Filters for coarse and fine water treatment

Agree that when goes it's a question of a well, then most of the with have a persistent association with perfectly clean and tasty drinking water. For sure , weighty contribution in this steady opinion made literary works - very often they mention "crystal clear well water".In addition, many have their own experience, when during a hike in the summer heat, it becomes a great pleasure to take a few sips of cold water from a source that has come across - it really seems amazingly clean and fresh.

Filters for coarse and fine water treatment

Filters for coarse and fine water treatment

But for those people who use water from well or wells constantly, often there is another opinion on this account of .Alas, but the quality of autonomous sources of water supply is very often not only from the ideal, but also from the established permissible sanitary norms. And in order for to use the source was absolutely safe and as comfortable as possible, special water treatment systems are used that include filters for coarse and fine water purification that are diverse in performance and in accordance with the principles of operation.

What are the filters for coarse and fine water purification?

Contents of the article

  • 1 What are the filters for coarse and fine water purification?
  • 2 Filters for mechanical water treatment
    • 2.1 Filters for primary mechanical water treatment - mud collectors
    • 2.2 Mesh filters for mechanical cleaning
      • 2.2.1 Video: screen mesh "Noneyewell"
    • 2.3 Cartridge cleaning filters
  • 3 Filters and fine water purifiers
    • 3.1 Purification of water from iron
    • 3.2 Methods for cleaning water from hydrogen sulphide
    • 3.3 Water softeners
  • 4 Complete filtration and water purification systems
    • 4.1 Video:ie one example of the water treatment system in a private home
    • 4.2 overall performance water filtration and purification systems
      • 4.2.1 Calculator for peak flow

Autonomous power supply rarely can "boast" the absolute purity of water. No surface aquifers are safe from any type of contamination, of which is supplied with wells, and deep wells, to which drilled wells. All this has an explanation - such manifestations are caused both by the usual natural processes and technogenic factors, which, incidentally, often have to be attributed to the violation of construction technologies and equipment of water intake points or violation of the rules for their operation.

water mini How are sources of autonomous water supply created?

For each type of water intake there are own rules for its creation and equipment. In the special publications of our portal you can find a lot of useful information on how to independently dig out and equip the well to drill a water hole , and how to then conduct water pipes from the water points to the house.

  • What features can the water from the wells differ from?

The most closely spaced to the surface of the earth the aquifers are naturally and to the maximum extent vulnerable to external adverse effects.

- is the first one, even on the most environmentally friendly sites always goes "biological cycle" - the soil is saturated with organic, the natural process of its decomposition continuously takes place, and this in itself is an ideal condition fordevelopment of microbiological life forms. Of course, all this "richest variety" of microorganisms, including - and a pronounced pathogenic nature, has all the chances of to seep into the source of water used.

In the wells is often found and such a picture

In wells, the

pattern is also often encountered. The second component of the problem is the contamination of surface soils with surface emissions by industrial emissions, car exhausts, spilled oil products, agrotechnical or even household chemicals. All this is actively carried along with the thawed or storm water, absorbed into the soil and may well get into the upper aquifers. Often this is facilitated by improper equipment of the well, in particular, poor quality of its external waterproofing.

As a result, the water from the well, even deep enough, of the order of 20 meters, can "give up" with oil products, have a pronounced putrefactive smell or characteristic "aroma" of hydrogen sulphide. It appears that even organoleptically , to the touch, the water has a mucous consistency or "blooms "is a clear indication of abundant bacterial content. But the smell is a smell, and virtually indeterminate without special laboratory tests, but this does not become less dangerous, are the salts of heavy metals, nitrite or nitrate compounds, pesticides and other water-polluting components. And plus everything - postponed gradually on the bottom of the well or mud and the deposited sand deposits. In a word, the use of water from a well without treatment is associated with very high risks.

  • And what can say about wells?

Here, it would seem, everything should be happier? Surface contamination in the lower aquifers practically does not penetrate, expressed biological activity is also not. However, not everything is so "rosy".

Вода из скважины тоже способна преподнести "сюрпризы"

Water from the well is also able to present "surprises"

First of all, it should be noted that some microorganisms not only survive at significant depths, but still and actively multiply in such conditions. Speech goes about the so-called sulfur bacteria, the presence of which often leads to enough common phenomenon - the water from the "clean", it would seem, well through certain a period of time begins to smell with hydrogen sulfide.

And the second is that the wells have a different extreme - this is an excessive mineralization of water. The constant contact of the aquifers with layers with the layers of various geological rocks causes saturation of the oxides with salts - sulfides, carbonates, calcium and magnesium chlorides, dissolved iron, other inorganic components, depending on the structure of soils in a particular region. This water has a pronounced rigidity , and causes the of a number of problems with its household use.

A detailed picture of the state of water used, especially when there are no special external manifestations, can only give a laboratory analysis. On its basis, it will be possible to properly plan a filtration and water purification system for specific conditions. It should be remembered that that the state of autonomous sources is highly dependent on the time of year and the established weather, so that for the reliability of the picture, most likely will have test several samples, spaced in time and falling to the most "extreme"»Periods - mass spring melting of snow, peak of hot dry weather and long autumn rains.

