room in an apartment or in a private home is considered to be the main bathroom - a kind of business card. It is in this room often gather guests, so the owners should take care of its qualitative transformation. It is important to take into account the interior features in order to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere through a combination of walls, furniture and other details.
- Wallpapers for the hall, which style is best to choose
- Wallpapers for the hall in the apartment: designer tips
- types of wallpaper for the hall: how to make the right choice
- wallpaper for a small audience: what is important toattention
- When to choose a non-woven wallpaper for room
- Liquid wallpaper in the room: pictures, advantages and disadvantages
- As pokleit wallpaper beautiful in the hall: craftsmen recommendations
- wallpaper in the room in a private home: what's the difference
- Types and designWallpapersI Hall( video)
- Wallpapers hall( photo)
Wallpapers for the hall, which style is best to choose
Currently, a variety of styles can be used to decorate the hall. And the design of the room completely depends on the preferences of the owner of the apartment.
is worth noting that some designers prefer to mix seemingly completely combining style, and new directions as a result.
Selecting stylish wallpaper in the hall, first of all, the interior of the room is taken into account.
But before deciding on the choice of wall cover, you should determine which image will appear before the guests after completing all the finishing works. Therefore, among the many styles( hi-tech, empire or rococo, etc.), it is necessary to find the most suitable one.
For people who prefer aesthetic and aristocratic beauty to all newfangled trends, it is worthwhile to dwell on the classical style. After all, the decor of the walls, made in a similar direction, will become an ornament of any house, and will not be considered old-fashioned.
Wallpapers for the hall in the apartment: the advice of designers
Modern designers offer a variety of options for decorating the walls in the apartment. And much attention is paid to absolutely all rooms, whether it's a kitchen, a nursery, a gym or a living room.
Increasingly, the owners are not afraid of fashion experimentation, because with their help, is a transformation of the hall beyond recognition. Therefore, with the right approach it is very simple, even in a Khrushchev, the room is visually enlarged and a unique image is created.
The following are considered to be the most effective options for modern hall decoration.
Wallpapers of dark tones
This option is recommended to use in a room with light furniture. Thanks to the contrast, it is possible to beautifully decorate the living room, making it more bright and at the same time cozy. But it is not necessary to cover the whole room with dark wallpaper, instead, it is better to single out one area.
Light color wallpaper
The furniture of dark color is suitable for them.
If pokleit web material is gentle and "quiet" tones contrast arise, whereby in the room creates an atmosphere of aristocracy and comfort.
Muffled wallpaper tone
Excellent with bright furniture. Today, more and more often you can find a room in which the interior is distinguished by a variety of bright colors.
To successfully highlight such furniture in the living room, the ideal solution will be wallpaper muffled tones.
Types of wallpaper for the audience: how to make the right choice
It's important to understand that there are no rolls that do not have any drawbacks. However, thanks to the variety of this material, you can easily choose wallpaper that will meet the basic requirements of the consumer.
The main types of wallpaper are:
- Paper. Relate to the budget category and in addition the material is easily glued. However, they do not hide surface defects, and also have low wear resistance.
- Flizeline. are characterized by an acceptable price, besides they have an average heat and sound insulation. Help hide the small irregularities of the walls.
- Wall-papers. Thanks to the great variety and affordable price, the photos look good on the walls. However, when using them, professional skills of gluing are recommended.
- Vinyl. They are embossed and waterproof, they are highly durable. But they include expensive materials, so not everyone can afford these wallpapers.
- Textile. For their production, natural materials are used, on the walls they do not have joints. But this kind of wallpaper is considered very expensive.
In addition, to facilitate the choice of good helpers will be samples of wallpaper.
Wallpapers for a small hall: what is important to pay attention to
Quite often the room in the apartment is small.
Therefore, in order to correctly decorate the walls of a small hall, certain rules should be followed when choosing wallpaper:
- Faint wallpaper. Mottled colors visually reduce the footage, so you should abandon bright colors.
- Single-color. Pictures and patterns are better to use in textile fabrics.
- Relief. With the help of a relief on wallpaper of neutral color in a small living room it is possible to achieve a cozy atmosphere. However, it is necessary to avoid too obtrusive relief pattern.
To visually enlarge a small room and advantageously emphasize the interior, do not use dark-colored wallpaper. Instead, the perfect solution will be a pastel range and gentle light colors.
When to choose non-woven wallpaper for hall
The composition of non-woven wallpaper includes combined materials of cellulose and synthetic fibers, which make the wallpaper durable and easy to use. Therefore, at the present time it is the flizilin wallpaper that is most needed for decorating walls in rooms.
This method of finishing surfaces allows you to quickly and adorably decorate the walls.
Liquid wallpaper includes cellulose and special silk fibers, which creates an ideal texture for wall covering.
Some owners prefer to make a liquid wall covering themselves. That allows you to achieve an exclusive effect in the room. Another advantage of using this material is its ease of application and rapid drying.
But the liquid wallpaper has several disadvantages:
- They are easy to damage. In comparison with other types of wallpaper, you will need to make a patch to repair the damaged area.
- They are hygroscopic. If the apartment has a high humidity, this method of decorating surfaces is considered unacceptable.
- They are not allowed to be washed. Due to the fact that the material for liquid wallpaper is decorative plaster and it is made from improvised means, under the influence of water it is capable of breaking down.
How to glue wallpapers beautifully in the hall: recommendations of
masters Today, many people use several types of roll materials to paste wallpapers in the hall.
There are three ways to combine wallpaper to make the living room beautiful and unusual.
Below are ways to combine wallpapers.
Vertical stripes
There must be a main background and special additions in the form of vertical stripes. And the main background is selected monophonic, and the fragments on the contrary with the drawings.
Division of the wall into horizons
A good solution is to separate the lower third of the wall. This option is considered classic and is often used in the decoration of walls.
Inserts of wallpapers
With the help of wallpaper inserts it is possible to make the interior of a monophonic hall more dynamic.
But you should avoid too many similar inclusions in the room.
Wallpapers in a hall in a private house: what's the difference
It's worth noting that there are no significant differences between the wallpapering in an apartment or in a private house.
But sometimes the halls in the houses have a large area, so the perfect solution is to use a combination of wallpapers.
Many designers recommend using natural wallpaper materials( bamboo or linen) to decorate a large hall.
It should be remembered that a private house is in a natural environment, closer to nature, so the best solution is to create a natural image in the interior. An example of one of the design solutions is the use of special wallpapers that have a wooden texture. This will help decorate the room and provide a harmonious atmosphere.
Kinds and design of wallpaper for the hall( video)
Thanks to properly selected wallpaper, you can transform any room beyond recognition. Therefore, the material for gluing the walls in the hall is selected depending on the expected result. Someone nearer light and quiet tone, while others prefer more vivid colors. However, do not forget that the situation in this room should be cozy and warm, and here you could comfortably be the owners of the apartment or their guests.