How to whiten tulle at home quickly: how to wash kapron to make it white, reviews about washing

Tulle can be whitened in dry cleaning or independently at home Tulle can be bleached at the cleaners or independently at home Tulle wash often enough. It is understandable, the material itself accumulates dust, and various spots to it can cling. And if the tulle hangs in the kitchen, there is no need for advice, about once a month such curtains are erased. But it happens that it is not possible to wash to the state of snow-white curtains. How to fix the situation?What are the ways to use it?Sometimes the standard washing does not allow you to update the tulle, and even aggravates whitening.

    • Zelenka: how to whiten tulle
    • As methylene blue bleach tulle at home
    • salt: how to whiten nylon tulle in
    • home to do the right: how to wash curtains, so it turns white
    • ammonia and peroxide: bleach tulle like at home, reviews
    • Different types of tulle: how to wash cloth
    • Useful tips when washing tulle
    • tulle How to whiten at home( video)

Zelenka: both theelit tulle

method from the category of "folk remedies to deal quickly."Indeed, you can return the whiteness of such, at first glance, extravagant way. So, what you need is a solution of brilliant green.

Before you begin the process of bleaching, tulle will need to be washed from dust and dirt Before you start self whitening process, tulle will need to wash off the dust and dirt

BLEACH using green fodder:

  • In a glass, pour 270 ml of water to the drip is not more than 15 green fodder drops, Mix all this;
  • Put the container on the table for a few minutes, look carefully, if there is a sediment, if it appeared - discard the liquid;
  • Pour the green solution into a basin with warm water( about 10 liters of water), for three minutes, lower the curtain into this water;
  • Try to turn the tulle several times over these three minutes;
  • Remove the fabric from the water, squeeze it slightly, hang it neatly on the rope to dry it.

Be very attentive - spin and rinse are not needed. Washing after this procedure is also not needed. Do not be afraid, the curtains will not have a shade of green, you'll even be surprised how such a method has done real bleaching. In the washing machine, as you can see, there is no need.

How to bleach blue tulle at home

Another grandmother's way will bring tulle to its former appearance, if the curtain is gray. Many people know that it is possible to whiten tulle and blue. It consists of starch and pigment, is sold in any hardware store. With the help of blue eyes for several decades mistresses are trying to whiten not only tulle, but also veil, various veils. A good way to refresh a thin fabric.

In addition to the ability to tint the fabric, the blue will be able to perfectly bleach the material addition to the ability to embellish fabric whiteners will whiten excellent material

Whitening methylene blue:

  • halves teaspoon( no more) of methylene blue powder is dissolved in 7 liters of lukewarm water;
  • Tulle for a few minutes in a liquid;
  • In clean water, the cloth needs to be rinsed very well;
  • Well press the curtain and hang drying.

This is a hand wash option, the only drawback of which is that you have to tinker with tulle yourself, and not delegate these powers to a washing machine. However, the machine can also do this whitening. In this case, the tulle is loaded into the drum, the usual detergent is poured there or poured, a teaspoon of blue powder is added to the filling compartment for the conditioner. And put the usual regime, plus a double rinse.

And with blue, and with a green one moment is important. These dyes should be dissolved as much as possible in water, so that no colored spots develop. Just be more careful when using blue or green.

salt: how to whiten nylon tulle at home

Whiten curtain, ridding it of dullness can be and with the help of salt. It is believed that in such a way bleach even hypochondriacs, who never take risky steps. Indeed, you can remove the gray from the fabric and salt. It is known that with its help you can also remove complex spots.

Salt will successfully cope with yellowing of tulle and fabrics of various types Salt will successfully cope with the yellowing of the tulle and fabrics of various types

How to whiten the matted salt with salt:

  • In 10 liters of hot water, dissolve the powder for white things, about 50 grams and 6 tablespoons of the most common cookedSalts;
  • When the water has cooled slightly, put tulle in it, and there it can lie for 4 to 12 hours;
  • Drain this water, then wash the cloth in the usual way with the powder, rinse it thoroughly.

If you bleach not heavily soiled fabric, then you can rinse with salt. The same method is suitable as prevention of tissue darkening. You can make a smaller concentration, a tablespoon of salt for 5 liters of water.

We do the right thing: how to wash the tulle so that it becomes white

You can also help the grayed fabric with the simplest laundry soap. If the fabric is delicate( tulle, veil, or you bleach the same organza), then soaking is used. Soap should be grinded on a grater to get a whole glass of shavings. In 3 liters of boiled water dilute this shavings. Combine hot water with cold water, get a warm liquid in 7 liters. Tulle is soaked for 6-12 hours in this solution. Then wash the tissue with your hands and leave it only rinse.

