Laser jigsaw - customary work in a simplified form

Laser jig saw: the main characteristics of

The electric jigsaw with the laser are not for nothing considered to be a tool having a wide range of applications. With this machine you can work with many materials, among which it is worth noting:

  • Wood and plywood;
  • Metal and plastic;
  • Stone and plasterboard;
  • Glass and tiles.

In addition to the straight cut line, this tool can perform different types of cutting. Using an inclined slab, it is possible to perform angular cutting of the material, which may be required for a unique joining of the individual elements of the material used. Important! When working with thicker workpieces, it is necessary to use a more powerful tool, because the jigsaw is intended for thin material.

Jigsaw with laser have quite a lot of positive characteristics, but do not forget about some of the negative sides of the instrument. For example, when working with blanks, the thickness of which exceeds 20 millimeters, the nail file overheats, which results from an uneven cut of the material. In other words, it is necessary to use the device only for those jobs that do not require the maximum load on the tool.

Components of the

The jig saw consists of several basic parts, each of which can be replaced or repaired. The main part of the device is its engine, enclosed in a plastic case. In the case there is a special system for removing dust, with which most of the small chips are taken to a special bag.

Important! The bag must be used constantly so that large chipboard elements of the processed material do not enter the hole.

Cutting nail file is attached to the running shaft, which has its own components, including a spongy clamp. The shaft and the nail file itself are closed with a plastic screen, which does not allow the particles of the workpiece to fly toward the face of the master. This screen can be adjusted according to need.

For simpler cutting, the tool is equipped with a laser pointer, which allows you not to stray from the drawn cut line. The pointer is located under the protective screen, which does not allow to damage it when using or storing the device. One of the most important elements of the jigsaw is the guide metal tire, which is the main support of the entire tool.

Is it possible to repair the tool?

The described device can be repaired if necessary. All spare parts and components of the jig saw are replaceable parts. In other words, if the engine of the device is not damaged, then it can be repaired without much effort and expense.

Important! When repairing the tool, you must follow the instructions to avoid damaging individual parts of the device.

Repair of the device begins with its disassembly, which is considered quite simple and fast. Before opening the housing, it is necessary to remove the protective screen and the drive shaft, which is secured with special bolts. The guide rail is removed even easier. To do this, you just need to unscrew a few screws.

The body consists of two parts, connected together by small screws. When dividing the enclosure, make sure that all screws are not in place, so as not to break the brittle plastic. After replacing the damaged parts, you simply need to assemble everything in place.

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