How to get rid of mold in the fridge: odor and moisture, wash and clean, do the treatment, black fungus remove

In the store in the department of household chemicals, you can buy special products for the destruction of molds, including in the refrigerator In the store in the department of household chemicals, you can buy special tools for the destruction of molds, including in the refrigerator It is recommended to clean once a week in the fridge, sort out foods, throw stale food, monitor the cleanliness of the shelves, wipe themWith a damp cloth. To prevent mold from appearing, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules of operation of the device - do not put hot food inside, it is less to keep the refrigerator door open.

      • Reasons for the smell of mold in the refrigerator
      • How to get rid of the smell of mold in the refrigerator by popular methods
      • How to wash the refrigerator of mold with chemicals
      • What should be the humidity in the refrigerator
      • How to get ridFrom mold in the refrigerator by popular means( video)

Reasons for the smell of mold in the refrigerator

Refrigeration unit is in every house - we use itdaily. When the device is used for a long time, an unpleasant smell appears inside it, which can be absorbed into the food and simply cause unpleasant sensations in everyone who opens the refrigerator.

Fungus enters the refrigerator with food and actively develops on perishable food The fungus enters the refrigerator with food and actively develops on perishable food.

The purpose of the refrigerator is to store the products that we consume. This can be both perishable food and long-term storage products.

Unpleasant odor appears most often from improper storage of food. All pots with food, jars and plates are recommended to cover with a lid or wrap the products with a smell in a plastic film.

If the power is cut off for a long time, the refrigerator may become self-defrosting, which leads to a rapid deterioration of the products and, consequently, the appearance of unpleasant odors inside the unit.

Often in the refrigerator you can find mold that exudes an unpleasant odor. The appearance of the fungus can cause a prolonged opening of the appliance door or the ingress of excess moisture inside the unit. Fungus and the smell of mold can also appear if the technique has not been used for a long time.

It is important at the first occurrence of an unpleasant smell to remove a source of stench - small green fungal formations.

How to get rid of the smell of mold in the refrigerator by folk methods

It is recommended that all products be removed from it before removing the mold from the walls of the refrigerator. In the winter, they can be carried out on the balcony, in the summer - cleaning the refrigerator in the evening or early in the morning, when the street is cool. Carefully remove the shelves and drawers, carry them to the bathroom, where it should be well washed with warm water with the addition of 400 ml of table wine 9% vinegar.

In the fight against mold and bad odor can help even simple but effective home remedies: baking soda, vinegar, lemon To combat mold and odor, even simple but effective home remedies can help: baking soda, vinegar, lemon

To clean the refrigerator well, it must be thawed. Even units with the No Frost system need to be defrosted once a year.

To remove mold from the internal walls of the refrigerating chamber, home remedies can be used that do not harm the appliance, but remove stains.

Can be used:

  • Table vinegar .Pour into a convenient bowl, it is good to wash the entire refrigerator and freezer.
  • Chlorine .Good removes any fungus, but if it hits the rubber seal it can dry it, which leads to drying out.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide .Copes with mold, but after using the liquid there is an unpleasant smell, which erodes for quite some time.

The treatment of the refrigerator with various solutions should only occur in rubber gloves, and avoid contact with the eyes or the respiratory tract. Dry boxes and shelves set in place and connect the refrigerator to the network.

How to wash the refrigerator of mold with chemicals

Black mold is afraid of any antifungal agents - Sif, Silit, Domestos, Comet. The chemical elements that make up these compounds can cope well with any contamination, including fungus.

In order not to damage the refrigerator, detergents should not contain abrasive materials In order not to damage the refrigerator, detergents should not contain any abrasive materials.

It is absolutely necessary to work with chemicals in gloves. On the sponge, apply a little cleanser, treat all the walls of the refrigerator, paying special attention to the places where the black fungus was formed.

When using a spray, it must be sprayed onto the surface and gently removed with a washcloth.

To remove chemical residues, it is necessary to rinse the walls and the chamber of the refrigerator with warm water with the addition of vinegar or citric acid, wipe dry with a cloth and allow to air for several hours.

To prevent mold from reappearing, preventive measures should be taken. Spoiled products are discarded, and perishable stored in tightly closed containers. It is recommended to periodically wipe the refrigerator with a solution of soda - it not only disinfects, but also removes unpleasant smells.

What should be the humidity in the refrigerator

The humidity in the refrigerator depends on a number of characteristics. First of all, we take into account what type of frost( type of refrigerator), what is the temperature, the tightness of the refrigerator. Depends on the moisture and the types of products stored in it, and what they are packed. Humidity is also different from the height at which the product is stored.

The humidity in the cooling chamber depends on the cooling method and the design features of the refrigerator, the type and conditions of storage of the products The air humidity in the cooling chamber depends on the cooling method and the design features of the refrigerator, the type and storage conditions of the products.

According to the laws of physics, warm and moist air tends upwards, respectively, cold and dry down.

The highest humidity in refrigerators with a crying wall. For different products, a different level of humidity is considered ideal.

For example, vegetables and fruits will keep their freshness longer at high humidity, but the temperature should be kept just above 0 °.Adjusting the humidity most easily by placing the products taking into account the increasing humidity from the bottom to the top.

It is also worth remembering that open products will quickly lose their moisture( dry).If in your refrigerator there is a snow bloom or mold, the first thing to check is the rubber seal on the door. This means that the moist warm air penetrates into the refrigerator chamber from the outside.

With increased humidity, small bags of silica gel can be used, which shoe factories put in a box with shoes. Place the sachets so that they do not damage them with pots or cans.

How to get rid of mold in the refrigerator by popular means( video)

Mold, which often causes unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, must be removed. To clean the black fungus formations and remove the smell, you need to defrost and wash the refrigerator, discard spoiled foods and optimize the temperature and humidity inside the device.

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