The problem of water purification, in many aspects, directly applies to the owners of even the housing that is connected to the central water supply system. Even with a qualitatively m m , a level-level water treatment process at the central water intake and on pine stations, the quality can significantly decrease on the way to consumers - due to the unsatisfactory condition of old worn out water pipelines.

The central water supply system does not always meet sanitary standards

The central water supply system does not always meet the sanitary standards

The variety of TV for is very high. However, two main groups can be distinguished.

  • The first is a coarse water filter, ie its mechanical filtration from suspended solids. Without this "milestone", the use of any post-purification systems would be either impossible, or extremely inefficient.
  • The second group is a fine cleaning device, which will directly depend on the quality of the particular source of water. This will be described below.

Mechanical water purification filters

As already mentioned, without the coarse filtration system, it is probably impossible in principle to manage, no matter how clean water the source is famous for. Nobody and nothing can guarantee the ingress of fine grains of sand or silt, organic fibers, scale particles, fragments of limestone plaque and torn from the walls. Such are suspended and unpleasant by themselves, and lead to overgrowth of pipes, especially at fittings or bends, and quickly disable plumbing. The abrasive action of solid inclusions "eats" rubber and polymer seals, damages ceramic parts of faucets or cartridge mixers. Seriously can suffer from this and large household appliances - washing or dishwashers, boilers, speakers and other appliances.

Solid suspensions in water quickly wear out plumbing and household appliances

Solid suspensions in water quickly wear plumbing and household appliances

If an autonomous water source is used, then, as a rule, the first line of mechanical cleaning is located already on the submersible pump itself or on the end of the intake hose. When selecting pumping equipment, this point is necessarily taken into account - based on the features of the well, the open of the reservoir or the well.

mini pumps How to choose the right pump for autonomous water supply?

Pumping equipment used for to provide the with residential water, must meet requirements series. The recommendation for the well pump can be found in the special portal publication.

Of course, at this stage of primary filtration only large suspended solids are removed, and it is not yet possible to talk about the acceptable purity of water. That's exactly where the work for the coarse filters is.

Primary mechanical cleaning filters water - mudspeed

The principle of their operation is uncomplicated. Water passes through the honeycomb structure of a particular type , which does not pass further suspended solid inclusions. The diameter( size) of the grid cell determines the depth of cleaning. Usually, if the talk goes about the filters of coarse cleaning, then we mean the retention of particles with a size of 100 μm and above. However, often there are products, which also refer to as coarse filters, but possesses abilities to separate inclusions with a diameter of about 50 microns.

Solid precipitation on the filter grid

Solid precipitates on the filter grid

In many coarse filters, the - principle is additionally used, the design is such that the water flow enters the expanding space where the drastically loses the speed, and the largest particles settle to the bottom under the action of gravitational forces. Usually such filters are placed on "front lines", before inserting into the water supply system of a private or even multi-storey city house.

If possible, you can install two, and then and more coarse filters, of course, with a gradual decrease in the grid cell size - this will achieve the optimal result with the least probability of fast device failure or without the need for frequent flushing.

Vertical sump-settler

Vertical sump-settler

  • Filters, the first to meet the flow of water from a source, clearing it of the largest inclusions, is often called a perfectly understandable term - mud collectors. They can vary in size, the method of insertion into the - pipe is flanged or boxed( threaded), design features. So, there are muders in the form of a vertically arranged cylinder - in them, then the principle of gravitational settling of the sediment is used. is very common in the so-called "oblique" mudguards, with a characteristic configuration of the filter chamber, which is inclined to the pipe.
Всем известный "косой" фильтр

All known "oblique" filter

All such mud pumps require regular inspection and cleaning from accumulated sediment( sludge).To do this, they are equipped with threaded or flanged stoppers, after removal of which, access to the filter mesh element and storage chamber. Often under the cork are located and magnetic inserts, attracting iron-containing solid particles, thereby increasing the quality of filtration.

dirt mini Muds are an important element of water supply systems and heating

Most of the devices used in the household conditions of this class are quite suitable for water pipes and for heating circuits. More information about mud filters can be found in the special publication of the portal.

Mesh filters for mechanical cleaning

Mesh filters are much more convenient and in use, and in regular service.

Basic device of a vertical mesh filter

Basic device for vertical mesh filter

They consist of a metal housing( item 1) with threaded couplings or nozzles for insertion into the pipe( key 2).Many filters are immediately equipped with nakidnymi nuts( "American"), which greatly simplify the installation process and allow you to freely remove the product if necessary.

A metal or transparent plastic cup( pos.3) is hermetically sealed from the bottom. Inside it there is a grid, usually made of their food stainless steel( item 4).From the bottom, the glass ends with a tap and drain pipe, allowing the filter to be flushed with a stream of water.

Better cleaning is definitely better - the water flow directed from the opposite side, much better cleans the grid cells. In some filter models, this function is embedded in their design. If not, then you can simply arrange for the installation of pipe wiring reverse loop, which allows you to temporarily redirect the flow of water during washing.

