Stretch ceilings in the hallway photo: design of black and small, glossy two-level in the apartment

Stretch ceilings are becoming popular for small, light-poor rooms Stretch ceilings are becoming popular for small, low-light rooms Stretch ceiling is ideal for rooms where there is no natural light of the room or it is very small. Stretch ceilings make it possible to make unique artificial lighting of hallways, because of what visually expand and enlarge the area of ​​the room.

    • Options for stretch ceiling design in the hallway
    • How to make stretch ceilings in a small hallway
    • Black stretch ceilings in the hallway
    • How to choose the right wallpaper for a stretch ceiling in the hallway
    • Stretch ceilings in the hallway andCorridor( video)
    • Suspension ceiling design in the hallway( interior photo)

Variants of the stretch ceiling design in the hall

Stretch ceilings are the most advantageous type of decoration of the ceilingThe face of the premises, and for the hallway is the most successful option of finishing.

The stretch ceiling design in the hallway can be varied, depending on the material used, it can be:

  • Satin cloth;
  • Glossy sheet;
  • Frosted fabric.

Modern design ceilings in the hallway is diverse Modern design of ceilings in the hallway is diverse

The design of the stretch ceiling can also be different, the ceiling in the hallway can be single-level, multi-level and floating.

A very important factor in creating the design of the hallway room is the color of the ceiling.

Ceiling design with a satin cloth, this is a good solution for the hallway of any area. Matte fine-grained structure of the canvas eliminates the unevenness of the ceiling surface, calm tones suitable for creating a minimalistic style of the interior, and bright colors on the contrary, will emphasize the dimensions of the room.

Glossy stretch ceilings in the hallway also look very good. Such ceilings contribute to the visual expansion of space, increase the area of ​​the room, create the effect of additional lighting due to the fact that reflect more than 60% of the light.

The design of the hallway with a matt stretch ceiling can be used to create various architectural styles, experimenting with the color range of canvases.

One-level ceilings - the most successful solution for the decoration of the ceiling in the hallway Single-level ceilings - the most successful ceiling design solution in the hallway

One-level ceiling is ideal for any hallway, both small and large, in area. Single-level ceilings, as a rule, are monophonic, therefore they suggest creating a cozy atmosphere and a restrained style of the interior.

Multi-level ceilings allow you to experiment with several colors at once and combine them with each other. The same can be done with lighting on a multi-level stretch ceiling using multi-colored LED cloths.

The floating ceilings in the hallway can be installed if it allows the area of ​​the room, which should not be small, otherwise the effect of the floating ceiling will be impossible.

In the design of ceilings for hallways an important role is played by the area of ​​the room. Multilevel and soaring stretch ceiling conceals the surface of small rooms due to the volume of structures, so it is not recommended for design in small rooms.

How to make stretch ceilings in a small hallway

For a small hallway, the best stretch ceiling option is a glossy ceiling. Glossy cloths reflect more than 60% of the light, visually increase the room and create the effect of additional lighting. Thanks to this, lighting costs are reduced. But, like the satin and matte canvas, it is also used for ceilings in small hallways.

There must be good lighting for this, which will provide every corner of the room with light:

  1. Central lighting;
  2. Side and corner lamps;
  3. Lighting around the perimeter.

The market has a large selection of lighting options in the hallway The market has a large selection of lighting options in the hallway

For small hallways, it is not recommended to use color lighting, because it hides the space of the room. It is necessary to use single-color lighting, open chandeliers and sconces, daylight lamps.

In the small hallway, the color of the stretcher should be light, restrained and pastel colors, best if the color of the stretch ceiling film is in harmony with the rest of its parts, with the color of furniture, floor and other coatings.

Black stretch ceilings in the hall

Black stretch ceilings give a special style to the room, so they are used for finishing the ceiling surfaces in the hallways. Black color is quite dark and cold, it looks interesting on the ceiling, and as people spend less time in the hallway than in other housing areas.

With the color of the ceiling, you can experiment:

  • Flat black in color;
  • Black canvas with white print;
  • Black photo canvas;
  • Combination of several multi-colored cloths in combination with black color;
  • Two-level tension webs.

Black ceiling and light walls - excellent combination for the hall

By making the two-level stretch ceiling black, you need to connect the black sheet with one more color, otherwise you will get a bulky bulky ceiling structure that will heavily burden the room. With a black cloth, red, yellow, white, beige color is well combined.

If the hallway is narrow or small in area, the stretched ceiling of black color should have white or light ornaments and images, bright monophonic light, lamps and chandeliers in the center of the ceiling.

To make the black stretch ceiling look good in the small hallway, the walls of the room must be light, like all doors and slopes, so that the small hallway does not seem gloomy.

How to choose the right wallpaper to the stretch ceiling in the hallway

In order to properly choose the wallpaper in the hallway, which will be in good harmony with the ceiling, it is necessary to be guided by several principles.


  1. Observe the contrast between the colors used;
  2. Maintain tones throughout the room;
  3. Take into account the level of illumination in the corridor.
Choose wallpaper in the hallway is not easy, because they must be in harmony with the stretch ceiling Choose wallpaper in the hallway is not easy, because they should be in harmony with the suspended ceiling

If the stretch ceiling in the hallway is light color, the wallpaper is recommended to use a tone darker than the ceiling to avoid merging the room into a single space.

Under the dark tone of the stretch ceiling in the apartment, you need to use light wallpaper. With a dark stretch ceiling and light wallpaper, doors, slopes and furniture of the same color as the ceiling are in harmony. For a stretch ceiling of a dark color, suitable background light wallpaper.

For a corridor in which a stretch ceiling of dark tones and black is planned. It is possible to install interior doors of white color and doors with glass, they are well mirrored in a dark ceiling and add to the room of light.

Wallpapers with a pattern, with patterns, ornaments and colorful prints, are best harmonized with the stretch ceiling of light tones.

Stretch ceilings in the hallway and the corridor( video)

Stretch ceilings for the hallway can be different and have many variations, the main task is to keep the hall space and make the premises more light. It does not matter what the color of the stretch film for the ceiling in the hallway is, it is important that the lighting is correctly designed and harmoniously looked exactly in this room with a certain color of the canvas.

Design of stretch ceilings in the hallway( interior photos)

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