Cross-stitch embroidery design girl: cross-stitch woman, free download hat, man and female image, bicycle

Schemes of cross-stitch "Girl" are simple and not very Diagrams of cross-stitch "Girl" are simple and not very Any scheme of cross-stitching a girl is conventionally divided into several large classes. The first refers to the figures in the shape of a silhouette. In most cases, we are talking about monochrome compositions using the play of light and shadow. The second category includes single portraits of girls, which are not surrounded by a large number of details. More than all the complexities are represented by works that include a lot of decorative and semantic elements.

        • We begin the cross-embroidery: the girl's scheme
        • We make the cross-stitch embroidery of the girl in the hat according to the photo
        • Composite embroidered cross-stitch: women
        • Embroidered cross-stitch "Girl"
        • Detailed diagram of the cross-stitch girlVideo)
        • More: Cross-stitch patterns for girls( photo examples)

Beginning of the cross-stitching: the girl's

schema When selecting a base image, it is recommended to repulse the levelProfessionalism. A simple cross-stitch pattern in the shape of a silhouette is suitable for beginners. In this case, 3 colors or a shade of a maximum are used.

Those who have some experience behind their backs can recommend projects that are more complex from a compositional point of view.

It should be remembered that the step-by-step complication of the drawing requires some preparation.

Choose a scheme for cross-stitching, based on your professionalism

This concerns not only the skill of the wizard, but also the tools that will need to be used:

  1. Focus on the urban landscape - a challenge, feasibleEven beginners. First, riding a bike or jogging can be shown not too detailed. Secondly, in the city the head of a woman covers the headdress. Simply put, the lady in the hat is not a complicated image for embroidering.
  2. Fans of classical painting, who decided to use as a basis for reproduction the picture on which a girl with a pearl earring, should spend more time choosing the color of the thread of the mulina. Competently convey the diversity of this canvas will help 12-15 colors and shades. Work for professionals of this complexity.
  3. One of the most significant elements of the work is the number of parts. For example, a nice young lady with an umbrella or in a boat requires at least 4-5 kinds of needles. To create a background, we use # 15-16, and for smaller details - # 25-26.In this case, you need to take into account the necessary play of light and shadow, so that all objects seem natural. Beauty always requires sacrifice.

.The same can be said for embroideries by the cross of the fair sex. Before you begin to implement a particular scheme, you need to analyze the characteristics of the image-base. The number of colors, their density, shades and shadows - all this requires a specific choice of tools. If you do not have the necessary experience, then it is better to purchase a ready-made scheme in a store of goods for needlework.

We make cross-stitch embroidery of a girl in a hat from a photo

Make a personalized gift to a loved one using embroidery made on the basis of photography. All work takes about 2 hours. The main thing is to correctly translate a particular photo into an ordinary scheme.

Regardless of whether you are talking about a composite image, where next to a lady is her man, you need to start using graphic editors.

Everyone selects software that is easier to work with. The main thing is to understand where the function is located.

Cross-stitch embroidery based on photography is a common kind of needlework Cross-stitch embroidery based on photography - a common form of needlework

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Create a palette - it should have exactly the number of colors that will be on the canvas when embroidering.
  2. The thickness of all the lines in the diagram exactly corresponds to the thickness of the threads used. For example, threads 486 require a line thickness of not more than 3.2 pt.
  3. Delete all colors and tones that you do not plan to use.
  4. Enable the option "palette of LCA".
  5. Insert a background with a drawn out chart, the size of which will be larger than the composition.
  6. Match the background and the picture.
  7. Save the received file and print it.

Quickly make a scheme to embroider a female image on the photo, help computer programs for image processing. In them, you should balance the palette and apply a grid to the image.

Composite embroidered cross-stitch: women

Many prefer a more complex work in terms of the number and size of objects. For example, on a dense canvas you can embroider adorable ladies, surrounded on the river by geese.

If the focus is on philosophical work, then in the center there can be a lady at the table with a jug. Regardless of your artistic preferences, you must follow a number of rules.

A smooth transition must be made between each object. This is a classic game of light and shadow, the use of tones and shades, as well as the contrast that is appropriate in such cases.

If you choose a complex picture for work, it is necessary to calculate and measure everything If you choose to work with a complex picture, it is absolutely necessary to calculate and measure everything

In addition, there are a few more rules that will make the result of embroidery pleasing to the eye:

  1. Several times check that the lady withA deer in a magical forest or a landscape with young beauties in red strictly falls into the cages of the scheme;
  2. Work starts from the upper left corner and gradually moves to the right and down;
  3. The contours are embroidered in dark shades, and the more significant elements are light;
  4. The marking is applied with a special marker with a thin rod;
  5. Each previous stitch is fixed on the material following without using nodules;
  6. Canvas should not have "screaming" shades and colors.

Having decided to take a compositionally complex picture, it is necessary to measure everything several times. Control of the ratio of cells on the scheme and the canvas. Even a slight blemish puts a cross on the whole work. In addition, the needlewoman must take the threads of the mulina in excess, because during work may not always come as pleasant surprises.

Embroidering the cross-stitch "Girl"

Fans of classics or fantasy should remember that when embroidering you need to adhere to common sense. Even a large amount of free space is better than an excessive amount of jewelry. More correctly, when the creative idea is not so obvious.

If you purchase a ready-made set for embroidery, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition If you purchase a ready-to-use embroidery kit, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition

The following designer's recommendations will help to reduce the likelihood of possible errors:

  • It is necessary to refuse the use of sequins and sparkles in large quantities, The pieces just overload the work;
  • If you are planning to buy ready-made kits for embroidery, then you should carefully read their composition;
  • Show on the canvas summer will help the golden threads, and autumn - crimson or emerald shades.

Detailed scheme of cross-stitch embroidery( video)

Portrait embroidery, regardless of its complexity, requires diligence and a firm hand. First, select the desired image and process it. For this, software tools are used. The main thing is to make sure that the picture and the scheme are strictly consistent. Even one wrongly placed cell will cause the alteration of all work. No less attentive to be, when it comes to decorating the finished embroidery.

More: Cross-stitch patterns for girls( photo examples)

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