How to calculate the volume: the area of ​​the water pipe, the formula in m³, the online calculator, the cross-section and the surface

When installing pipes it is important to know their volume When assembling pipes it is important to know their volume The volume calculation is necessary to determine the capacity of any container, and also reflects the dimensions of a particular object. To simplify all calculations, you can use the online calculator, but you can not always use it. It is easier to make several measurements, and multiply the resulting figures.

    • Pipe size: asCalculate the volume( video)

Dimensions for calculating the volume of pipes

Some use online calculators for this, and others use formulas to calculateFold the pipe manually. There are other, somewhat different ways of calculating the volume of pipes, for example, using tables. In construction, not only on an industrial scale, but also at home, sometimes the volume is calculated.

Calculate the volume of pipes is especially important in the arrangement of water supply or sewage Calculate the volume of the pipes is particularly important for the construction of water supply or sewer systems

So, sometimes it becomes necessary to calculate the volume of pipes, for example, in the arrangement:

  • Water supply;
  • Sewer;
  • And other needs, where pipes are used.

For correct determination of the volume of any pipe in m3, it is necessary to perform certain manipulations. Measure the internal radius of the pipe, or determine the inner, as well as the outer diameter of the pipe and record the results. Measure the length of the pipe, and also record the values ​​obtained. To calculate how much water can hold the pipe, you need to convert millimeters to meters, then you need to square the radius and multiply it by the number Pi, so a section will be defined.

Pi is equal to the value of 3.14.

Next, the length of the pipe should be multiplied by the area of ​​its cross-section, in such a simple way one can find the volume. The table represents several columns in which the inner and outer diameter of the pipes are specified, the running length( usually 10 m) and the volume of 1 m in liters are indicated. It is enough to find in the table a suitable pipe in order to determine its volume.

Calculating the pipe area

In addition to determining the volume of the pipes, it is sometimes necessary to calculate the area, for example, in order to know how much paint is required for painting or coating with some other material. Calculation of the area is also carried out either using online calculators, or using a formula.

If you need to paint the pipes, then you need to calculate their area If you need to paint the pipes, then you need to calculate their area

Thus, it is possible to calculate in advance how much material is required for:

  • Paints;
  • Coatings with insulation;
  • Degreasing the surface of the pipe.

The formula for calculating the area is not complicated. First you need to measure the length of the pipe, and also determine its outer radius, all the centimeters obtained( if the pipe is small) are converted into meters. Pi, equal to 3.14, must be multiplied by 2, then the resulting number is multiplied by the length and radius of the pipe.

As a result of all calculations it is possible to know what the pipe area is equal to.

To determine the area of ​​a square tube, you must first calculate its perimeter, and multiply the already obtained number by the length. The same applies to pipes in the form of a rectangle - the calculation is made exactly the same. But, it's easy to assume if the pipes are straight, and if they are curved, then certain tolerances must be added to the numbers obtained. Such information can be found in special building codes.

Detailed calculation of the pipe area

For a variety of purposes it is required to know what area any pipe will have. You can calculate it using an online calculator or with simple formulas. To calculate the pipe area, for example, steel, it is necessary to use the algorithm.

You can calculate the pipes yourself if you follow the correct algorithm You can calculate the pipes yourself if you follow the correct algorithm


  1. First determine the pipe diameter, multiply the result by the number Pi.
  2. The resulting digit should be multiplied by the length of the pipe, as a result of which the outer area will be known.
  3. If it is required to calculate the internal area of ​​the pipe, the formula changes somewhat, at first the diameter is also determined, after measuring the thickness of its walls.
  4. From the diameter, subtract the thickness of the pipe walls, and the result is multiplied by the length.

The calculation of the outside area is necessary in order to know how much paint or covering material is needed for the pipe. Also this knowledge will help in the design of heat supply systems in order to know what heat loss can be.

The calculation of the internal area is necessary to determine the volume of the liquid that can pass through the pipe.

In addition to calculating the area of ​​pipes intended for liquid, there are airway options, for a round calculation is approximately the same. But to calculate the area of ​​the oval or oval pipe, you should determine 2 radii, after which they should be multiplied among themselves, and the resulting result is multiplied by the number Pi.