Many filters are equipped with a pressure gauge( item 6) showing the pressure in the water supply. The pressure gauges can be two, at the input and output - the difference in readings of the gives the the ability to judge the of the degree of filter element blockage. Often such filter is combined with with pressure reducer - this gives the the possibility to regulate the water pressure level, which is important for household appliances, connected to the water pipe.

The recognized leader in the production of such screen filters is Nonoyewell . Its assortment of nt chr is extremely wide - from the simplest inexpensive types to equipped with backwashing mechanism, or even self-acting - backwashing in automatic mode, as the filter element becomes clogged.

Some models of screen filters " Nonoyewell " are presented in the table:

Model Illustration Short description Filter cell size Dimensions( mounting length × height), mass Average cost
FF06 1/2 "AA( miniplus) hon 1 Externalthreaded connection ½ "," American "in the kit.
Brass body, transparent glass made of impact-resistant plastic.
For cold water - up to 40 ° С.
The maximum water flow is 1.5 m³ / h.
The pressure in the system is up to 1.6 MPa.
No additional equipment.
100 μm 140 × 158 mm,
0,7 kg
2740 rub.
FF06 3/4 "AAM( miniplus) hon 2 Connection ¾".Brass body and glass.
Can be used for both cold and hot water - the upper limit is 80 ° C.
The maximum flow rate is 3.0 m³ / h, the pressure is 2.5 Mpa.
No accessories available
100 μm 158 × 180 mm,
1,0 kg
3880 rub.
FK06 1/2 "AA hon 3 Connection ½".Brass body and transparent impact-resistant glass.
For cold water - up to 40 ° С.
The maximum inlet pressure is 1.6 MPa.
Built-in pressure reducer with adjustable output range from 0.16 to 0.6 MPa.
The peak flow rate is 1.8 m³ / h.
There are two mounting holes for installing pressure gauges at the inlet and outlet.
100 μm 140 × 245 mm,
0,7 kg
5200 rub.
FK06 3/4 "AAM hon 4 Filter for cleaning cold and hot water. Metal opaque glass. Connection ¾".The working pressure at the input is 2.5 MPa. Built-in reducer with a range from 0.15 to 0.6 MPa at the output. The peak consumption for domestic use is up to 2.9 m³ / h. 100 μm 160 × 245 mm,
1,0 kg
7950 rub.
F74C 1 "AA hon 5 Mains strainer for cleaning cold water( up to 30 ° C).
Connection 1".
Built-in backwash mechanism with filtered water.
Possibility to connect the automatic flushing drive.
Ring-memo about the need for maintenance.
Flow rate 4.0 m³ / h.
Working pressure - from 0,15 to 1,6 MPa.
Built-in manometer.
Depending on the modification:
AA - 100 microns;
АС - 50 microns;
AD - 200 microns.
105 × 324 mm,
3,2 kg
11650 rub
F76S 1/2 "AA hon 6 Filter for cold water with connection ½", but high performance - up to 3.2 m³ / h.
Backwash mechanism with manual control or with automatic cleaning mode for a given time( the unit is purchased separately).
Built-in manometer.
At the customer's request, a grid of a wide range of sizes is used:
B - 20 μm;
C - 50 μm;
A - 100 μm;
D - 200 μm.
It is acceptable to use liners in assembly with grids:
E - 300 μm;
F - 500 μm.
140 × 449 mm,
2,9 kg
13850 rub.

Net filters Nonoyewell are of the highest quality, and always accompanied by a product passport with a mandatory manufacturer's guarantee. To buy them should be in specialized stores, so as not to run into a fake, which, unfortunately , a lot.

Video: filter mesh " Nonoyewell "

Mechanical cleaning filters cartridge

Leaders in terms of latitude of use - cartridges( cartridge) type filters

Leaders in the breadth of use - cartridges( cartridge) type

Very easy to use mechanical cleaning filters cartridge( cartridge ) type. Among household devices they occupy one of the leading positions - for account of low price and ease of operation.

Simple cartridge filter unit

Simple cartridge cartridge

Structurally, they consist of a body( key 1) with threaded sockets for connection to a water supply of ½;¾ or 1 in.( Pos.2).The housing is usually equipped with suspension system of its on the wall on bracket ( item 3) or console. Usually a button or a plug( pos.4) is located on top of the casing to release pressure in the filter while servicing it. From the bottom, a cylinder( glass) of metal, opaque or transparent plastic( item 5) is attached to the body. The connection is sealed with an ring gasket and union threaded coupling( key 6)( in some models the bulb itself has a threaded connection to the housing). comes with special key( item 70) for hermetic crimping of the glass.

A replaceable cartridge( cartridge) is installed inside the glass. It is always a hollow cylinder whose walls perform a filtering function. Water when moving through the filter enters the outer volume of the glass, penetrates the chuck's chambers into its internal cavity, and from there it moves to the outlet of the filter. Naturally, the design of the filter and the cartridge implies a close fit to each other, so that the water does not find a "loophole" for free passage.

The material and the shape of the filter walls of the cylindrical cartridge may be different. Thus, it is possible to purchase a filter element made from wound polypropylene yarns( poses . and ), from foam spongy polypropylene( poses . to ), polypropylene corrugations .Polypropylene is chosen as a material not by accident - it is chemically inert and has certification for use in the food industry and for medical purposes, that is, it is unable to have a negative impact on water used for drinking purposes.

