Submersible pump for a well which is better

Providing a country house with water is probably always a paramount task in the creation, even if not comfortable, but simply acceptable, minimally necessary conditions, even temporary residence in it. Well, if the house is considered as the main place of residence for the whole year, the presence of a permanently and stably functioning source of water in general turns into a prime necessity. The usual water supply networks in suburban settlements are not found everywhere, so more often one has to rely on autonomous sources.

Submersible pump for a well which is better

Submersible pump for a well which is better

Often the only possible source on the site is a traditional well, and the owners need to organize the transportation of water from it to the points of consumption. A rocker with buckets on the shoulders of a slender mistress is very beautiful in pictures and in feature films about peasant life, but absolutely divorced from the present reality. To help modern homeowners come a variety of pumping equipment that can solve the tasks of water supply. In this publication, the emphasis will be on how to properly select a submersible pump for a well, so that the economy will be fully supplied with clean water for a variety of needs.

Advantages of submersible sump pump

Article Contents

  • 1 Advantages of submersible sump pump
  • 2 main types of submersible sump pump
    • 2.1 Vibrating pumps
    • 2.2 Screw submersible pumps
    • 2.3 Centrifugal pumps for wells
    • 2.4 Vortex submersible pumps
  • 3 main parameters of the submersible pump of choice forwells
    • 3.1 Video: Dzheleks sump submersible pump
  • 4 Application:
    • 4.1 Calculation of wellpump for a full house water supply
      • 4.1.1 A. Calculator for calculating the pump's performance
      • 4.1.2 B. Calculator for calculating the required head for direct water supply to points of consumption
      • 4.1.3 B. Calculator for calculating the required head when there is a hydraulic accumulator in the system
    • 4.2 Calculation of well pump for infield irrigation
      • 4.2.1 A. Calculation of pump performance for irrigation
      • 4.2.2 B. Calculation of pump head for watering the garden

Providing the house with water andA nearby well can be produced using a surface pump station or submersible pump. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when developing the scheme of water supply of housing. In this publication, "we put brackets" for surface-type equipment, and we will only talk about the submersible.

2016-03-31_173158 One of the solutions to the issue of water supply is a fixed pumping station

. If the country house is a permanent place of residence, if there is an isolated noise-proof premise, if the parameters of the well meet certain requirements, then the pumping station can become the optimal solution for the water supply issue. However, it is obvious that there are too many "ifs", and in order not to be mistaken when chooses the pumping station , read the information posted in the special publication of our portal.

Why in some cases is the submersible pump the best choice?

  • Surface pumps are almost always limited in the depth of water absorption - usually this value lies within 7 ÷ 8 meters. If we add to this the horizontal section of the pipeline from the well to the station itself, the actual depth can be even smaller. This often leads to additional spending on creating and equipping the caisson for the pumping station in the immediate vicinity of the well. With submersible pumps, this is not a problem.
Features of the location of the house and the well, the height of the water level often require the erection of a caisson for the pumping station

Features of the location of the house and the well, the height of the water level often require the erection of a caisson for the pumping station

  • Submersible well pumps, unlike surface ones, will not annoy the owners with noise during their work.
  • Submersible well pumps are always less "whimsical" to the quality of pumped water - most of them are able to cope with small weights, which are very likely under well conditions.
  • If the source of water is sufficiently debited, the risk of overheating the pump drive is minimal - it is constantly in a cool water environment and is additionally cooled by the pumped stream.
  • With submersible pumps it is easier to organize water level monitoring in the well - a special float automatics, installed on many modern models, will take care of it.
Most modern submersible centrifugal pumps are equipped with a float-type water level sensor in the well

Most modern submersible centrifugal pumps are equipped with a float-type water level sensor in the

  • well. The use of surface pumping stations imposes special requirements on the tightness of the water intake pipe. The slightest leakiness on the joints, completely invisible to the eye, will inevitably lead to air sucking. The submersible pump is sucked in by air from nowhere by definition.
  • If there is a need for a long period to leave the housing unattended, then it will be easier to remove and remove the submersible pump than, for example, to dismantle the pumping station from the caisson or the space allocated to it.

