Electric circular saw - how to choose a tool for your needs?

Professional and amateur circular electric saw

When choosing a tool, the question immediately arises, which one to give preference to, professional or amateur, that is, household? What are the characteristics of the purchase, because it will work, to put it mildly, not professionals?

Circular household saw is suitable for work "from time to time", and it is designed for a small load( monthly 20 hours, no more), having both small weight and small capacity.

Circular saw professional already assumes serious loads( from 6 to 10 hours per day).There are tools with a higher power, with a margin of safety, which are at prices an order of magnitude higher, and produced using stronger metals. Professional species are popular in forestry, when building wooden buildings.

The main characteristics of the tool

The technical characteristics determine the main difference between a household saw and a professional saw, the latter comes with a high safety margin, it is protected from voltage drops. Its work is designed for a long time. If you are just going to repair something or build something, then it's better to buy an amateur instrument.

The tool for "pros" is much more expensive, so when choosing the main criteria, the frequency of work with the tool and the time of its uninterrupted use, that is, the expected scope of work. How to choose a circular saw ?Let's try to understand this question.

For simple work at home, it is easier to use medium saws, where the depth of cut is 30 to 55 mm. If drunk much wider, then it will be a professional tool.65-140-millimeter propyl makes it possible to refer the tool to a class of professionals.

The correct choice of a circular saw will give you the opportunity to separate a board, an object or at least a branch of a tree. In the modern market, there are many proposals, from which it will not be necessary to select the necessary work.

The circular can be used in any mode: it can be fixed or used in a manual version. Houses will not be superfluous and the machine, fixed on a stationary bed, but when working on it you need to have certain skills.

Choosing a saw for the purpose

When deciding on the purchase of such a tool, it is necessary to take into account one more nuance, namely, the number of engine revolutions on which the quality of the saw's work and the accuracy of the slices that will be executed depend. The higher the rotational speed of the disc, the cleaner the work.

The saws also have a function of immersion, it is possible to start work from anywhere on the board or other object. Modern manufacturers also offer chainsaws that are more effective for working in large gardens, harvesting firewood for existing heating stoves and for construction work in conjunction with a circular.

Similar units can cut any building materials, like wood, and polyethylene pipes and even lightweight concrete. Chain saws can be produced both gasoline and electric, which are much easier to operate. But while the more versatile circular saw is not inferior to the lead in sales.

Chain variety can be used even with scandalous neighbors around the site, it is noiseless, and also easy to work with. Its drawback is only spatial dependence on the cord. So, how to choose a circular, the question is not difficult, you just need to clearly define what exactly you will do with this tool and how often.

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