We act according to the
instruction. The use of a foam gun implies certain conditions for its use. Firstly, before the start of work and in the process the balloon should have a temperature of at least +20 degrees. To warm up to this temperature, the balloon can be lowered into a container of water, but the temperature of the water should be no more than +30 degrees.
If the air temperature is below +5 or above +30 degrees, then special bags of thermos must be used for the cylinder. Secondly, for foam to be used effectively, the surface of the seam in the summer should be within 5-30 degrees, and in winter - no lower than -10 degrees. Thirdly, the humidity of air for qualitative work should be at least 50%, the critical value of humidity - less than 20%.
Next, consider how to operate a foam gun. First you need to prepare the surface and clean the seam from dirt, dust, moisture. If the humidity is too low, the seam is wetted with water. For each tool there is an instruction, a foam gun should be used on it:
- The cap is removed, the cylinder is screwed to the gun;
- The can is carefully shaken for 30 seconds;
Important! Working position of the cylinder - bottom up!
- The barrel of the tool is brought to the seam, and the trigger is pressed. The amount of foam is controlled by the trigger stroke;
- When filling the seam, the tip must always be in the mounting foam;
- The seam is made solid, without voids, tears, overflows and cracks;
- Wide spaces are filled with continuous movements from left to right or from top to bottom;
- If the cylinder is emptied, then it changes to a new one.
Worked - washed
After the work is done, the foam gun is rinsed. Consider how to clean the foam gun. The balloon is unscrewed, and the outlet must be kept away from you. The adapter and the barrel are cleaned of foam residues with a special cleaner for cleaning the uncombined mixture. To do this, a balloon with this cleaner is screwed to the gun and squeezed out. After that, it is necessary to pull the trigger several times more briefly. Then the balloon is unscrewed. It should be remembered that it is prohibited to use tools that cause corrosion and breakdown of gaskets in the tool.
Important! Do not wash the gun with water !How do I clean a foam gun from stale dirt? You can do this mechanically or using a cleaner. It is important to clean the needle of the instrument with a non-abrasive agent before the foam hardens in it, otherwise it can damage the needle. Before inserting the needle back into the gun, it should be well lubricated with oil. Unfinished cylinders can be left in the gun, but empty should be changed immediately.
How to use a foam gun in a safe environment?
We figured out how to work and how to clean the foam gun, but there are a few more important points. Using a foam gun has some difficulties and precautions. If the foam with the gun turned off, it is necessary to unscrew the can and remove the foam residues in the gun. The needle is pulled out and cleaned. The front feeding nozzle is also pulled out using pliers. It is checked and, if necessary, cleaned or changed to a new one.
When working with a gun it is strictly forbidden to direct to people and animals. It is important to protect yourself for hands and eyes, because the mounting foam is a chemical substance. Always use the tool only according to the instructions given by the manufacturer. The room in which the work is done should be well ventilated. It will also be useful to get acquainted with materials that are recommended to use with a gun.
Important! The tool must never be given to children, keep it away from them.