Cassette ceiling: cesal, photo, caveen metal cassettes, Albes aluminum ceiling in the bathroom, installation

Cassette ceiling does not require special care, so it can be installed both at home and in the office The cassette ceiling does not require much care, so it can be installed both at home and in the office. Designers like cassette constructions for their functionality, indeed, the idea is very practical and convenient. Well, according to the inhabitants, they are also unpretentious in their care.

    • Design principle coffered ceiling
    • Cesal coffered ceiling: characteristics
    • coffered ceiling Caveen: multifunctional system
    • Cassette ceiling Sky: on new technologies
    • Cassette ceiling Geipel: modular design
    • coffered ceilingAlbes: domestic products
    • Design of cassette ceiling( interior photo)

Principle of construction of cassette ceilings

Suspended cassette ceiling mIt may be closed or open. Visually it resembles a panel design, but there is an important difference - the base of the cassette structure is square plates, and their edges are bent from all sides. Modules can be of various sizes, so all new types of such ceilings are sold on the market.

The cassette ceiling can be made of a particleboard( DSP), mirror or metal Cassette ceiling can be made of particleboard, chipboard or metal

Types of cassette ceilings

  • Metal. The base is an aluminum or steel square. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, the texture of these plates can be very different. Aluminum ceiling can also be used in the bathroom, as it is well used in rooms with high humidity.
  • Mirror. Made of polished glass, the surface is often applied graphics, the surface can be glossy or matte. Suitable for rooms where you need to visually expand the space, sometimes such a ceiling is installed in the bathroom.
  • Made of fiberboard or chip board. Used mainly for the design of offices and offices, their installation is complicated, the dimensions are large, the installation is usually done not by one's own hands, but only by specialists.

Manufacture of cassette ceilings so stepped forward that a rich selection of invoices really suits even a fastidious buyer. It can choose and closed ceilings, and perforated ceilings, and ceilings of non-standard colors, etc.

Cesal ceilings: characteristic

Under the brand name Cesal are sold cassette or rack ceilings LLC "Alkonplast", this is a domestic manufacturer. The company started with the production of various building materials, but recently there has been an active sale of suspended ceilings.

The Cesal ceilings have many advantages:

  • Long service life, aluminum lath ceiling is sold with the indication "100+", which means that it can be used indefinitely. It can be prevented only by wind erosion.
  • Aluminum cassettes are not afraid of corrosion and flooding. The ceiling experience various temperature and humidity modes easily.
  • Easy to care for - wet cleaning with soft means.
  • Hidden rough ceiling - you install a rack structure to hide all defects of the rough ceiling.
  • In this ceiling, you can mount any fixtures, ventilation and heating systems.

Практичность в использовании и долгий срок службы — основные преимущества кассетного потолка "Cesal" Practical use and long life - the main advantages of the cassette ceiling "Cesal"

In addition, an additional platform on the base ceiling is not needed, which further simplifies installation.

Well, among the shortcomings can be called a reduction in the total height of the room and a peculiar design of cassettes, this solution can be excellent in the office, in the bathroom, but in the living room is very controversial.

Cassette ceilings Caveen: multifunction system

Why Caveen is called a system - because its device also includes lighting, ventilation, as well as climate control room.

The elements of this suspension system are made of aluminum-magnesium alloy. From how the cassette is colored and polished, depends on its appearance and properties. Mirror shine is obtained just by polishing the cassette.

Кассетные потолки "Caveen" оснащены сразу всем необходимым: освещением, вентиляцией и климат-контролем Cassette ceilings "Caveen" are equipped with all the necessary: ​​lighting, ventilation and climate control

The cassette is coated with special technology at a relatively high temperature, or simply a picture is applied from the film. Then the cassette is also passed through a not very high temperature, after which it is processed by ultraviolet, so that the picture is fixed.

So it turns out that the surface of the processed cassette becomes embossed. It is resistant to oil stains and scratches, it is perfectly cleaned, and within 10 years does not fade.

Cassette ceiling Sky: according to new technologies

What attracts a Sky panel buyer is its ergonomics and excellent operational capabilities. The design does not lag behind.

Sky ceilings are especially popular:

  • Shade of superchrome;
  • White;
  • Gold;
  • Aluminum matt;
  • Aluminum silver.

Отличная эргономичность и широкий выбор различных оттенков кассетного потолка "Sky" не оставят равнодушным никого Excellent ergonomics and a wide range of different shades of the "Sky" cassette ceiling will not leave anyone indifferent

Among the undeniable advantages of these panels is their fire resistance and moisture resistance, durability of construction and ease of installation. The panels with perforations are often used, but the hole diameter is not more than 3 mm, the spacing between the holes is 1 cm.

Different Sky models are distinguished by names, for example, SKY T24 in the form of steps, or SKY TY - rectangular edges of the edge.

Cassette ceiling Geipel: modular design

It is easily installed in large rooms, if the elements suddenly deteriorate, new ones are inserted, and the suspension system remains the same.

Geipel ceiling cassette is made of galvanized steel or aluminum, externally it is a simple square panel. In the standard color range, silver metallic, mirror silver, mirror gold and classic white.

Любители всего зеркального или блестящего по достоинству оценят кассетный потолок "Geipel" Fans of the whole mirror or brilliant will appreciate the "Geipel" cassette ceiling

If you install perforated cassettes, then create additional ventilation in the room. And to improve acoustics, cassettes are usually supplemented with heat-insulating and sound-proof materials. These materials are made from mineral fiber.

The elements of cassette ceilings with rectangular, square and round cutouts, adapted for loudspeakers, lamps, pipes, etc., are also made.

Cassette ceilings Albes: domestic products

Dimensions of the cassettes of the ceilings of Albes start from the standard 300x300 to 600x600 and reach 1200x1200.

The cassette ceilings of Albes are made by the domestic manufacturer, they produce 2 types of such suspension systems: hidden and open The cassette ceilings of Albes are manufactured by the domestic manufacturer, they produce 2 types of such suspension systems: concealed and open

Types of suspension systems Albes:

  • Opened. That is, the profile is open to the eye. The panels fit into the cells from above, only their own weight keeps them. In this form, the panels differ in the type of edges: Line, Board, Tegular 45, Tegular 90.
  • Hidden. In this version, the panels are attached to the bottom of the stringer( this is a hidden profile).The panel protrusions are inserted into the fixing grooves of the stinger, a slight displacement is permissible. Difficulty removing access to the space between the ceilings( to serve the hidden communications).

Colors of panels can be the following - white, beige, superchrome, chrome, gold, super-gold, and also super-gold luxury, etc.

Installation instructions for metal ceilings Albes( video)

It can not be said that only French or German cassette ceilings are a hit of sales, domestic products are in great demand. And at a price it will be more attractive. The main thing is that you like the design, and installation and maintenance are not at all complicated.

Good choice!

Cassette ceiling design( interior photo)


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