How to choose a jigsaw - the main characteristics of the tool

Choosing a jigsaw - get the tool yourself

To know which jigsaw to choose, it should be taken into account that although the main purpose of this "workman" is figure cutting of materials up to sixty five millimeters thick, he is able to process not only wood, but also metal, plastic, other softer materials. Moreover, cutting can be performed at an angle to the plane set by special adjustments.

Choosing which jigsaw is best purchased, you need to specify the type and the amount of work for which such a purchase is made. After making such a decision it is much easier to determine the necessary set of options and settings in the required model of power tools, as well as the importance of each of their indicators for more efficient work.

Options of the mentioned functionality and, of course, the prices corresponding to it are many. For example, not even the best electric jigsaw can have sets of adjustments with special locks, and not on keys, increased accuracy and accuracy of cuts, other functions that cheaper models may not have.

How to choose a jigsaw - learn the drive and the stroke of the saw

An important option of adjustments, which is already available for almost all types of power tools, is the adjustment of the number of revolutions of the drive. Making the choice of electric jigsaw, you need to take into account that "for home and family" this function is necessary. And here it is important that when working on wood it is better to cut at high speeds, which ensure better cutting.

On the other hand, when engaged in lining the corridor with plastic panels or taking a fancy thread on the tin of last year's covers, they usually set lower speeds. For plastic, this is due to the strong heating of the cut, and the metal requires more engine power.

By the way, working with a lowered speed, the tool should be given more frequent cooling, and under the tin is better to put a wooden board, which is not a pity to spoil. But it's not all the features of how to choose the right electric jigsaw. Having set out to find the best electric jigsaw, you need to pay attention to whether the particular model has a pendulum stroke and the possibility of adjusting it. Pendulum is a complex of movements of the holder and the nail file from top to bottom and back and forth. This working method increases the speed and efficiency of sawing, saves forces and consumables.

The importance of adjusting this very pendulum stroke is that it allows to optimize the cutting mode of materials for fast and high-quality processing. This is clearly seen when comparing the two models, the best electric jigsaws are noticeably faster and with less physical effort the worker copes with the material identical in thickness and other sizes. In addition to high efficiency and speed, the pendulum stroke( as it is said) contributes to less wear of the workpiece( nail file) as an important and basic purchased consumable.

How to choose a jigsaw electric - functions for easy operation

The arguments about how to choose a jigsaw electric can be affected by the already widespread adjustment options without the use of a key. For example, there are models with the possibility of keyless replacement of saws. Special locking locks significantly save the time needed to change the nozzle, and also conveniently and rigidly fix the shank in the desired position.

The same functions performed with the key require much more time and skills. Of course, as elsewhere, additional conveniences mean a certain increase in the price of the model.

Another such option, which is desirable to take into account when deciding how to choose an elbow, can be the adjustment of the angle of cuts. To do this, the tool sole must be turned to the desired position. And this adjustment is also done with the use of keys or special fixatives. Checking this option, it is important to make sure of reliable and rigid fixation and accuracy of installation, since all this affects the final quality of the work.

In conclusion, let's say a little about the work of the tool. Even if you bought the electric jigsaw is the best, when working, do not put much pressure on the canvas, trying to help him. The result will be completely different, the saw overheats and just breaks in the place of the clamping of the shank. And the engine is subject to additional overload.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers and apply the appropriate saws for long cuts. And they need to be changed more often, despite the cost: nevertheless, the jigsaw is more expensive, and the saw is consumed. One should also remember about prevention, for example, lubricate the parts in time, but the tool must be cleaned every time after work.

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