Calculation of the pipe cross-section area

Most calculations for different needs in the modern world are performed using online calculations. Knowing the necessary parameters, they should be substituted in the appropriate fields in order to find out the result. But it is not always possible to use such "helpers".In this case, consider, for example, the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe, it is necessary manually.

In order to calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​a pipe, it is necessary to determine its diameter In order to calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​a pipe, it is necessary to determine its diameter


  1. The pipe most often has the shape of a circle and is less common in the form of a square or oval.
  2. To calculate the round pipe, it is necessary to determine its diameter, the learned value should be multiplied by the number Pi.
  3. To determine the internal section of the pipe, from the resulting number should be added to the wall, for convenience, all calculations are best done in meters.

The calculation of the cross-sectional area is necessary in order to know the velocity of the fluid or gases, and for this purpose it is necessary to choose the most optimal diameter of the round pipeline. Also, when calculating, account should be taken of the temperature of the gas or liquid with which they move through the pipes.

For a better calculation of the cross-sectional area of ​​a metal pipe, special construction tables and directories should be used additionally.

But, if you are calculating the gravity of the gravity pipelines, you should take into account not the full section of the pipe, but the so-called live or actual. The cross-section of the live stream is usually equal to half the actual cross-section of the pipe.

Mathematical formula for calculating the volume

To calculate the volume of a pipe, you should use the formula for calculating the volume of the cylinder, since the pipe is essentially a cylinder.

To calculate the volume of the pipe, use the special mathematical formula To calculate pipe volume, use the special mathematical formula

Calculation algorithm:

  • First determine the cross-sectional dimension of the pipe;
  • From the received figure it is necessary to subtract a thickness of walls of a pipe;
  • The resulting digit is divided by 2 to determine the radius of the pipe.

If it is not possible to determine the radius, then in this case it is necessary to focus on the circumference of the pipe, the resulting result should be divided by the number of Pi in the square( approximately 9.85).It is also necessary to determine the cross-sectional area, for this, again use the number Pi, which is multiplied by the square of the radius. And the square of the radius can be calculated, both in meters and centimeters, it all depends on the diameter of the pipe itself.

To determine the volume of water or other liquid, in the above calculations, the dimensions of the inner diameter of the pipe should be substituted.

If there is no great desire to calculate something by the formula, you can use special tables to calculate the line meter of any pipe in liters. In such tables it is indicated how much water or other liquid can pass through the meter in liters or cubes. Calculation of this parameter is important in the design of heating systems. It should also take into account this feature - pipes made of steel, let the volume of water pass less because of roughness and deposits inside, than, for example, propylene, this should be taken into account in the calculation.

Determining the surface area of ​​a pipe

It is important to determine the surface area, as it allows you to calculate how much soil, paint or covering material is required for a pipe, taking into account its shape, material and weight. The mass of pipes made of PVC or propylene is much less than steel, although their area is the same.

To determine the surface area of ​​a pipe, it is necessary to calculate its radius and length To determine the pipe surface area, you need to calculate its radius and length.

To calculate the pipe area, you need to do the following:

  • Determine the pipe radius first in centimeters;
  • After translating the result into meters;
  • Afterwards it is necessary to calculate the length of the pipe also in meters;
  • Multiply the result obtained by the known radius, as a result of which it is possible to know the outer area of ​​the pipe.

You can calculate the area and a rectangular pipe, taking into account the weight, it is enough to know how much the running meter weighs, the tonnage can be determined by special tables used in construction. This value should be multiplied by the pipe length in meters. Such calculations allow to determine the amount of paint, soil and thermal insulation material, as well as heat loss during transmission of the latter from such a thermal unit as a boiler house.

Determination of the internal area of ​​the pipe is also necessary for calculating its maximum permeability.

Water pipes: how to calculate the volume( video)

Almost every person is available calculations, it is enough to know all the necessary parameters, quadrature, ovality and fluid flow density in the pipe. If there are difficulties in the calculation, it is best to consult specialists. Thanks to this information, each person, using the necessary data, can calculate the necessary parameters, including the length, area.

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