Textured cushions - we make the interior more interesting

Structural roller - device and tool groups

What is this tool? Its design is quite simple. Depending on the type, the cylinder of the roller can be plastic, wooden or metal. As absorbent coating used a variety of natural and synthetic materials. The cylinder is put on a curved metal rod, which is fixed to the handle.

The rollers are divided into several groups according to their purpose. The first, second and third groups are designed to work with paint and varnish materials and have their own letters: VM - with fur coating;VMP - fur, for painting of a floor covering;VMU - used to apply paints to concave angular surfaces. The last group - EP, with polyurethane foam coating, is used exclusively for work with water-adhesive materials.

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How to work with this tool, and where it is applied? The surface of the structural( relief) rollers is made in the form of various patterns. Their very name suggests that they are designed to create decorative coatings. To create the most uniform pattern on the surface, the structural roller must be rolled in different directions, while trying to maintain a uniform pressure.

The work of a structural roller is the formation of a three-dimensional pattern on the decorative plaster. There are two types of tools: soft - from foam rubber or fabrics, and hard - from rubber. Texture roller is used if it is necessary to level the surface covered with liquid wallpaper.

It should be noted that large textures are designed for large areas. In small rooms it is better to use a fine-grained pattern.

Most often, textured surface rollers are used to create a uniform relief pattern on wet plaster, its depth does not exceed 5 mm. They are made of wood, linoleum or rubber. To achieve an inverse effect, use a figured roller. You can even make it yourself. To do this, the surface of the sleeve should be bandaged in several places with a thread.

If you have a roller made of polystyrene, cut the most simple pattern with a knife on its surface. Structural rubber roller is usually used in closed rooms for applying dispersion paints. With their help, a coating with a pronounced relief structure is formed.

How to work with a structural roller - all the secrets of a successful interior

Do not use rollers too large to work, because with their help it is very difficult to achieve an even distribution of paint on the surface. To avoid streaks, before painting, the tool should be thoroughly rolled out in a special tray. If you do not have it, you can use plywood or a sheet of corrugated iron. As a result, the required amount of paint remains on the tool.

Never use the same tool to work with different types of dyes. In extreme cases, you can make a textured roller with your own hands. As you know, it is practically impossible to work with such tools in hard-to-reach places. Therefore, all angles, surfaces for platbands and skirting boards, it is necessary to pass a paint brush.

Typically, the wall paint is applied from the top down, and on the ceilings in the direction of the incident light. So it will be easier for you to notice small errors. Painting by roller is carried out in the same way. The paint is applied by strips or lasers, preferably with overlapping by a few centimeters.

At the very beginning paint is applied as thick as possible, after which it is rolled out with a roller. With each passage, the pressure on it is gradually increased. In this work, the main thing is how to paint the paint more thoroughly. If you find a gap, then at this point the painting should be repeated.

Sometimes experienced painters paint first brush, then carefully roll it out. In order to understand how to work with a structural roller, you can first practice on a piece of cardboard. And only after that, start painting the walls. After finishing the work, the tool should be thoroughly washed or placed in a container, and filled with paint, then tightly wrapped in a plastic bag.

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