In short, the advantages of submersible pumps - a lot, so in the forums on water supply of private houses, you can meet numerous recommendations to the owners of houses with a well to give preference to them.

Disadvantages of submersible pumps are also available:

  • For their operation, it is necessary to provide a power line from the house to the well, to monitor the faultless condition of the insulation of the cables.
  • The reconciliation of the automation that controls the operation of the entire water supply system at home will be more difficult to perform( for pumping stations, some control and monitoring elements are already provided in the structure itself).
  • Submersible pump is more vulnerable in terms of ensuring its safety. In other words, it is easier to "seize" it in the absence of the owners of the house.

Certainly, no matter which pump is chosen, its installation does not solve the problem( unless, of course, it's not just about watering the garden) - it requires the creation of a rather complex automated system, but this is a topic for a separate consideration.

2016-03-31_175702 Stand-alone water supply from a well

To ensure water supply without interruptions, at any time of the year, when creating an autonomous water pipe, you must follow certain rules. How to draw water from the well to the house - read the separate portal publication.

Basic types of submersible well pumps

Modern submersible pumps for wells are classified according to their operating principle into four types: vibratory, centrifugal, vortex and screw.

Vibration pumps

These pumps are among the most inexpensive and simple in their design.

The most accessible are submergible pumps of vibration type

The submersible vibrating pumps

are the most accessible. Despite the rather wide range of devices of this type, they all have approximately the same design and even outwardly are very similar to each other. Sometimes the parameters also coincide, and the only difference is in the pump manufacturer.

The basic device and principle of operation are best considered in the diagram:

Schematic diagram of a submersible vibratory pump device

Diagram of submersible pump device

This is always a metal case of vertical design, consisting of approximately equal in height, in differing configurations of the halves( pos.1).Between the two parts of the case there is an elastic seal( pos.2), which is guaranteed to seal the internal cavity of the device and, in addition, serves as a kind of damper significantly reducing the level of vibration created by the pump. The body halves are firmly connected by means of fixing screws( key 3).

The entire "electrical part" is located in the lower half of the device. The power cable( item 4) is connected to it in reliable isolation. The electromechanical part is very simple. This coil with a ferromagnetic core, when passing through which the current creates an electromagnetic field. Since the supply voltage is variable, the magnetic field lines also change their direction 50 times per second( 50 Hz).To ensure full electrical safety and increase the longevity of the coil, it is completely filled with a dielectric compound( key 6).Even accidental water ingress into the lower part of the enclosure should not cause the loops to close.

Above the coil is a solid steel anchor( key 7).The alternating electromagnetic field then attracts it to itself, then pushes it in the opposite direction. Due to the sufficiently high frequency of the direction change, this movement is more like the armature vibration together with the stem connected to it( key 8) in a certain amplitude range limited by the pump design.

An elastic diaphragm( key 9) and a piston are attached to the stem at the top of the pump. When the armature moves downwards, a vacuum is created in the pump chamber, which causes water to flow through the intake holes in the upper part of the housing( key 11).When the anchor moves upwards during the compression phase, the outlet to the outside is blocked by the valve( key 12), and it has only one way - through the outlet pipe( key 13) and further along the hose connected upwards to the draw-off points.

At the top of the housing there is a hole, eyelet or ring( key 14) to secure the cable, which pushes the pump into the well and is suspended at the required height in the water column.

As you can see, the device is simple, completely excluding the presence of rotating or rubbing knots. This predetermines the low price for such pumps.

