Which junction boxes to choose
Junction box - the simplest electrical device, which can be installed, especially when the wiring is open, anyone who does not skip physics lessons. But if you take into account that any connections of electrical wires( twists, solderings, terminal blocks) are nodes of increased danger, then you should treat the installation of the junction box with the utmost care and accuracy. Overheating, or worse, melting the electrical wire due to careless connections at best will leave you without light, at worst - without a home.
According to the type of installation, place, time and method of installation, these wire containers can be divided approximately as follows:
- electrical boxes for open wiring, almost universally used for suburban construction;The advantages are obvious: quick access, the ability to disconnect contact groups, draw additional conclusions for the new electrical equipment;
- electric distributors placed for internal finishing works;agree, it is convenient and aesthetically expedient to place a web of cables and the places of their articulation in plasterboard sheets or under a hanging( tension) ceiling;
- fixed boxes located in the walls of the building;the installation of such junction boxes is carried out at the construction stage and corresponds to the PUE( rules for the installation of electrical installations).
We do not advise you to dismantle and change the configuration of the electrospunition in the third variant without the participation of qualified electricians, but in the first two cases you can build electricity in the house with your own hands. Importance( technical and design) has the size of the insulating capacity, which is selected depending on the complexity of the scheme of electrical supply of premises. Thus, pallets of the same degree of protection IP54 can have dimensions of 85x95x60 mm and 210x280x90 mm. Feel the difference.
How to connect the wires in the
box The connection of the electrical wires in the junction box can be carried out simply, intricately and professionally. There are not so many ways to provide a normal contact surface.
- Twist .The simplest wire connector. He does not need any skills. We remove the insulation by 3 cm and gently twist the ends( phase-zero-earth is not confused) with each other. Possible negative consequences of such installation in suburban conditions - rapid oxidation, contact failure and, as a consequence, emergency shutdown of electrical equipment;
- Soldering. In this case it is simply tinning the brazed wires. The ability to use a soldering iron is welcome, but it is not mandatory. Already at the third docking experience appears. Tinned tin contact group is more protected from corrosion and obviously will last longer;
- Welding. This is already a professional method of installation, most often used in the wiring of power grids in multi-unit city houses. The method is fast, but requires special equipment( at least 500 W apparatus, carbon electrodes) and skills;
- Crimping. The most time-consuming option of fixing cable twisting, assuming the availability of calibrated sleeves, matched to the diameter of the wiring, and professional press pliers. Pliers and other manual clamping devices should not be used here.
In the last two cases of connecting the wires in the junction box, the ability to disconnect it and change the electrical circuit is drastically reduced. The ends have to be cut off, the length of the conductors may not be enough. Therefore, you can safely regard such a node as stationary and unchanged.
Warning: always isolate twists!
Securing the operation of the
. What to look for when buying and installing the junction box.
- Material. Non-flammable PVC plastic is desirable. Such distributors will, under conditions of extreme loads on the network, prevent the ignition for some time.
- Box type. Sufficient, but not excessive, number of input-output conductors, the presence of rubber sealing tubes, terminal group or sufficient volume for isolated twists.
- Degree of protection. It is usually indicated on the junction box packaging. For indoor wiring in residential, dry or heated rooms is sufficient category IP20, for outdoor networks and high humidity conditions it is better to start with IP55.
If you have thoughtfully chosen and correctly installed the electrical distribution box in your home, then the light and the accompanying joys will delight you even far from civilization.