Why cucumbers are bitter in the greenhouse: bitter in the greenhouse, the reason and what to do

It is often enough gardeners are faced with the fact that in the greenhouse grow bitter cucumbers Quite often, gardeners are faced with the fact that in a greenhouse grow bitter cucumber research scientists in the horticultural crops have long discovered the cause of bitterness in cucumbers - is the accumulation of substances in a certain kind of vegetable called kukurbitatsin. The more it will be in the composition of the vegetable, the more it begins to be bitter.

    • Why cucumbers taste bitter in the greenhouse
    • What and why gorchat cucumbers grown in the greenhouse
    • reason bitter cucumbers in the greenhouse
    • Measures to prevent bitterness in the hothouse cucumber
    • Reasons: Why cucumbers bitterin the greenhouse( video)

Why gorchat cucumbers in the greenhouse

No matter where grow cucumbers in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, if they taste bitter, then you need to take certain measures. Before taking a number of actions to eliminate bitterness, it is better to identify the factor that contributes to the formation of such a defect.

The main cause of bitter cucumbers is the accumulation of cucurbitin in the skin main cause of the bitter cucumber is the accumulation kukurbitatsina in the skin

Cucumbers bitter because:

  1. Some hybrid varieties have genetic inheritance or, as scientists say, predisposition to combat the accumulation of harmful substances, Capable of provoking the formation of bitterness. However, it is impossible to determine by packaging whether this is the same grade or not.
  2. The accumulation of cucurbitin is carried out mainly in the skin of the vegetable culture and in its pedicle, to use the product without a bitter taste, it is worth simply cutting them off. However, such a process will remove from the vegetable all useful substances, minerals and vitamins, since they are also contained in the skin and pedicel.
  3. Some landladies, before pickling cucumbers, rather than trying to taste each and avoid the formation of bitterness, prefer to spend longer treatment before conservation. Thus, you can simultaneously get rid of the bitterness and save your harvest.

Some housewives have another option to eliminate this taste. For example, if you plan to use a cucumber in a salad, you need to cut the tail and rub the slice of the fruit until the foam appears. This is how the partial removal of cucurbitin is carried out, which contributes to the formation of an unpleasant taste.

What to do and why bitter cucumbers grown in a greenhouse

Bitterness in different cases is peculiar, but in general, it is very unpleasant, and basically such products try to utilize. It is worth noting that if you put at least one bitter cucumber in a salad or canned, without preliminary treatment, then the whole dish will take the same flavor and will be spoiled.

It is advisable to take care of the prevention of such a defect at the germination stage and become familiar with the factors that contribute to the appearance of a bitter taste.

Breeders selected a number of varieties of cucumbers, which can not only grow in a greenhouse, a greenhouse and more severe conditions, but they will not accumulate a harmful substance that promotes the formation of bitterness.

To ensure that cucumbers do not bitter, it is better to choose special varieties for growing To Cucumbers do not taste bitter, it is better to pick up the special varieties for cultivation

Experts advise to choose:

  • Maryina grove;
  • The boy with a finger;
  • Grasshopper;
  • Ants;
  • Green wave;
  • The trump card.

There are also among the varieties bred abroad, many varieties that will not bring hassle with cultivation, and thus will not be bitter. They include Athena, Angelina, Ajax, Levin, Crispie, Parker, Vocals.

The reason for bitter cucumbers in the greenhouse

It is important to note that the accumulation of cucurbitin, which promotes bitterness, occurs in stressful situations. In other words, in those moments when the culture experiences severe discomfort, stress or fright.

Comfortable microclimate and timely watering will allow to grow tasty cucumbers comfortable microclimate and timely watering will allow to grow cucumbers delicious

As a rule, this can result in:

  • Insufficient humidity;
  • Lack of regular watering;
  • Surplus humidity in the air;
  • No or too much light;
  • Absence of potassium and nitrogen in the soil;
  • Direct exposure to sunlight;
  • The use of seeds from the previous harvest, especially from the back of the vegetable;
  • The presence on the whips of a large number of overgrown fruits;
  • Damage or twisting of a cucumber whip;
  • Sharp temperature drop;
  • Heredity of culture.

When growing cucumbers, it is important to remember that the occasional watering and feeding is a clear cause of stress and, accordingly, the accumulation of cucurbitin. In addition, a number of other factors affect, for example, the lack of maintaining the optimum temperature, the use of cold water during irrigation.

If you pour cucumbers with iced water, it will provoke cooling of the roots and lead to a great fright.

In case the crop is already harvested, and it is bitter, then some ways of eliminating such a problem can be used. Soaking cucumbers for 12 hours in ice water and heat treatment before tightening will help to eliminate the bitter taste.

Measures to prevent bitterness in greenhouse cucumbers

Each gardener has his own specific ways of removing and preventing bitter taste on cucumbers and it is advisable to familiarize with them before the seed is planted into seedlings. If the accumulation of cucurbitin is prevented, many problems can be avoided. So, in order to avoid the accumulation of a harmful substance leading to bitterness, it will be necessary to carry out a number of specific actions on the recommendations of experienced gardeners and breeders.

You can get a good harvest of cucumbers if you carefully monitor their growth You can get a good harvest of cucumbers if you carefully monitor their growth


  1. You need to carefully monitor the growth process of the weaves, and avoid them tangling. You need to tie them up as you grow to avoid damage, and make them as flat as possible.
  2. In very hot and dry weather, it is advisable to whiten glass in the greenhouse with a chalky solution, which will exclude direct exposure to sun rays.
  3. Regular airing of the greenhouse and greenhouse is required, but only if the humidity inside and outside is at the same level.
  4. Regular loosening of the soil is required to improve the supply of oxygen to the roots.
  5. Timely application of fertilizers is mandatory, but the introduction must be gradual and strictly according to the instructions to exclude the excess of nutrients in the soil.
  6. Watering should be regular and with one temperature water. At the initial stage of growth, watering is required every 2 weeks, and when flowering, every day.
  7. If the humidity of the air is insufficient, then it is possible to humidify the walls of the greenhouse and the tracks.
  8. In a greenhouse, a constant temperature of at least 18 ° C must be maintained, and after cucumbers begin to bear fruit - not below 28 ° C.
  9. When growing a cucumber in a greenhouse, it is required to pinch the bush, and all lateral processes, female flowers and tendrils must be eliminated immediately.
  10. When choosing seeds for planting, do not be afraid of experiments, since they can already contain a bitter gene. It is desirable to pay attention to the varieties presented above.

Only in this case the probability of avoiding a bitter taste will be much higher. It is worth noting that experts do not advise using seeds from the previous crop, since even if it did not have bitter fruits, degeneration can lead to such a defect.

Reasons: why cucumbers are bitter in the greenhouse( video)

With careful observance of all the above recommendations, you can get a quality and a great harvest. It should be noted that there is no need to be frightened if two or three bitter cucumbers are caught from the whole batch of collected fruits, since a single occurrence of such a problem, which does not affect the entire crop, is quite possible.

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