How to wash an acrylic bath at home, how to care for it, cleaning and washing products

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Immediately after the purchase, the acrylic bathtub shines with whiteness - beautiful, shiny, perfectly smooth. How to keep it so for many years? You just need to properly care for her - and this is easy.


  • How to use an acrylic bathtub
  • What you can not wash and clean acrylic
  • How to care for an acrylic bathtub
    • Purchased Acrylic Bath Cleaners
    • Home Remedies That Can Clean Your Bath
    • Video: Proper Acrylic Bath Care
  • Is it possible to repair damage at home?
    • Video: how to fix acrylic bath damage yourself
    • Eliminate minor scratches at home
  • Disinfection coating

How to use an acrylic bathtub

The acrylic bath should be washed regularly, ideally after each use. After taking a shower, it will be enough just to rinse it with running water from the shower. At least once a week, you need to conduct a full cleaning using purchased or folk remedies. And once every two to three months you need to carry out disinfection.

One of the main problems with acrylic bathtubs is their sensitivity to scratches. Acrylic is a very soft material, so any hard and relatively sharp object can leave a scratch. So if you wash animals, a bicycle, a skateboard or other hard things in an acrylic bath, be sure to install a rubber mat to protect the surface from damage.

Rubber mat

A regular rubber mat protects the bottom of the bathtub from scratches

To avoid the appearance of limescale, you need to wipe the bath dry daily. This is best done at the end of the day, after an evening shower.

Acrylic is also very sensitive to essential oils, so it’s not worth dripping your favorite fragrant mixes into the typed bath. After a couple of such sessions, you will notice that the bottom is covered with unpleasant yellowish spots, which are extremely difficult to wipe.

If you want to take a fragrant bath, it is better to use special bombs or buy foam with a pleasant smell.

What you can not wash and clean acrylic

In the care of acrylic, the use of:

  • any abrasive substances;
  • metal sponges;
  • brushes;
  • scrapers;
  • funds, which include:
    • ammonia;
    • petrol;
    • acetone;
    • chlorine.

The latter can corrode acrylic, and therefore over time, the beautiful white coating of your bathtub can peel off and expose an unsightly frame.

How to care for an acrylic bathtub

To eliminate pollution and plaque, you need to use special tools that have the mark "For acrylic bathtubs." The choice of tool is also important - use cloth napkins and soft sponges.

Using purchased products, be sure to wear gloves and open the door to the bath so as not to breathe caustic fumes. Cleaning is usually done as follows:

  1. Moisten the surface of the bathtub with running water.
  2. Apply detergent and rub with a sponge.
  3. When the product is distributed over the entire surface of the bath, leave it for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Rinse with running water, carefully removing the remnants of the product.
  5. Dry the surface of the bathtub with a cloth.

Purchased Acrylic Bath Cleaners

We have selected for you the most effective and affordable means according to customers on Yandex. Market ":

  • Bagi "Acrylic". Foam that effectively removes plaque, rust and other contaminants. After washing leaves a pleasant shine. But when working with it, it is recommended to wear a mask - the smell is simply killer. Cost - from 350 rubles;
    Bagi Acrylan

    "Acrylan" - a tool specifically for acrylic bathtubs

  • Unikum "For acrylic surfaces." Universal spray, which is suitable for an acrylic bathtub, and for other elements of plumbing. In addition to directly acrylic, it also cleans well accessories (taps, showers, handles). The smell is unpleasant, but not as pungent as that of Bagi. Cost - from 200 rubles;

    Unicum - an effective and inexpensive spray

  • Meine Liebe "For acrylic bathtubs and showers." Hypoallergenic antibacterial spray with a pleasant smell. If you have children or allergies at home, Meine Liebe is a good choice. The cost is from 210 rubles.
    Meine liebe

    German product smells nicer than most others

Home Remedies That Can Clean Your Bath

If there is no opportunity to go for special tools, you can use one of the home ones. For example, for ordinary cleaning use liquid soap or dishwashing liquid. They are safe for acrylic and can eliminate surface contamination.

If there are stubborn spots, you can use table vinegar and lemon juice:

  1. Wear gloves and open the bathroom door.
  2. Mix table 9% vinegar and lemon juice in 1: 1 proportions.
  3. Dip the sponge in the mixture.
  4. Apply vinegar-lemon liquid to the stain and rub a little.
  5. Leave for a couple of minutes for exposure, and then rub the stain again with a sponge.
  6. Rinse the mixture thoroughly with acrylic.

Video: Proper Acrylic Bath Care

Is it possible to repair damage at home?

If you notice a crack, deep scratch or chip on your favorite bath, you can repair them yourself. For this you need:

  • Coarse sandpaper. Marking 40-60 will do;
  • fine sand paper - from 600 to 1000;
  • liquid acrylic in tone.

These things can be bought both individually and as part of a special repair kit for plumbing. For example, a similar set is on Ozon at a cost of 1099 rubles.

The general procedure is as follows:

  1. Treat the chip or scratch with a large emery cloth.
  2. Then sand fine.
  3. Apply liquid acrylic and let it dry. Ventilate the bathroom for the duration of the work.
  4. If necessary, apply another layer of acrylic after drying the first.

Video: how to fix acrylic bath damage yourself

Eliminate minor scratches at home

If the scratches are very shallow and noticeable only at a certain angle, then you can do with little blood. You will need only fine-grained sandpaper and acrylic polish. Gently polish the scratches with sandpaper in circular motions. When the surface becomes flat (be sure to check by touch), apply polish according to the instructions.

Disinfection coating

Despite the fact that acrylic is very unfavorable for the growth of mold and other bacteria, still regular disinfection will not be superfluous. It is best done once every two to three months. For disinfection, you will need a product with the appropriate mark, for example:

  • Sarma. Disinfecting gel with protection against limescale and unpleasant odors. Cost from 90 rubles;
  • "Desavid 5%." An effective hypoallergenic disinfectant. It costs from 250 rubles;
  • UNIKUM. The product is in the form of a spray, which is used for ordinary cleaning and for disinfection. The cost starts from 180 rubles.

Disinfection is carried out in the following order:

  1. Apply the product on the walls of the bath and rub.
  2. Without rinsing, draw a full bath of warm water.
  3. Wait 15-30 minutes, and then drain the solution.
  4. Rinse the bath thoroughly with running water.

Caring for an acrylic bath should be systematic, regular. Only in this way you can achieve the pristine purity and beauty of your plumbing.

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