask about the races taking place in the system. These data will help you choose the appropriate parameters for the radiator.

In order to choose the right type of radiator for an apartment is necessary to study the characteristics of each of them

In order to choose the right type of radiator for an apartment is necessary to study the characteristics of each of them

Helpful information! For residential buildings, which have more than 12 floors, an excellent option is to install a bimetallic battery. Also in this case, the cast iron models can be used. If the working pressure indicator does not exceed 14 atmospheres, and Ph is a figure in the range from 5 to 8, then it is possible to use not only the iron and the bimetal, but also aluminum and steel.

If the acid value exceeds the permissible level (> 8.5), then the use of steel and aluminum construction is not recommended. In such an environment to function properly only bimetallic heating structure. They are suitable for DSP, pressure greater than 20 atmospheres.

Rating radiators for apartments bimetal

Among the bimetallic radiators, as mentioned above, there are three basic models. Consider their characteristics:

SIRA RS BIMETAL 500. Such a model has several major advantages, which include: a high heat transfer coefficient, as well as good sound insulation qualities. These products are manufactured in Italy. They are able to provide heating rooms up to 40 square meters.

The number of sections takihbatarey y ranges from 4 to 12. And bimetallic radiators of this model are of high quality and aesthetics of painting. From the noted disadvantages can be sensitized to the working environment.

Wishing to replace the old heating radiator on the best quality device with decent performance, people will inevitably faced with a difficult choice - which model to purchase

Wishing to replace the old heating radiator on the best quality device with decent performance, people will inevitably faced with a difficult choice - which model to purchase

GLOBAL STYLE PLUS 500. The bimetallic heater from the Italian manufacturer, wherein high quality assembly. The service life of such products is 25 years, as reported by the manufacturer. Another advantage of such a heat sink is resistant to water hammer. The model of this type is capable of withstanding pressures up to 35 atmospheres. The maximum coolant temperature parameter for this heater is 110 ° C.

The main drawback of such batteries is an enamel coating, which differs uncertain quality. And it should be said that the price of the heating battery of this type is higher than that of the other members.

RIFAR MONOLIT 500. The most common bimetallic radiator that has high resistance to pressure shocks and an operating pressure of as much as 100 atmospheres. "Rifar" The company is located in Russia and specializes in the production of heating appliances, domestic adapt under conditions of use.

Such a model may have a different number of sections. The maximum rate of heat transfer such a battery reaches 2744 watts, which is sufficient to maintain the desired climate in a room with an area of ​​27 m². The maximum temperature of the working medium, which can withstand such a battery is 135 ° C. Among the few drawbacks of the radiator can distinguish a weak noise-isolation.

Assessing brand products GLOBAL, experts say that the company confidently holds the leading position in the industry in terms of price and quality

Assessing brand products GLOBAL, experts say that the company confidently holds the leading position in the industry in terms of price and quality

What are the radiators to better apartments: prices and characteristics of the aluminum models

In turn, the aluminum heating designs have many varieties. Consider those who have the greatest popularity among the customers:

THERMAL RAP-500. The company, which manufactures this model radiator is located in Russia. Products of this type are designed to work in quite difficult conditions. The maximum operating pressure for the "RAP-500" model is 24 atmospheres, which exceeds a standard indicators DSP.

Note! When buying aluminum heating device, be sure to pay attention to its operating pressure. This rate is specified in the relevant documentation supplied with the radiator.

Aluminum battery of this model is resistant to hydraulic jumps, so popular with buyers in Russia. The maximum temperature of the working medium which is able to withstand the heat sink "RAP-500" from the brand "THERMAL 'is 130 ° C.

RIFAR ALUM 500. These aluminum panels, as in the previous case, are made by a Russian company. They are able to operate in severe thermal conditions (135 ° C). The maximum area that is able to heat a model of this type is 25.6 m².

radiator model RIFAR ALUM 500 adapted to the extreme climatic conditions of any region

radiator model RIFAR ALUM 500 adapted to the extreme climatic conditions of any region

Aluminum model from this manufacturer can withstand pressures up to 20 atmospheres, and is resistant to minor hydraulic shocks in DSP. Its service life can be up to 25 years under normal use. The main disadvantage of this model - low-quality protective coating.

ROYAL THERMO REVOLUTION 500. Aluminum radiator of the Italian brand "ROYAL THERMO" differs in that it has the best heat transfer coefficient is among such structures. The maximum capacity of such heating devices can reach 3982 Watts.

Installation of the aluminum heat sink ensures the required temperature range for rooms with an area up to 40 m². This model is suitable for use in DSP, operating pressure of less than 20 atmospheres. Thus, we can conclude a heating radiator is better for the apartment. Price and photos of such batteries can be easily specify the Internet.

you can highlight the fact that they are quite demanding on the quality of the working environment of the downsides of the heating equipment. Approximate cost of the above devices is in the range of 2,500 to 5,000 rubles. There are also more expensive options, the price of which can reach 12 000 rubles. and even higher. These include vertical aluminum heating device.