When whitening synthetic tulle, you must observe several important rules, and also select the correct way to wash When whitening synthetic tulle, several important rules must be followed, and also the correct way to choose the washing method.

Cotton soap can be bleached differently. In a saucepan 7 liters of water is boiled, a glass of the same soap shavings is added there. Stir. Lower the tulle or other curtains there, cook for 1 hour on a slow flame, stirring regularly with a wooden stick. Then take out the curtain, shift it into cold water. Again, the curtains need to be rinsed.

Our mothers are accustomed to boiling the curtains and diapers. This is a universal, albeit labor-intensive. Its advantages are that the yellowed fabric can be washed well and bleached. The yellowness really goes away.

Nitrate and peroxide: how to whiten tulle at home, reviews

You can whiten tulle as well as hydrogen peroxide, and good old ammonia alcohol. Only synthetic fabric can not be whitened!And ammonia, and peroxide - a good bleach, everything can be done at home.

There is nothing easier than to bleach white tulle at home with ammonia and peroxide

Bleaching stages:

  • In 5 liters of hot water, add a spoon of ammonia and a 3% solution of the hydrogen peroxide in twoLarge spoons, everything is mixed;
  • Tulle is dropped into this solution for 15 minutes;
  • Put on your hands gloves, the cloth goes to rinse, remove it, squeeze it a little, and hang it dry.

The method is very simple, and the reviews are good. So often bleach yellow from time tulle, chiffon curtain, delicate things, tulle. You only need to carefully dilute the components in the water. Use these tools carefully, make sure that they are not accidentally taken by children.

Different types of tulle: how to wash fabric

Tulle is usually called a thin transparent fabric, which can include both synthetic fibers and natural fibers. It is possible to bleach both nylon fabric and cotton, only this is done in different ways. It is quite possible to return the former whiteness.

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly dust out, and then you need to wash the thing in the usual way First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly dust out, and then you need to wash the thing in the usual way.

Recommendations for bleaching different fabrics:

  • Organza .This fabric is afraid of hot water aggressive detergents. This fabric can be bluish and thus whiten, the same green and the same salt will help.
  • Chiffon .Its strength is not high, and it often happens that the fabric is torn when washed. You have to be very careful. In this case, salt and laundry soap are most often used. It is usually washed with hands in cool enough water.
  • Kapron .This fabric can not be boiled. Help in bleaching saline and soda solutions, manganese, zelenka, blue, starch.
  • Veil .It is easy to damage, spin is undesirable. The same funds bleach the veil: soap, salt, zelenka, blue, manganese.
  • Cotton .And this fabric is not so whimsical in care. You can boil cotton with household soap, use ammonia and peroxide. Bleach with potassium permanganate, soda, blue.

Do not forget that on store tools, on packages it is always written how to use correctly. Is it possible to wash grease stains. A very dirty thing( with traces of soot, soot, complex stains) is usually washed in a typewriter. Usually, the curtain from the kitchen is washed from the fat.

Useful tips for washing the tulle

There are spots that can not be removed simply. But not all old curtains need to be thrown out. Moreover, if you use a couple of tricks, you can expect the most successful result. Sometimes it is not necessary to starch.

Relating to delicate fabrics, tulle requires special treatment both during operation and during the care Relative to delicate fabrics, tulle requires special attention both during operation and during maintenance.

Tips for washing tulle:

  • The water temperature should not be above 35 degrees if youIt increases - dirt and stains can be fixed on the contrary;
  • Rinsing in water with vinegar will make the fabric more shiny;
  • Curtains do not need to be twisted( many will properly unscrew their dederon, and then they are surprised that the fabric is deformed), but you need to iron it gently.

A colored curtain is difficult to starch. Therefore, special means are used for colored fabrics. Sometimes an old kitchen curtain that you want to change can be painted with a special dye in a new color. It is difficult to prepare it, but they are always on sale. This is a good way to save, because paint for fabrics is not expensive. And any creative process. But if the tulle is very old, it may be time to completely change the frame of the window, and not to waste energy and resources on vain works.

How to whiten tulle at home( video)

There are ways more extravagant when bleached, for example, with mustard or even using larch( juice) and generally unimaginable recipes. Still, do not experiment where there are ways to be proven and reliable. If not a purchase, then folk. And these recipes have already been marked by time and not by one generation of housewives.

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