It is understood that such cartridges have defined usage resource, and after its development are subject to replacement. But you can also buy a cartridge with a net structure, which lends itself to maintenance - cleaning and washing( poses . b ).

The dimensions of the vast majority of cartridges are in uniform standards: SLIM LINE or BIG BLUE with a length of 5, 10 or 20 inches.

Usually, filters of two standards are used - SLIM LINE( left) and BIG BLEUE with different cartridge lengths

The filters of two standards are mainly used: SLIM LINE( left) and BIG BLUE with different

cartridge length. The size of filtering cell of similar cartridges can be so small( about 1 ÷ 5 microns), which is even difficult to call them coarse filters. It is rather a system of fine mechanical filtration. But that such a device is not clogged quickly with large inclusions, it is recommended to install after already the mentioned muders or mesh filters.

The only drawback of this scheme is the need to purchase a replacement cartridge. However, their cost is low, and everyone can afford to regularly replace the filter element.

model Illustration Main features Filter cell size Price
PS-1M( 5M; 10M; 20M) car1 Standard "Slim Line", size 10 "(254 mm)
Filtration material - foamed polypropylene
For cold water(from +2 to + 35 ° C)
Resource - up to 10 m³, but replacement at least every 6 months
Recommended performance - up to 10 l / min
Depending on the model - 1; 5; 10 or20 micron 75 rubles
PP-1M( 5M, 10M, 20M) car 2 All data are the same as above
Difference - filtering elementt of reeled polypropylene cord( "rope")
Depending on the model - 1, 5, 10 or 20 microns 90 rub
EL-5M( 20M) car3 Difference - a filter element made of corrugated polypropylene nonwoven fabric
Cartridge withstandsup to 6 wash cycles Filtration rate up to 20 l / min.
Depending on the model - 5 or 20 microns 200 rub.
NET-10 car4 Cartridge standard "Slim Line" with a network polymer structure, allowing regular maintenance( washing).
The filtration rate is up to 50 l / min.
150 micron 220 rub.
PS-5M-10BB( 10M, 20M) car5 Standard "Big Blue", length 10 "
Material - foamed polypropylene
Recommended flow rate - up to 15 l / min
Resource - up to 20 m³, but with the obligatory replacement of timesin half a year
Depending on the model - 5, 10 or 20 μm 280 RUB
PP-5M-10BB( 10M, 20M) car6 The same, but from the winding polypropylene Depending on the model - 5; 10 or20 micron 370 rub
EL-5M-10BB( 20M) car7 The difference is the filter element of their polypropylene corrugation with the possibility of carrying out up to 6 washes.
The filtration rate is up to30 l / min
Depending on the model - 5 or 20 μm 500 RUB
NETSS-10BB car 8 Stainless steel mesh cartridge, standard "Big Blue" 10 "long.
Filtration rate - up to 200 l / min.
150 micron 3000 rub.

For more productive filters "Big Blue" with a length of 20 inches, corresponding cartridges, as a whole, , are also manufactured, which repeat the structure of the element and the size of the cells of the models indicated in the table. Naturally, they have a greater resource - up to 40 m³, higher filtration rate. But the frequency of the change( or washing - for the serviced models) is still maintained unified - at least 1 time in 6 months. Accordingly, the price of products is higher.

The very great convenience of the SLIM LINE and BIG VLUE as yet filters and the fact that their enclosures are fully versatile - they can use cartridges not only for mechanical water treatment, but also for deeper ones will go in the next section.

Filters and Fine Water Purifiers

Removing from the incoming water mass solid inclusions does not solve all problems at all. As already mentioned, a particular problem is dissolved in liquid mineral or organic substances, microorganisms contained in it - all this can make water unfit for food dangerous for consumption or, at best , significantly reduce its taste qualities.

There are several basic technologies for fine water purification, which are realized in various filtering devices or replaceable cartridges to them. The feasibility of using specific filters depends solely on the results of analysis of the main source of water.

Cleaning water from iron

Many inconveniences and serious troubles can deliver excessive iron content in incoming water. Unfortunately , very often it exceeds the maximum permissible concentration of 0.3 mg / liter as established by SanPiN .

Iron in water can take various forms:

  • Dissolved iron is always present in free divalent form( Fe + 2).It absolutely not noticeable visually, and in any way lends itself to of usual mechanical filtration.
  • The interaction of ferrous iron with air oxygen or with dissolved in water causes its transition to a trivalent form. This is already a finely dispersed consistency suspended in the thickness of the liquid. The rusty plaque , which leaves water - is the manifestation of the such chemical form of iron. Suitable for settling and fine filtration.
Rusted streaks are suspended in water particles of ferric iron

Rusty streaks are suspended in water ferrous iron particles

  • Organic colloidal iron - although a suspension, but so shallow that settling and filtering is practically not liable to .
  • Iron in the form of hydroxide is an insoluble precipitate easily removable by mechanical filtration.
  • Very unusual form - bacterial iron. It manifests as mucous deposits on on vessel walls or thin film on the water surface. In fact - a colony of bacteria and products of their life - these microorganisms feed on the account energy released during the conversion of the divalent form to the trivalent.