However, these devices have very significant drawbacks:

  • Despite the presence of an elastic damper between the halves of the housing, the pump generates sufficiently strong vibrational waves transmitted to the surrounding water environment. This phenomenon can cause turbidity of water in not too deep wells, but this is not even the worst. Constant vibration effects on unprotected well walls or wells can lead to their gradual destruction. Therefore, such pumps are recommended to be used only in sources having strong walls, for example, from concrete rings.
  • This pump does not like water with small impurities - solid particles will interfere with the tight fit of the valves.
  • The design of the vibrating pump does not imply the presence of automation or water level sensors. Means, or it is necessary to buy such devices in addition, or independently to watch that the pump was always in the submerged condition.
  • The operation of the pump is quite noisy, and it is felt even though it is submerged in water.
  • As judged by the reviews in the forums, the vibration still justifies its definition of "friend and foe", and pumps of this type usually "live too long" despite the manufacturers' assurances. It justifies the use of vibrating pumps that low cost makes it possible to regularly replace them with new ones.
Judging by the numerous reviews of the owners, as a rule, vibration pumps "the century is not long"

Judging from numerous reviews of owners, as a rule, vibrating pumps "century is not long"

  • Vibration pumps can create a good head of water, but they do not differ in high performance.

From the above suggests the conclusion that a vibrating-type pump will become an inexpensive and effective solution if it is used to provide water to the country house in summer and to irrigate the garden. Consider it as a serious device for water supply of suburban housing with a constant mode of residence of the owners, it would probably be a big exaggeration.

Screw submersible pumps

Pumps of this type are not found so often, but still they deserve consideration.

Representative of a group of screw submersible pumps

Representative of a group of screw submersible pumps

The principle of pumping water of this type is based on the rotation of the Archimedean screw - in order to imagine this, it is possible to recall how a conventional manual grinder works.

Principle of operation of the screw pump

Principle of operation of the screw pump

The auger( item 1) of a complex geometric shape is connected to the electric drive shaft( pos.2).

The rotation takes place in the stator cavity( key 3), which also has a rather complex geometry and is usually made of their elastic material( based on rubber).The turns of the rotor-auger adjoin to the stator machine tools. When rotating, the volume of water that is in the formed cavities is pushed forward, into the outlet branch pipe. It is interesting that the configuration of the screw and stator is selected in such a way that the total volume of fluid in the translationally moving cavities always remains the same. This ensures a very smooth, stabilized discharge head. Advantages of screw pumps:

  • High values ​​of the created stable head.
  • Low noise and vibration during operation.
  • Of all submersible well pumps, screw pumps are the most resistant to water pollution, since such a circuit was generally developed for pumping viscous technical fluids.

However, the disadvantages of such pumps make their application very limited:

  • High values ​​of the created pressure "coexist" with very low pump performance.
  • In screw pumps - the lowest efficiency, apparently due to the abundance of rubbing knots.
  • The same reason - the presence of friction units, reduces the wear resistance of pumps, that is, they require regular maintenance and repair, and most often - with the replacement of worn out items.

So, screw pumps are more likely to be suitable for production conditions, where the precise adjustment of the created head and its stability comes to the fore. Despite the fact that household models are produced specifically for wells or wells, it can not be said that they have won wide circulation.

Centrifugal pumps for wells

This type of submersible pump is the most common and popular, as it meets most of the requirements for such a technique.

The most common category of submersible pumps is the centrifugal type of action

The most common category of submersible pumps is the centrifugal action type

. The working body in pumps of this type is a wheel with blades located in a special chamber, with a liquid inlet in the center and an outlet branch pipe on the periphery.

Schematic diagram of the operation of a centrifugal pumping chamber

Schematic diagram of the operation of the centrifugal pumping chamber

Rotation of a wheel with blades, provided by an electric drive, creates powerful centrifugal force vectors - the incoming water is radiated from the center to the outer walls of the chamber. As a result, a zone of rarefaction is created in the center, and on the periphery - an area of ​​increased pressure( in the illustration this is well shown by a change in color from the blue milking of red).This creates a powerful flow of water.

Such chambers can be several, installed in a cascade, which, naturally, increases the pump head( water column).

Pumps of this type have high performance indicators - they can lift water from very significant depths, without losing at the same time their productivity. Their work is low-noise and is not accompanied by any significant vibration.

For such pumps, a very large variety of models with different characteristics is particularly characteristic - the productivity and the created pressure can be varied by changing the diameter of the working chambers and their number. There is always the opportunity to choose a model for the existing source of water - from surface wells to very deep wells.

