Cross-stitch embroidery of a peacock: white schemes, free download, set of smooth, palm trees and a Chinese feather on a tree, photo

Cross-stitch embroidery is not only a pleasant leisure, but also a continuation of the wonderful traditions of our ancestors Cross-stitch embroidery is not only a pleasant leisure, but also a continuation of the wonderful traditions of ancestors. Embroidery with a cross-stitch is a needlework that people of different ages and even sexes like. But, of course, women are more interested in her. Attracts the accessibility of this creativity, because with a great desire for the evening you can master the embroidery cross. Of course, some simple schemes, techniques, without complications. Especially if you have purchased a special kit, where everything is ready for work.

    • Fashionable cross-stitch: peacock in the kitchen
    • Embroidery with a cross: peacock, scheme, what threads can I take
    • Peacock monochrome, cross-stitch, schematic in the finished set
    • Cross-stitch "Peacocks"( Video)
    • Diagrams for cross-stitching a peacock( photo)

Many begin to embroider a cross, then move on to embroidery with a smooth surface. Some people make the right way, both are fascinating.

Fashionable cross-stitch: peacock in the kitchen

Today, cross-stitching on accessories and various decorative elements for the kitchen is very popular. So, you can transform white towels, for embroidery podhvatki and decorative cushions for a kitchen sofa are suitable. Or maybe you decide to take the theme of a peacock and other beautiful birds for embroidery. Suit and Chinese technology, and other ways.

This can be a monochrome picture, for example, with a picture of a peacock on a walk. Or depicted may be an oriental girl with a peacock. You can start with small sketches about the bird.

With the help of cross-stitch it is possible to decorate kitchen textiles: aprons, towels, napkins With the help of cross-stitch it is possible to decorate kitchen textiles: aprons, towels, napkins

Especially popular today is handmade creativity, when many decorations and other things in the house are made by themselves. And kitchen napkins can be embroidered with a cross. Peacock on the tree, on the grass, peacock feather, it's all fashionable.

Embroidered with a dagger: peacock, a scheme, what threads can I take

? As for a writer, it is important to have a pen, as he writes( figuratively speaking), so the needle thread is important. And this is no longer figurative, this is the most practical requirement. If you just start, then this information can be useful to you.

The most common yarn in embroidery is a mulina. They can differ slightly among themselves, but the principle does not change, they are six thin threads in a bundle that can adjust the stitch length.

For cross stitching, cotton or synthetic threads of a mulina of different color palette

are perfect for embroidering. In addition to popular mulina, you can use:

  • Soft cotton thread;
  • Mercerized yarn;
  • Filaments of viscose and silk;
  • Metallized embroidery threads;
  • Fine wool yarn;
  • Persian yarn;Tapestry wool, etc.

But, of course, there is nothing easier than to take a ready-made set with a pattern printed on fabric and colored bundles of threads that have already been professionally matched.

Peacock monochrome, cross-stitch, schematic in the finished set

The ready-made set makes the work easier. By the way, 3D collection is popular today, which is practically in any needlework shop. In the package, all the attributes required for embroidery. This is, first of all, a color scheme with a clear key. Since the tail of the bird has many ebbs, it will be necessary to use, perhaps, 54 shades of floss. On the loose leaf the broken scheme on a site is shown, which is numbered by figures.

The picture with the image of a peacock, made in the technique of cross-stitching, will always delight the eye with its beauty and bright colors The peacock pattern in the cross-stitch technique will always delight the eye with its beauty and bright colors.

The digits denote the page numbers on which the components of the peacock scheme are depicted. Usually, one part of the threads of the mulina is already cut, and it is in the organizer, and the other part is neatly lying in the bag.

You need to embroider stitches only in the place where there is a picture of the peacock itself, that is, you do not need to touch the background. Create stitches in one direction, do not change the direction of embroidery - this will spoil the whole look of the picture.

It only remains to put the finished picture in a frame under the glass. Framing should be worthy of embroidery, but do not make the frame more luxurious than the picture itself. The frame should shade the work, and not outshine it. If there, for example, depict palm trees and paradise gardens, it is already overloaded.

Cross-stitch embroidery "Peacocks"( video)

Embroidery of a peacock will adorn, of course, not only the kitchen, but also any room. Peacocks are associated with the beauty, elegance, luxury of the East, so it will be appropriate in the interior, which is somehow connected with this.

Success in creativity!

schemes for cross stitch peacock( photo)

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