How dangerous is the excess of iron in water?

  • In principle, useful in moderate doses for the human body element, with a large content often causes violations of exchange processes , dysfunction of kidney, liver, adrenal, thyroid .The blood composition may change negatively, that will lead to with severe and frequent allergic manifestations. And iron bacteria often cause serious poisoning or chronic digestive system disorders.
  • Water with high iron content becomes unpleasant to the taste.
  • Solid forms of iron, if not removed from water, lead to a gradual clogging of pipes and rapid wear of plumbing and household appliances.
  • After washing on linen, yellow stains may remain. Sinks and baths will always have an untidy look.

There are many de-ironing technologies, but many of them are only applicable on an industrial scale - at water treatment stations. And how can remove from iron in water at a household level?

  • Aeration and subsequent filtration

Once divalent iron reacts with oxygen in an insoluble trivalent form, means it is necessary to create conditions for maximum contact of water with air. One of the methods is aeration( bubbling ) - passing small air bubbles through water. This is realized in aeration columns.

So it looks like an aeration column with a compressor

This is how the aeration column with the

compressor looks. In this column, is supplied with water from a source through which the air blown through the compressor is continuously passed. The control is usually performed in the automatic mode - when the crane is opened, a flow sensor triggers the control signal to start the to the of the compressor.

Aeration, in addition to iron removal, is capable of performing a number of useful functions as well. As such, air bubbles are capable of entraining and draining small solid inclusions of mineral or organic nature - the load decreases for subsequent filter circuits in the circuit. In addition, this gives the effect in the fight against hydrogen sulphide - this will be described below.

The aeration column, if required, is usually placed after the main coarse filter. These are quite expensive products of ( usually the cost of a full aeration package even of the minimum capacity starts at 30 thousand rubles), but in conditions when the autonomous source does not differ in the purity of water, it is difficult to do without them.

  • De-ironing according to reagent technology

Rapid oxidation of iron and its transition into a state suitable for mechanical filtration can be caused by special powerful oxidizing components - a vivid example of this is the usual potassium permanganate potassium permanganate. However, this method requires a very accurate dosage, a constant replenishment of the reagent, and with the slightest violation of the technology is not completely safe for the human body. At the household level, it is not used.

  • Non-reagent purification method from iron

This is the most widely used technology. The meaning of of its is that the water contacts a special backfill, which itself does not react, but stimulates the use of oxygen contained in water to oxidize iron.

Backfill can be both mineral( for example, dolomite, zeolite, glauconite) and synthetic or complex( "Pyrolox" , " MFD ", " BIRM ", " MGC ").

Packing of backfill type "BIRM"

Packing of "BIRM" type

Such cleaners can be made in the form of columns, or in the form of cartridges for the already mentioned cartridge filters.

Water deironing columns

Deironing water strips

It is typical that during the oxidation of iron, the component filling is practically not consumed. The iron or that has passed into the solid phase remains in the backfill itself, or is removed further along the water in a sorption or fine mechanical filter. The filling composition is easily regenerated - is cleaned by washing water. However, cartridges for deironing are disposable, and regenerations, alas, are not subject.

Model Illustration Key features Price
Iron removal bar Clack 1054 class 1 Based on a non-reagent filler "Superferox".
Manual flushing valve.
The volume of filler I-40 liters, drainage gravel - 10 kg.
The volume of water for regeneration is 300 liters.
The diameter of the connecting pipes to the water supply is 1 ", to the drainage - ½".
The height of the installation is 1520 mm, the depth is 550 mm.
Weight - 40 kg.
18000 rub.
Iron removal mattress Runxin 1054 cl 2 Based on the reagentless filler "Superferox".
Automatic washing of reagent and drainage.
Productivity 0,9 m³.
The height of the installation is 1520 mm, the depth is 550 mm.
Weight - 40 kg.
26900 rub.
Irrigation cartridge IR-10 class 3 Standard "Slim Line" 10 "long
Backfill - BIRM
Capacity - up to 2 l / min
Resource - 4 m³ or half a year of operation
380 RUB
Iron removal cartridge IR-10BB class 4 Standard "Big Blue" with a length of 10 ".
Backfilling - BIRM.
Productivity - up to 8 l / min.
Resource - 12 m³ or six months of operation.
1200 rub.
Irrigation cartridge IR-20BB cl. 5 Big Blue 20 "
Backfill - BIRM
Capacity - up to 15 l / min
Resource - 24 m³ or six months of operation
2300 rub

has no reagent method of its shortcomings:

  • There are certain limitations on the chemical composition of the water - in particular, according to its acidity and concentration of alkaline constituents. This must be indicated in the passports of products. It is also necessary before such deironing will relieveThe
  • " Self" oxygen of water may not be sufficient for the qualitative purification of of its from iron by this method. The yield is the recommended preliminary aeration of .
  • Such purification does not exert any influence on biochemical, including pathogeniccomposition of water. The subsequent disinfection is required.
  • The system during the operation requires regular maintenance - washing and cleaning. Neglect of these operations can end with equipment failure - the loss of backfilling its catalytic qualities.