The main emphasis manufacturer model ROYAL THERMO REVOLUTION 500 makes on the issue of resource-saving equipment that does not harm the environment

The main emphasis manufacturer model ROYAL THERMO REVOLUTION 500 makes on the issue of resource-saving equipment that does not harm the environment

Steel and cast iron radiators: which is best for an apartment?

Steel radiators differ democratic value, however, are not very popular in the market of heating equipment. Consider models that are best established in the conditions of an apartment building with DSP:

PURMO COMPACT 22,500. Finnish heating equipment has always been known for its versatility. It is no exception and steel radiator series. This model features a convenient wall mount, as well as a high maximum power (5572 watts). Area, which is able to heat this battery reaches 50 m².

Among other things, this type of steel construction is lightweight and is the most convenient of all for self-installation in the apartment. It can be used in heating circuits with a pressure of not higher than 10 atmospheres, which is quite a notable disadvantage.

KERMI FTV (FKV) 22,500. This model allows us to answer the question, what is better to put the battery in the apartment with a large-sized facilities. It is a product of the German company KERMI. The main advantage of this type of steel heat sink is that it has a high heat transfer coefficient. Panel design contributes to heating of premises. The power of such a device can reach 5790 Watts.

The cost of cast iron radiators higher than that of their counterparts of aluminum and steel, but much lower bimetallic radiators

The cost of cast iron radiators higher than that of their counterparts of aluminum and steel, but much lower bimetallic radiators

Helpful information! The area, which can heat a given battery is 57.9 m². It is ideally suited for installation in large rooms.

Steel radiator of this type is suitable for use in heating systems with a boiler water temperature not higher than 110 ° C. Of the disadvantages of such a model can be noted small working pressure indicator (10 atmospheres), and low quality enamelled coating.

Cast iron models have many flaws, but still used in apartments. Among the variety of models from this material, you can select one that has a lot of positive feedback, namely: STI NOVA 500.

This radiator is the most popular among consumers. He is a product of the Italian company and has a good heat dissipation. This battery is perfect for small rooms (up to 20 m²). The maximum temperature of the coolant, which is able to withstand this type of construction is 150 ° C. Of the minuses can distinguish a large mass and a considerable flow of coolant.

Steel radiators can not tolerate ingestion of oxygen, after several summers, even high-quality batteries can rust through

Steel radiators can not tolerate ingestion of oxygen, after several summers, even high-quality batteries can rust through

How to calculate the power of the radiators and the number of sections?

The radiator should provide a normal temperature in the room. To do this, before you purchase to calculate the number of sections. Consider some of the rules that will perform the corresponding calculation.

Primarily the calculation power and quantity of the heater sections must rely on its dimensions. It is important to remember that the battery width should not be more than 70% of the window opening. To ensure proper heat dissipation, install the product in view of the center line of the window. radiator temperature norm in the apartment influences the heating of premises, so you should be taken seriously to the location of the device.

The distance from the working surface (wall) to the heating structure should not be below 3 and above 5 cm. Also, it is worth considering the distance from the floor to the battery. It should not exceed 12 cm. In turn, the recommended distance to the window sill - 5 cm.

Often, to increase the efficiency of the device, the wall coated foil materials. Consider what the parameters required for the correct calculation of the radiator power:

  • the dimensions of the room;
  • number of windows and doors;
Without the help of experts and additional programs to calculate the number of sections of radiators is difficult enough

Without the help of experts and additional programs to calculate the number of sections of radiators is difficult enough

  • the material from which the construction is formed;
  • location of the apartment.

Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the heating circuit.

Prices radiators from different brands

Today the range of heating equipment is as wide as ever. But from a variety of different models, you can select the most popular, which are different adaptability to domestic operational features. An important factor when choosing a heating device and its cost. Price for heating batteries must comply with their quality.

Bimetallic devices rightfully considered the most adapted to domestic conditions. Their value depends on the company, as well as technical parameters. The price of the most popular of the bimetallic heater RIFAR MONOLIT 500 is about 5,500 rubles. Thus, for 5-6 thousand. rub. you can buy a good battery for your apartment.

Note! The average cost of replacing the radiator in the apartment is 2000-3500 rubles. The total amount depends on the type of heating device and its installation characteristics.

radiator cost should not be the deciding factor for the purchase - incorrectly picked up battery, even very expensive, will last long

radiator cost should not be the deciding factor for the purchase - incorrectly picked up battery, even very expensive, will last long

Aluminum radiators are less cost. Buy this type of device can be just 2500-4500 rubles. In turn, steel and cast iron models are the most expensive. For example, the most popular battery iron STI NOVA 500, cost about 7500 rubles. The price of the most popular instruments of steel varies between 6-7 thousand. rub.

To select the heating device in the apartment should take into account a lot of nuances. But first and foremost it is desirable to decide on the financial capabilities and features of the DSP in your home. If necessary, seek expert advice, which will help you to choose the cost-effective device.

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