France - the birthplace of suspended ceilings. That is why the most high-quality paintings are made in this country. Production of films is carried out taking into account the latest European standards. Films manufactured in France are easily installed on the base surface and easy to operate. When choosing a canvas, you need to take into account not only its characteristics, but also the manufacturer.
- French film under tension ceiling: features and benefits
- measurements and installation frame
- web tension in the crate
- Rules care French ceiling
- Installing the French stretch ceilings( video)
- Frenchceilings( photo)
French film under tension ceiling: features and benefits
distinguish the French stretch ceiling paintings from another dostatbut simple. Fabrics made in France, have a large width. For example, for domestic films, the width of the canvas is 1.6 meters, while for French films it is 2.2-2.5 meters. In addition, the French film should cost at least $ 25 per square meter. If the price is less, then the canvas is a fake.
These ceilings have such advantages:
- Low specific gravity. The square meter of the canvas weighs no more than 330 grams.
- Small thickness. Due to this, the French canvases do not significantly affect the height of the room. The thickness of the standard film is 0.3 millimeters.
- High coefficient of sound and light absorption.
- French canvases are represented by a wide range of textures and colors.
- The coefficient of strength is higher than that of domestic analogues. In addition, French linens do not deform under pressure up to 1 kPa.
- High elasticity.
French liners have a limited temperature operation. The temperature in the room where such a film is installed should be in the range of 7-35 degrees.
measurements and installation frame
Before mounting battens and tension fabric, you need to make a series of measurements. First, measure the dimensions of the room, the radius elements( if any), the corners. After that, calculate the necessary number of baguettes and fasteners.
After measurements it is desirable to check the smoothness of the base ceiling. Cracks and other defects should be fixed with a putty.
frame is mounted in this order:
- Repel line on which you will mount baguettes.
- Install the baguette and fix it with screws.
- Secure the CD and UD profiles.
- Install a plastic plate that will serve as a harpoon. If you install a tensioning cloth with a wedge method, you must skip this step.
- Check the smoothness of the frame and extend the communication for the fixtures.
web tension in the crate
After making crates to begin to trim. To perform this procedure you will need a heat gun. With it is necessary to warm up to room temperature, 60 degrees. Do not forget to close all windows and doors.
technology web tension:
- Stretch fabric and attach it to the baguette with clips.
- Fill the canvas in the baguette. To do this, you need to put the film in the harpoon with a spatula, and then push the canvas deep.
- Preheat the cloth one more time. Its temperature should reach 70-80 degrees.
- Fix the rest of the fabric in the same way.
- Allow material to cool slightly. When cooling the canvas slightly narrow and become even.
- Close the gap formed between the ceiling wall. To do this, you need to put the plastic cover into a specially designed groove.
After the fabric has cooled down completely, make a cross-shaped incision and pull through the resulting hole conductors. Then fix the fixtures on the mounting profile or the stand.
Rules care French ceiling
Manufacturers of French paintings recommend to adhere to special rules for the care of the film. First of all, you need to maintain the optimal temperature in the room. French linens do not deform if the temperature in the room is in the range of 5-35 degrees. In cold rooms, such films may burst.
also need to consider the following nuances:
- baguette in the wall paintings need to be sure to do the vent. Otherwise, the film will accumulate harmful condensation.
- Dirt and dust should be removed from the web by using a soap solution. Do not use detergents or abrasives.
- When using French paintings need to install special termokoltsa under the lights, since the film is easily deformed by heat.
As lighting devices, pay attention to their power. If you use fluorescent lamps or incandescent lamps, their power should not exceed 65 watts.
Installation of French stretch ceilings( video)
Fabrics made by French firms "Prestige Design, Carre Noir" or "New Mat" are the best choice for finishing ceilings in the living room or bedroom. Due to their high strength, such films do not sag and do not deform for many years. Installation of such cloths begins with the installation of a crate of aluminum baguettes. Then the cloth is heated, clamped with clips and tucked into a baguette.