Many cleaning systems are very closely interconnected. Thus, the reagentless water deironing method successfully acts on and dissolved magnesium salts, which cause the increased of its rigidity. Equally, like other cleaning methods( for example, ion exchange or reverse osmosis technology) have an effect on the iron content in water.

Methods of water purification from hydrogen sulphide

The smell of hydrogen sulfide is unpleasant in itself, and such water is of little use for household and food use. However, the danger of even more is serious than it seems at first glance.

Hydrogen sulphide is not only unpleasant to smell and taste, but also poses a serious threat to health

Hydrogen sulphide is not only unpleasant to smell and taste, but also poses a serious health hazard

This is a very toxic compound , and even a small dose that has fallen organism with water or even through the respiratory system, can cause dizziness, nausea, more serious lesions of the nervous system with very sad consequences. The fact is that hydrogen sulphide enters an irreversible reaction with red blood cells, which are affected and cease to perform the basic function - the delivery of oxygen through the tissues and systems of the body.

There is more one characteristic feature - this gas , even with not very frequent contacts, reduces the sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors, and the person just ceases to pay attention to it. And its pathological effect goes unnoticed, until manifests itself as clear signs of poisoning.

There is hydrogen sulfide else one negative property - it sharply reduces the resistance of metal pipes to corrosion - increases and x x brittleness, the walls collapse, the valves fail and the_ .

In a word, if the analysis shows the presence of hydrogen sulfide above the permissible standards( more than 0.03 mg / liter), or a characteristic smell appears, measures should be taken.

It has already been mentioned that hydrogen sulfide can manifest in well not not at once, but over time - this indicates the appearance of colonies of sulfur bacteria. They, by the way, can "nest" and in heating devices - suddenly clean, it would seem, the boiler starts to emit a characteristic "flavor" at the output.

What methods are used to get rid of hydrogen sulphide:

  • The already mentioned above becomes effective enough and in this case:

- Firstly, this gas dissolves poorly in water , and the air bubble flow is capable of "drag him up with him, and then he passes through the valve of the aeration column to the atmosphere. This kind of "winding" of water.

- Secondly, abundant oxygen in the water - this is an extremely unfavorable environment for sulfur bacteria, colonies of which under such conditions start to die.

- And thirdly, the very connection for account of hydrogen molecules is an active reducing agent, reacting with free oxygen. The output is water and sulfur precipitate, which then can be easily removed by mechanical filtration.

  • There are quite complex and demanding personnel qualifications chemical and biochemical water purification from hydrogen sulphide. In conditions of autonomous water supply, they are not used.
  • Sorption cleaning is then , which is widely used in industrial scales , and in everyday life.
Sorption filling of granular activated carbon

Sorption backfill from granular activated carbon

Special sorption fillings, usually based on activated carbon, are able to remove hazardous chemical compounds from the water, including chlorine and hydrogen sulphide, to become a catalyst for oxidation processes, and even the filter " " forfine mechanical cleaning. Carefully selected compounds become an insurmountable barrier for various pathogenic microorganisms.

Many sorption backfills( for example, "Centaur" for the production of which certain of hard coal are used) have a considerable resource and are able to be regenerated after of the specific washes, of course, to of the limit .Such sorption filters can be in the form of columns - on powerful filtering complexes, or again in the form of replaceable cartridges of standard size.

Model Illustration Short description Estimated price
Sorption column CF-1054 / F71B1-T cf1 Sorbent - Activated coconut charcoal, quantity - 42 liters.
The capacity of the column is up to 0,7 m³ / hour.
Dimensions 260 × 1550 mm, connection - ¾ "
17700 rub
Cartridge carbon BL-10 сф2 Standard standard size" Slim Line ", 10".
The filtration rate is up to 2 l / min.
Resource - up to 4 m³ or half a year of operation, without the possibility of regeneration
130 rub.
Cartridge carbon BL-10BB cf3 Standard "Big Blue", 10 "
Capacity - up to 12 l / min
Resource - up to 12 m³ or half a year of operation, without regeneration
450 RUB
Cartridge coal GAC-KDF cf4 Size- "Slim Line", 10 ".
Backfilling - granular activated carbon.
Increased degree of purification, including from heavy metals due to the component additive KDF.
Productivity - up to 2 l / min.
Resource - - up to 4 m³ or half a year of operation.
340 rub.
Cartridge carbon GAC-20BB cf5 Standard Big Blue, 20 "
Granular activated carbon
Capacity - up to 20 l / min
Resource - up to 24 m³ or half a year of operation
1200 rub

Filters - softeners water

Another one "disease" of water is its increased rigidity , caused by a high concentration of magnesium salts( sulfates) and calcium( usually these are hydrocarbonates.) Salts of other metals although present, but against the background of the above, their effect is small

FThe rigidity of is more characteristic for well water, although is not the dogma of , and well or tap water can also have an elevated degree of rigidity .

