Sawing a carpenter's hacksaw - how to make the process enjoyable?
Monotone movement of the saw back and forth in half an hour, and even after 10 minutes, begins to become a burden. However, just for the preparation of sawn timber in the old days, they learned to adapt ribbon cogs or, as they are called today, tare, with a cranked drive from water wheels. But, since we are talking about sawing a carpenter's hacksaw and other similar modifications, we will dwell only on those options that can be operated with one hand. There are only two types - for working on metal and wood, the latter is divided into carpentry and garden tools.
First, let's touch on those tools that we need for cutting a tree. Saw-sawing joinery is different from the carpentry of its dimensions. For work on wood in the workshop a small saw is used, which can be held with one hand, like a knife, which is why it is called .The handle at it can be located both perpendicularly to a cloth, and it is longitudinal, as in cases of narrow and shoe saws.
But there is another option, the name of which, again, is taken from a cold weapon - a saber hacksaw. This electromechanical tool, the working part of which is a tooth inflexible cloth, it moves forward and simultaneously from top to bottom, that is, as a result, it makes an oval turn. The saw cut with such a tool turns out smooth, with smooth edges. Speed is also impressive, and most importantly, all efforts are directed only to keep the tool in the right position, which gives a relatively small load on the muscles.
Garden hacksaw as a separate subspecies of the joiner's tool
In the garden, it is necessary to saw not only dry or diseased branches of trees, but also thinner, very dense branches of a bush. You can not handle a large saw in such conditions, sometimes you have to work under the most unthinkable corners. For sawing a bush, a narrow garden hacksaw with a longitudinal or transverse open handle can become the best option as a hand-held tool, and only a saber tool can be used as a tool. At large volumes of work in the garden it is better to use the latter.
The electromechanical corded tool can equally be used for cutting wood and metal, you only need to have special cloths for both types of work.
However, perhaps you only have a dozen or more old trees, which will not take much time to care( although it will require a lot of effort), and the shrubbery is completely absent, and a wooden or concrete fence flaunts instead of a green fence. In this case, for a thicker branches, an ordinary cross-cut saw with a wide blade is more suitable, since a mechanical hacksaw is far from always capable of making deep cuts, often its limit is 150 millimeters, and the thickness of some twigs can be 2 times larger.
Hand hacksaw for working on metal
For cutting metal saws are used lokovoe, with narrow and fairly flexible canvases, which are fixed in a metal solid or sliding frame. As an exception, you can name quite compact types of hacksaws with a one-sided clamp, with some models designed for a wider fabric, and in the case of others, you can insert large parts of the broken fabric. Some home craftsmen, faced with the fact of frequent breaking of canvases for metal, do not find another way out, except to make a hacksaw for the wreckage, shortened onions.
Metal cutting with a hacksaw is carried out in different ways, depending on the design of the saw. If you need to divide a large sheet of metal into several parts, you can not cope with this task with a circular saw, it will rest against the edge of the cutter within 30 cm .Therefore, for work on a large area, saws with a one-sided clamp, resembling a knife, are more often used. Just like a locksmith can be used and a saber tool, it is enough to install a universal cloth, suitable for both metal and wood.