Find out how to cut the Bulgarian ceramic tiles
To avoid any areas uncovered by facing, sometimes it is necessary to use separate fragments of tile or porcelain tiles. However, if you tear the tile at random, the overspending will be significant, and the result - deplorable. Therefore, if you do not have a special tile cutter, take an angle grinder and figure out how to cut a ceramic tile with a Bulgarian. Unequivocally, we need the nozzle the same as for the artificial stone, which means we get it, and if it is available, we immediately put on a diamond circle for dry cutting.
Cutting wheels of even a well-known brand make cuts with serrated edges, such a tile can be used where no slices can be seen.
It is not necessary to expect high quality of the saw, without a proper fixing of the tool, the diamond disc for the grinder on the tile will slide, considering the high speed of its rotation, count on the large error. However, when the first cut is indicated, it will be more fun. Even if you kill a few tiles, then you will necessarily start to cut the tiles with a Bulgarian, video training may not even be necessary. But, on occasion, still buy a mechanism for cutting tiles, and an angle grinder is better to be considered a tool for rough cutting.
Is it possible to cut a tile with a bulgarian, how safe is it?
Many home craftsmen in small settlements where there is no access to large construction shops often faced a problem when the diamond head of the tile cutter was dull, and it was impossible to find a replacement. And although the cutting of the tile by a Bulgarian is not the main profile of this tool, you still had to use it. With the experience comes and relatively high quality cuts .
And if you turn the grinder into a tile cutter. .. But about this a little later, and now we will touch on the safety of work with artificial ceramic lining. When the question arises whether it is possible to cut the tile with a Bulgarian, experienced specialists give him an unequivocal answer that this process differs little from the same stoning of concrete walls. Another thing is that the tile can break at high speed of rotation of the disk. But if you bought not the cheapest electric tool, then, probably, you know about such a function of a grinder as speed adjustment.
Having reduced the speed of rotation, it is possible to ensure that the tile does not flip off the cutting circle. In any case, work with a special face shield, and hold the tool so that the cutting of the tile by the Bulgarian is done while rotating the diamond circle from you. Do not try to cut a tile or granite with a disc for metal .
How to cut a tile correctly with a Bulgarian: learn the tricks of
The easiest way is to cut cement paving slabs with an angle grinder, but any other one will easily give in to a diamond circle if you do not accidentally shake your hand. On how to cut a tile with a Bulgarian, you can tell a lot of the video, but if there is no hardness in your hands or you can be led by an eye in the course of sawing, it is better to mount the grinder on a stationary base and manipulate the tile. You can have several ways to make a tile cutter from a Bulgarian.
First, you can fasten the caliper clip to the bench leg vertically, with the disk up, so that the power tool reducer does not reach a couple of millimeters to the edge of the table top. In this case, at your disposal will be the entire cutting part of the cutting circle, it remains only to attach to the workbench a metal sheet of the order of 4 millimeters thick, with a slot for the disc of the Bulgarian( a sort of remote table top).Another option is to reinforce the grinder to the edge of the workbench horizontally, so that the disc is completely outside the countertop. However, in this case it will be necessary to work, keeping a tile in hands, a canopy.