What are the negative consequences of this water:

  • Rapid overgrowing of utensils and household appliances with scale
  • Decrease the flavoring quality of in in odes - it begins to be bitter, especially after cooking.
  • There is a bad solubility of detergents, detergent, a decrease in the effectiveness of shampoos and shower gels. As a result of the reaction with the salts detergent detergent form t t rinsed insoluble film from the slag, and this can result in skin irritation, hair diseases, allergy manifestations.
  • Fabrics after washing in such water can quickly wear out - increases the fragility of the fibers.
  • Lime growth of pipes. Another is worse if they cover the heating elements of household appliances - their efficiency is dramatically reduced, and the heaters themselves quickly burn out. In addition, the seals lose elasticity, which leads to leaks.

How to reduce rigidity water:

  • The boiling method is not considered - it does not apply to filtration systems.
  • Chemical softening technology has been used at home for a long time, for example, by adding soda to the water. A more technological option is the use of special chemical softeners as cartridge filters, but only with crystalline or tableted backfill.
Such chemical filters-softeners put at the entrance to washing machines or dishwashers

Such chemical filters-softeners put at the entrance to the washing or dishwasher

Partially soluble backfill( most often sodium polyphosphate) is gradually washed out and requires regular replenishment.

The way is efficient and proven. But it is more suitable for household appliances( washing machines or dishwashers), before which such filters are usually mounted. For food purposes, a different solution is needed.

  • The most effective method at present is the use of ion exchange technology. Atoms of calcium and magnesium are replaced by more active metal - sodium, and its salts do not have any negative effect on the composition and consistency of water.
Ion exchange resin-cation exchanger

Ion exchange resin-cationite

For such a reaction, special artificial resins are used - cation exchangers , with expressed by high in sodium. The reaction does not require any special temperature and pressure regimes - everything proceeds "by itself".And still one most important advantage - cation exchangers can be completely regenerated after processing them with a concentrated solution of common salt - NaCl. In this case, magnesium and calcium ions are released and discharged with water into the drainage. -like filtration is implemented in special ion exchange columns - with the possibility of regular washing and regeneration of resins( in manual or automatic mode) . . Cartridge filters are used for cartridge filters with appropriate filling, but they are usually not recovered and are used until theirresource.

  • Separately, we can mention the technology of magnetic water softening, although it also hardly applies to filters.

Special compact devices either cut into the water pipe, or put on top of the pipes. In various devices, either powerful neodymium permanent magnets or electromagnets are used - then they require a power connection. Their energy consumption is small, not more than 15 W, and the installed resource can be up to 10 and for more than years.

Magnetic water softening devices - with permanent( left) and electromagnets

Magnetic water softening devices - with permanent( left) and electromagnets

Physico-chemical mechanism m m agnitic salt effect is not fully understood. But the fact remains the fact of - the crystallization of magnesium and calcium salts occurs not on the surface of pipes or priors, but in the water itself, and this t t is the only sediment already then it is easy to filter out mechanically.

Model Illustration Short description Estimated price
"Magnolia-Silver" mg1 Original softener for magnetic action in the form of a ball, placed in a washing machine or dishwasher for the duration of their operation 1200 rub.
"AquaShield DU60" mg2 Electromagnetic water softener.
Power supply and wires for winding on the body of the water pipe.
Consumption - 5 W / hour.
The dimensions of the unit are 150 × 100 × 70 mm.
The maximum pipe diameter is up to 60 mm.
8800 rub.
«Akvasoft ECO ONE» mg3 Softener with permanent magnets.
Installed on pipes in front of the entrance to household appliances.
Productivity - up to 0,6 m³ per hour.
Dimensions 75 × 55 mm( for the pipe 16 mm)
1700 rub.
"New water" B120 mg4 Chemical type chemical softener with bulk reagent( sodium polyphosphate).
Filling weight - 235 g.
Capacity - up to 0.8 m³ / h.
For non-food use.
920 rub.
Ion exchange column «ATOLL EcoLife S-20» mg5 Regeneration is automatic with continuous water consumption.
Productivity - up to 1,8 m³ / hour.
The volume of ion exchange resin is 20 liters.
Indication of the level of fullness of the regeneration salt backfill.
Dimensions: 870 × 350 × 510 mm
26000 rub.
Ion exchange column "EcoWaterESM 11" mg6 Full degree of process automation, remote control capability, intelligent control system with flow analysis unit and decision making on the need for regeneration.
Productivity - 0,9 m³ / hour.
The volume of the ion exchange resin is 11 liters, the capacity of the salt tank is 25 kg.
43000 rub.
Softening cartridge ST-10 mg7 Standard "Slim Line" 10 "
Capacity - up to 2 l / min
Resource - 4 m³ or 6 months of operation
RUB 370
Softening cartridge ST-10BB mg8 Size"Big Blue", 10 ".
Productivity - up to 8 l / min.
Resource - 12 m³ or 6 months of operation.
Not recoverable.
850 руб.

Integrated filtration and water purification systems

All mentioned are above the filtration stage, as required( based on laboratory research of the source), are usually combined into complete complexes that provide high-quality water purification. There are no unified "recipes" here, but for example one of the variants of such a scheme can be cited:

Example of organization of an autonomous water treatment system

Example of the organization of the stand-alone water treatment system

Water comes from an external source( item 1) and immediately passes through a mud cleaner or a mechanical strainer( item 2).

