Trowel for Venetian plaster - we select the tool
It is not enough to buy a tool for applying Venetian plaster, it needs, first, to pick up on the hand, and secondly - to choose correctly, then not to swear through the teeth during the finishing works. First, we choose a trowel, and it is better to immediately purchase several different sizes of this tool. The first advice when choosing - do not consider yourself an amateur and pick up the tool meticulously. Yes, you are new to the repair work and all the more in the decoration of the walls with Venetian plaster, but that's why the tool you need to be the best, this professional can do the job even though a baby sovochkom.
What should be the trowel: perfectly smooth, polished to a mirror finish, with a convenient handle .Polishing is necessary in order to minimize the adhesion of the plaster to the tool. Most preferably rectangular trowel for Venetian plaster , it is more convenient to work with it, tilting at different angles to the surface. At the same time, make sure that the edges of the trowel are rounded, so you will not scratch the smoothed and primed surface under the plaster. The right tool will simplify your work and save your loved ones from having to hear strong words in your performance.
Spatula for Venetian plaster as an alternative to narrow trowel
Most experts recommend using plaster trowels for walls and nothing else for the application of Venetian plaster to the walls. However, someone tie is convenient to work, someone is not very. Ideally, a trowel for Venetian plaster, which is used for applying the second layer and following it, should be a width of up to 5 centimeters, all also with rounded edges and necessarily of wear-resistant steel, preferably stainless. But, in fact, you just need a narrow tool to work even in hard-to-reach places, so the trowel can be replaced with a small spatula.
The principle of applying Venetian plaster to the wall is similar to finishing the surface with putty. That's why those who already had shpatlevat, it will be easy to use a spatula for Venetian plaster. Of course, this tool should be, like the trowel, carefully selected on the arm. There are a lot of varieties of spatulas - plastic, rubber, but you only need steel, flexible enough, and at the same time, wear-resistant, made of stainless steel with impeccable polishing.
Tool for Venetian plaster - how to use it
Well, now it's time to proceed directly to the decoration of the walls. Materials are there, too. What should be the instrument for the Venetian plaster we have already figured out, it remains only to combine it with the materials and find out how to properly use the trowel and spatula.
In essence, nothing complicated, although many professionals claim otherwise. We take on a wide trowel a small amount of plaster, finished color or with a diluted color in it, and for the first layer we begin actively, with wide arc-shaped movements to apply to the wall. In other words, again shpatlyuem wall, only already Venetian plaster. The angle between the trowel and the wall surface of the should be extremely sharp , so you will not scrape the putty with the soil.
The next tool for Venetian plaster that takes the baton from a trowel is a spatula. Although not, two identical narrow( not wider than 5 centimeters) spatula. Why two? One you will apply a small lump of plaster to the wall, carefully pressing and smearing, and the second will need to even more compact the already thin layer of plaster.
And so small strokes, chaotically overlapping each other, the site behind the site, until the whole wall is covered with spots with gently flowing, from dark to light( and vice versa), tones. This will be ready for grinding and waxing Venetian plaster in all its glory.