People prefer blue for its quality, as an association with peace and relaxation that the sea or the blue sky can give. Blue is a universal color for any style, whether it's classical, high-tech, Mediterranean or modern style. The color of calmness helps the inhabitants of the room feel themselves peaceful and serene. Many cultures of the world believed that it was the blue color that protects the house from evil spirits, so in their dwellings the blue color prevailed. The natural blue color looks great and is perfect for choosing a bedroom interior as the main one.
- Bedrooms in blue colors: finenesses of color combination
- Bedroom in blue: what color should I prefer
- Stylish solution: blue bedroom with white furniture
- Harmonious blue and white bedroom interior
- ModernBlue bedroom( video)
- Bedroom design in blue tones( photo interiors)
Bedrooms in blue colors: the fineness of the combination of colors
The bedroom in blue tones is a popular design. It is great for both girls and guys. Deep blue is often used in the interior of quite wealthy people, because blue is the color of luxury and wealth.
It is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will start to "crush" and is quite capable of causing depression among the inhabitants of the bedroom, and this is not the effect that we aspire to.
To avoid this, dilute the color in the interior with any of the following tones:
- White;
- Beige;
- Sand
- Green;
- Caramel.
The main tone of any room is set by the wallpaper. The selection should be treated particularly carefully. After all, they are the main background of the room and create the effect of blue regardless of what kind of furniture or accessories will be picked up later.
Before you start to glue wallpaper, it should be noted that the walls must be properly processed, otherwise the wallpaper will stick unevenly.
Wallpapers are selected in such a way that they were derived from the main color - azure blue, dark azure, cobalt, turquoise, black sea or gray shades.
Let's consider several variants of a combination of wall-paper with furniture and accessories:
- For an interior in classical style blue wallpapers with light patterns will perfectly suit.
- Gray - blue wallpaper suitable for bedrooms, decorated in a modern style. In this case, dark brown furniture will look good.
- For ease of use, you can use blue wallpapers and light curtains on the windows. Accessories with lace are also suitable.
- Turquoise or cobalt wallpaper will look great with furniture and accessories of soft - blue or white.
It is very important not to cross the line when a stylish room becomes pretentious.
Bedroom in blue: what color should I prefer
When choosing a color, you should determine for yourself what exactly the owner of the room wants to get. The color can be as cold or warm.
In order to find the most suitable shade of blue, one should take into account the bedroom arrangement:
- In the event that windows are directed to the south side, then very convenient will be gray-blue and any cold shades of color.
- Windows on the north side of the house are beautifully shaded with bright shades of blue, turquoise, cobalt.
- If the room is in the center of a large apartment or house and does not have a single window, then it itself is poorly lit by natural light. In this case, you need to apply a dark blue color very carefully and at a minimum, and give preference to its lighter shades. And it is especially important to pay attention to the lighting in such a room.
Natural blue is a cool color. Using it in the interior in large numbers can not just destroy the style, but also cause depression in the bedroom dweller.
Designers advise to dilute the blue with bright accents and light accessories.
Professionally having played a color palette you can create such a cosiness in a room that only suits your soul.
Stylish solution: a blue bedroom with white furniture
If you add a white interior to the blue interior, then a certain solemnity in the interior will be created. White - blue color is a softer option. He is able to create in the room an atmosphere of confidence, reliability and tranquility.
White always looks great, no matter what color or interior style it is used for. And this is understandable, because white is the color of tenderness and purity.
The blue bedroom version with white furniture is considered especially stylish, but what furniture to choose for a bedroom?
So, in the blue room you can use:
- Bed. When choosing a bed, it is not necessary to give preference to a white bed. It is quite permissible to have an option with a bed of dark wood, but with white linens.
- Chest of drawers. Should be made from the same material as the dressing table, shelves under the TV, or bookcases for flowers. Otherwise, it will not be possible to observe your individual style of the interior.
- Upholstered furniture. If you choose white furniture in the bedroom, you should give preference to small sofas or armchairs. Since the main place in the bedroom is still a bed.
- Dressing table. An exquisite piece of interior designed for women. Since it implies the presence of a mirror, it should be placed in such a way that the sleeping people are not displayed.
- Stands for flowers. Let not pile up the room with large stands, but at the same time can refresh the room.
When choosing white furniture, you should remember that the bedroom is a place for rest and sleep. In this regard, do not pile it with a TV or computer.
Harmonious blue-white interior of the bedroom
The interior of the bedroom largely depends on the chosen color scheme. Consider the most applicable options for using blue and white in the interior of the bedroom.