Sewerage for the bath: the scheme with your own hands, how to make the drainage pit correctly, the bathroom unit

Uninterrupted operation of the sewage system in the bath will be ensured by a properly planned equipment diagram continuous work of sewage in the bath of the system will provide a properly planned layout of equipment

    • How to sewers in the bath: Select the type
    • drain pit: the main aspects of the device
    • Work with your hands: howthe right to make the water drain in the bath
    • Sewerage in the bath with your hands: the scheme
    • drain Arrangement for bath( video)

Organization baths in the house needs to createNecessary engineering network. This network includes sewerage, the creation of which is very simple with some skills, tools and schemes. The practical implementation of a standard sewage scheme can ensure trouble-free operation. However, before starting to organize you need to take into account many factors, for example the type of your soil and the depth of freezing, as well as the parameters of the pipes and the frequency of the operation of the bath.

How to make sewerage in a bath: choose type

Sewer and type can be different. In order for everything to be as suitable as possible for specific requirements, you need to take into account certain indicators.

The type of sewage system used depends on the soil on the site The species of the sewage system depends on the soil at the site

Among the isolated 6:

  • Primer on the site;
  • Sewerage in the house;
  • Freezing of soil in winter;
  • Possibility to connect to central sewerage;
  • How often will the bathhouse be used, and how much the maximum person in it will be;
  • The need to install a septic tank.

Depending on what kind of soil you have on the site, you need to choose a specific type of sewage. So, for example, for a sandy soil it is better to install a drainage well. And for clay soil, this will not be the best option, the pit, which will have to be cleaned periodically, is best here.

Scheme sewage must necessarily be tailored soil freezing in winter, because wastewater may freeze, which would entail damage to the entire sewer system.

If you plan to organize a more complex bath structure, then the sewerage should be much larger and more solid. If it is possible to connect to the central sewer system, it is better to organize this type of work and forget that it will be necessary to take out the drains for good.

Drainage pit: the main aspects of the

The drainage pit is an ordinary pit that is created near the bath. Its depth should be such that the sewage does not freeze in winter. Here you need to take into account the depth of freezing and the level of sewage. For example if the soil in the winter freeze to 0.6 m, the minimum depth of the pit should be at least 1.5 m.

When organizing a drainage pit, pipe coming out of the bath should be insulated

In order to organize the drainage pitWill need:

  • Dig a trench that will connect the pit and the bath;
  • Put clay on the bottom, the layer of which should be approximately 10 cm;
  • Put the clay in a trench and level it in such a way that a slope is formed;
  • Organize a layer of expanded clay, gravel, rubble, fine brick with sand, the height of such a pillow should be approximately 45 cm;
  • Drain cushion to cover the ground and tamper;
  • The pipe that comes out of the bath needs to be insulated.

If the soil is sandy, then less complicated drainage can be organized. A trench with a depth of up to 1m is suitable here, and a drainage cushion can be about 20cm.

Work with your hands: how to make the drains in the bath

Before sewers make their own arrangements for a bath, you need to consider the fact that the floors need to make the most warming and dense. In addition, there must necessarily be a slope that will direct the water to the sewer. On the sewer drain you need to place a pipe, the diameter of which will be not less than 5 cm.

Having studied the principle of work and all the nuances, it is not difficult to establish a sewage system for a sauna Having studied the principle of operation and all the nuances, it is not difficult to install a sewage system for a sauna by yourself

The best materials for laying the chute are cast iron, asbestos, ceramics or concrete, galvanized iron can be used. In no case do not give preference to steel or wood, as they will soon collapse.

The chute can also be installed under the partition that separates the sink and the steam room, but in this case make sure that the partition is raised by 2 cm. As a result, the water that will be on the floor immediately goes to the drain pit or well.

Sewage for a bath can also be arranged in another way. For example, installing a floor with holes up to 5 mm in size. It will be necessary to take care of the metal plastic, which will be a kind of hydraulic seal and will not allow the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the bath.

Sewerage in the bath with their own hands: scheme

The standard sewerage scheme for the bath with their own hands includes the presence of drains from all necessary facilities, such as a bathroom, shower, hotbed and a dressing room. When you are engaged in the drafting of the project, consider both the main room, and additional ones in which there may be water.

Properly designed scheme - the first step in the organization of sewage Correctly designed scheme - the first step in the organization of sewerage

If the bath will have a bathroom or other plumbing, the installation of a septic tank is mandatory to disinfect the drains. If there is only a sink in the bath, then the presence of a septic tank is not necessary. It all depends on what kind of communication you have in the bath.

Speaking about the basic recommendations, the creation of sewerage, you can see that they are not so many, but everything needs to be taken into account.

They are:

  • Each drain point in the bath should be equipped with a water seal so that smells from the sewer do not enter the room;
  • When purchasing a pipe, focus on the material that can withstand heat, it is better to purchase heat-resistant plastic;
  • Pay attention to all the joints on the pipes, under them you need to organize auditory pits so that you can clean the system of litter;
  • All drain holes must be equipped with a protective mesh, this will protect the sewer from getting debris;
  • Do not lay pipes near a heating device.

The regulation also allows the location of the pit in relation to other objects. From the main building, the pit should be at a distance of at least 0.5 m. The dimensions should be about 0.5 by 05 m and the depth of about 0.7 m. The drainage pit should be located no further than 2.5 m.

Sometimes when sewerage for a bath is usedZhb rings to create a drainage well. To create it in this case, use a brick structure or a ready-made plastic container. The pit in this case is located at a distance of 3 m from the bath, it is possible more, and its placement in terms of depth should be taken into account with the freezing index. In order to make such a pit it will be necessary to perform a number of land works, digging trenches to install the pipe. After that, the whole bottom is laid with rubble, which will perform the function of the filter, its layer should be at least 0.5 m.

If it is necessary to block the well, it is necessary to provide a hatch to clean the well, if necessary. All these details need to be taken into account if you do the sewer yourself.

Sewage system for bath( video)

Sewerage is a necessary element even in the smallest and simplest bath. It is able to save the land from sewage pollution, and protect your bath from the effects of moisture. And, of course, there should be no doubt that big baths with a shower and a toilet are especially needed in the sewage system. The main rules that must be observed in the organization, have been described in our article. Given all these indicators and nuances, you will be able to organize the proper disposal of bath sinks by yourself.

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