Shelves for shoes in the dressing room: the room is deep, the arrangement by one's own hands, photo and dimensions, how to make the system

Shelves are a practical and convenient element of the dressing room, which allows you to lay out your shoes on seasons Shelves are a practical and convenient wardrobe element that allows you to lay out shoes for the seasons For proper storage of shoes, you need to take care of the presence of special shelves in the hallway. With the help of specially installed cabinets it is possible to ensure the safety of products, as well as to take care of their compact location. However, when planning the arrangement of a dressing room, it is recommended to take care of the correct use of the useful area of ​​the room.

    • How to arrange the shelves in the dressing room: the best options
    • The depth of the shelves in the dressing room: the advice of the designers
    • Shoe shelves for the dressing room: types of constructions
    • Interesting shoe shelves in the dressing room with their own hands: original ideas
    • How to assemble shelves for shoes in the dressing room( video)
    • Detail: shelves in the dressing room with your own hands( photo examples)

How to arrange the shelves in the dressing room: the best options

When planning a dressing room, special attention should be paid to the interior arrangement of the room. So, depending on the size and shape of the room, you should determine in advance the number of shelves and their intended use.

Shelves for shoes are best placed at the bottom, and for things - at the top Shoe shelves are best placed at the bottom and for things at the top

There are several ways to conveniently position the shelves in the dressing room:

  1. On a long wall. This option is considered optimal if sliding doors are installed. After their discovery, the interior space is freely available. It is necessary to single out various Ikea designs, characterized by high quality, compactness and originality. If necessary, you can use it to store the structure in two rows.
  2. On both sides. This shelving system is best suited for walk-through rooms in which there are two entrances. However, this arrangement can not be used if the dressing room is small. Location
  3. Location "rest". A similar arrangement of the shelves is represented by the letter "P", that is, cabinets and shelves are installed on three walls. For rooms with a large area is the most roomy variant of the arrangement of the room.
  4. "L-shaped" arrangement. In a rather wide dressing room this option is often used. But it is important that the minimum width of the room is not less than 1.2 m.
  5. Retractable structures. Such an option will be the most acceptable solution in small rooms. After all, with the help of sliding shelves and racks it is possible to take care of the successful placement of all things and shoes.

Depth of shelves in the dressing room: tips of designers

One of the most important issues related to the installation of shelves in the dressing room is the optimum depth. Choosing the optimum depth of the shelves, it is important to take into account the dimensions of the room and the features of the wardrobe structure. For standard products it is common to use a depth of 60 cm. This size will be an excellent solution for hangers necessary to arrange bulk items. But for large premises many owners prefer to use the cabinet depth to 90 cm.

The depth of the shelves should be such that even very large shoes can be placed The depth of the shelves must be such that even very large shoes can be placed

Below are the recommendations for the successful organization of the depth of the shelves in the dressing room:

  1. You should be careful with a depth of less than 50 cm. Often these sizes are used in small cabinets, which instead of bulk winter things are designed to store light products or shoes.
  2. For sliding-door wardrobes you need shelves with a depth of at least 65 cm. After all, a mechanism designed for sliding doors must be at least 10 cm.
  3. If you plan to create a compartment with hanging clothes, you need to make a shelf depth of 90 cm. Bags and suitcases used at least 50 cm, depending on the height of the cabinet.
  4. If the width of the shelves exceeds 90 cm, it is recommended to install a special partition. Thanks to this precaution, the inner bar will not bend under the weight.

Shoe shelves for the dressing room: types of structures

Before choosing a model of the shelf for shoes in the dressing room or in another part of the house, it is necessary to decide which design option is best.

Today are equally considered popular:

  • Open designs;
  • Shelves of closed type.

In open shelves there are no doors, so all shoes are freely available. Such designs provide good penetration of air to the shoes, thereby preventing the accumulation of moisture.

Thanks to the open shelves it is possible to save considerably the useful area of ​​the room, and also to provide a long service for shoes.

The original solution is to use a design with shelves in the form of a cylinder The original solution is to use the design with the shelves in the form of a cylinder

However, one should separately highlight the disadvantages of such shelves. Products have a limited capacity, so you can store only seasonal shoes. What shakes shoe shelves of closed type, they are presented in the form of ordinary cabinets. This option will be an ideal solution for wardrobe, because in the designs it is possible to store shoes for a long time, while retaining its original appearance.

In the closed shelves there are doors, allowing to create the appearance of the finished product. However, the interior space here is insignificant, so they are suitable only as a place for long-term storage of shoes. The described constructions also have additional devices. So, the shelves can be mesh, multi-level or equipped with an additional stand of decorative type, used to store hats.

Interesting shoe shelves in the cloakroom with their own hands: original ideas

Today, it is often practiced to produce footwear shelves for your wardrobe yourself. Such designs are made from improvised materials or you can purchase a special kit. An excellent solution for shoe shelves in the dressing room will be an adjustable kit, which has advantages over standard cabinets.

Thanks to the possibility of adjusting the size of the construction, Larvij manages to make a dressing room on its own, which will perfectly fit into any room.

To make shelves for shoes with your own hands, you should get prepared boards and connect them together To make shelves for shoes with your own hands, you should purchase prepared boards and connect them together

There are many ideas for the manufacture of shoe shelves:

  1. Plywood product. The result is a module stack. It is required to prepare in advance the rectangular parts, which are ground, and then the stack is assembled.
  2. Wood. Shelves perfectly fit in the American or other style of the room. Elements of the design can be easily purchased in stores or manufactured in-house. But in the second case it is impossible to do without special materials and professional tools.
  3. From the chipboard. For this option, you need to acquire all the necessary tools, as well as take care of creating a drawing of the product. And the processes of manufacturing a narrow and angular structure will be identical.
  4. From rej. Such products are characterized by ease, availability of materials and excellent ventilation.
  5. From the profile. It will be an ideal solution for high-tech style. Galvanized materials have moisture resistance, and ordinary multi-colored profiles harmoniously fit into the interior.

In addition to the above methods for the manufacture of shoe shelves, you can create an angular, circular or rotating design with your own hands.

How to assemble shelves for shoes in the dressing room( video)

In modern dressing rooms you can use built-in shelf models that are presented as an internal cabinet insert or as a separate interior detail. However, before acquiring or independently manufacturing such shelves, it is recommended to study well the existing models of structures.

Detail: shelves in the cloakroom with their own hands( photo examples)

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