Welding works with argon - we collect a set of equipment

Welding works with argon - what is the principle of such an operation?

The kind of welding that takes place in a medium of argon gas( protective) with simultaneous use of an electric arc as a source of heating, is called argon-arc. In this case, the gas protects the metal from the effects of oxygen, and during the welding process, the same arc arises between the metal and the tungsten electrode.

Under its influence, the welded edges are melted and converted into a single mixture. At the same time, the gas displaces oxygen from the welding site, and the metal is not oxidized. The melting point is from 4000 to 6000 degrees.

This type of welding is used both in everyday life and in production. The fact is that with its help you can connect non-ferrous metals, alloyed steel. In addition, it easily connects parts made of bronze, copper, titanium and other alloys.

Such welding is also used for fastening pipelines, in the automotive, oil refining, gas and other industries. The main principle of the process is the impossibility of access of oxygen to the place of melting and joining of metals.

Set for argon-arc welding - we collect a set of overalls and equipment

For carrying out of the above-mentioned works, it is necessary to know, what is necessary for argon welding .First of all, it is necessary to take care of protective clothing, welding machine, along with all the devices. For example, gloves for argon-arc welding can be taken spilk, but when buying, be sure to pay attention to the fact that they were soft seams, they were comfortable and did not interfere with the work.

You should also buy a face mask and a respirator with a valve. These accessories will protect you from sparks, ultraviolet radiation and harmful fumes that can get into the lungs. In addition, the work will need electrodes for argon welding. They can be melting and non-melting.

The first type is most often used for machining aluminum or stainless steel. Non-consumable electrodes for argon welding are of the highest quality. The process is very similar to gas welding. Such electrodes for argon-arc welding are used in the processing of very thin metals.

When using non-consumable electrodes, an oscillator connection is required, thanks to which high-voltage pulses are applied to the electrodes.

All for argon welding - we finish our kit

However, it's not all the elements necessary for argon welding. For quality melting, a special wire is also used, thanks to which the seams become very durable and hermetically sealed. Moreover, this filler material prevents the spattering of the metal.

The set for argon-arc welding can also include a rectifier, a transformer and an inverter. The rectifier is used for any welding system, regardless of the power supply option;a transformer is required for alternating current;and the inverter is connected to the system in cases of interruptions with electricity.

The welding process is simple, but requires a lot of attention and caution. In one hand, the burner is taken, and in the other - the filler wire. After switching on the machine, an arc is created between the burner and the material.

When the wire touches the metal, the burner acts. You can not be distracted and hurry in the process of work. Also, do not overload the device. All the necessary for argon welding you can find in any construction shopping center.

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