After primary filtration, the stream enters the aeration column( item 3) into which air is injected by means of a compressor( item 4). In order for the compressor to work only as needed, it is connected by a signal cable with a flow sensor installed already at the output of the system( key 5).

The oxygenated water passes into the deironing column ( item 6). The precipitated oxides are partially discharged into the drain( key 7), or retained on the coarse strainer( key 8).

The next column is with ion-exchange resin( item 9), to soften the water. It also has its own drainage system( item 10), which is used for rinsing and regenerating the resin. Between this and the next line, the filter film was again installed( position 11).

The next installation is a sorption purification column( item 12) that will remove chemical and biological constituents, increase the overall organoleptic qualities of water. The drainage system is necessary for for regular washing of the filtering backfill.

Further, , cartridge filter( item 14) is installed along the water flow path, which will provide the final fine water purification. After that, the stream is split.

Directly( item 15), water is used for technical and economic use. And for food( drinking) use, it passes still and the stage of ultraviolet disinfection in a special installation( item 16) where reliably destroys all pathogenic microbes. And then( post 17) goes to the food intake.

Video: another example of a water treatment system in a private house

Such schemes, of course, are suitable for fairly large houses and a significant level of water consumption. However, nothing prevents to assemble its independently and in a city apartment, using cartridge filters and cartridges to them of different purposes.

But in any case it is very important to take into account the fact that the system's performance must fully correspond to the possible total water flow. Otherwise, the cleaning efficiency will be a big question.

Overall performance of the filtration and water purification system

In order to ensure the required amount of water that has been purified at any time and at any point of the draw-off, the overall productivity of the filtration system to be created is necessarily assessed. A characteristic feature is that overall performance can never be higher than that of a separate filtering module, and therefore it should be evaluated according to the "slowest" element.

  • First of all, it is necessary to estimate the total amount of water required to meet the needs of all family members. For example, the norm of daily consumption is about 200 liters per person. Proceeding from this, it is easy to calculate that, for example, for a family of four people, 200 × 4 = 800 l or 0.8 m³ per day is required.
  • Water consumption is not constant throughout the day. Hence, we should evaluate the possibility of the filtration system to issue this volume in a shorter period. Usually come from a usage time of 10 hours. Hence, in the case under consideration, with a total consumption of 800 liters / day, the productivity should not be lower than 800/10 = 80 liters / hour.
  • But that's not all - there is the concept of peak consumption. Very unlikely, but still possible situation where all the points of water consumption in the house are included simultaneously. The water flow at a particular time can reach the maximum possible value, which is significantly higher than the ones calculated above.

To calculate the peak load on a water treatment system, it is necessary to sum the average consumption of all water consumption points in the house that can theoretically be switched on simultaneously. Further, the calculation is performed using the formula:

Qpeak = ΣQ( 1 ÷ n ) × kn

Q peak - peak consumption.

ΣQ( 1 ÷ n ) - sum of water consumption of all water consumption points, from the first to n .

kn is a correction factor that takes into account the total number of aspiration points ( n ).

kn is calculated using the following formula:

kn = 1 / √( n -1)

The flow rate for various water consumption points is usually already calculated, which, for example, can be taken from the table below:

water consumption point type Maximum flow rate( l / s)
kitchen mixer 0.2
Washbasin in the bathroom 0.1
mixer bathroom 0.25
Shower cabin 0.25
cistern toilet 0.1
Bidet 0.1
Washer 0.4
Dishwasher 0.2
Crane( ¾ ") for household needs( watering, car washing, etc.) 0.35

In order not to upload a visitor to the site by independent calculations, a convenient calculator is placed below, allowing the mg

Calculator for calculating the peak water flow
Specify the requested data and press the "calculate" button
Specify water points connected to the common water filtration system
Kitchen faucet Washbasin mixer in the bathroom Faucet with bath shower Shower cabinBottled toilet bowl Bidet Washer Dishwasher Household tap
Total, total number of water points, n:
ten thousand

The resulting performance value may seem daunting - not every filtering system can cope with this load. However, it should be understood that we are talking about peak, unlikely and very time-limited expenses. Nevertheless, in order to avoid excessive loading on the filtration system, it is possible, for example, to equip reservoirs with purified water. Better yet, try not to allow peak consumption spikes, taking some of your home "administrative" measures.

And in those cases when multistage cleaned water is used only for drinking purposes and for cooking, it is possible to do and it is easier to purchase a console installation on which the necessary filters are already placed.

Compact cantilever water purification system with installation under the kitchen sink

Compact cantilever water purification system with installation under the kitchen sink

These kits are very popular - they are compacts and easily fit into the space under the sink in the kitchen. Most of them from come out t t felling to an additional crane with the supply of maximally purified drinking water.

How to choose a filter for a house or apartment?

This publication does not mention filters of the highest purity - reverse osmosis units. The filtration here occurs literally at the molecular level, which predetermines the design features of such installations. But more about them and other devices are told in a separate publication on the problems of choosing a filter for domestic use.

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