The assortment of centrifugal pumps is characterized by a rich variety

The assortment of centrifugal pumps is distinguished by the rich variety of

. The drawback of such pumps can be conditionally considered the complexity of the design, which predetermines and a sufficiently high price for such equipment.

The centrifugal circuit allows many pumps to work with moderately polluted water - this should be indicated in the product passport.

Vortex Submersible Pumps

There is one more category of submersible pumps - vortex type. In general, such devices are very similar in design and principle of action with centrifugal. However, the special shape of the impeller and chamber contributes not only to the creation of centrifugal forces, but also to the turbulent accelerations of the pumped liquid that form with them. This significantly increases the operational capabilities of the equipment.

Submersible pumps of vortical type

Submersible pumps of the vortex type

It is interesting that the arrangement of such pumps is even slightly simpler than the standard centrifugal pumps, which makes them lower in cost. This can be attributed to obvious virtues. Such devices operate almost noiselessly and without vibrations. Another important point is that the vortex-type pump is not afraid of getting a certain amount of air together with pumped water - for technological purposes such equipment is even used for pumping liquid dispersed compounds saturated with gases.

But here to the content of even a small amount of solid suspensions they are very demanding - this should be taken into account when choosing, especially if the well does not differ in high purity of water.

In addition, the wide distribution of pumps of this type limits and not too "outstanding" longevity - these indicators are much inferior to centrifugal.

Basic parameters for selecting a submersible pump for a well

Before going for the purchase of a pump for a well, the future owner must clearly understand several important points:

  • What are the main purposes of using the pump - will it be used only for gardening and household purposes, or is itwill become the main supplier of water to provide the entire house.
  • Based on the first point - what quantitative need for water should be provided by the pump, and what should be the created head.
  • It is important to have an accurate idea of ​​the depth of the well and the thickness of the water layer in it, not only static, but also dynamic, that is, with active water intake. Ideally, you need to know the debit of the well - that is, the amount of water entering it in a unit of time. It is necessary to take into account the remoteness of the well from the house or the prospective points of draw-off.
  • It is important to have information about the quality of water in the well, the degree of its turbidity, the state of the soil at the bottom. Perhaps this will not be enough visual observations, and a deeper laboratory analysis will be required.

2016-04-01_105919 Do not forget about the filtration system and post-treatment of water!

The analysis will help in the design of the necessary water treatment scheme, in cases where the well becomes the main source of water for a permanently inhabited house. What water purification filters are needed for in some cases - read the separate publication of our portal.

So, when choosing a submersible pump for a well, the following criteria are evaluated:

  • Electrical parameters of the pump. Although these quantities, from the standpoint of assessing the operational capabilities of the equipment, are more of a reference, their accounting is necessary to create an appropriate power line that will be able to withstand the load. You may need to provide a dedicated machine for the pump. In addition, some pumping equipment( in particular, the centrifugal type) is very demanding for voltage stability, so that in the presence of problems in the electricity network, you will also have to install a stabilizer.
  • The most important choice is the pump head, which is usually indicated in meters of water. For reference - the value of 10 meters of the pillar is approximately equal to 1 technical atmosphere or 1 bar.

The pump head is designed to ensure that water is lifted from a depth and delivered to the points of consumption that are most remote or maximally elevated above ground level. In this case, horizontal sections of the pipes must also be taken into account, because of the hydraulic resistance, there are also losses of pressure. In addition, the value has a diameter and even pipe material - in metallic resistance is always higher.

Naturally, at the end point of consumption, the head should be such that it ensures comfortable use of water, i.e. no less than 1,5 ÷ 2 atmospheres. Some devices and devices may require more values ​​- all this is taken into account when calculating the required indicator. Usually this is solved by installing the accumulator.

How to calculate the required pressure will be shown in the annex to the article - there are convenient calculators.

  • The next most important quantity is the productivity of the device, that is, its ability to pump the required amount of water per unit time( liters per second, cubic meters per hour, etc.).

The calculation is based on the number of water consumption points and their average flow. Moreover, it is usually expected that the pump will cope with even a short-term peak consumption, in that unlikely, but still possible situation, when all the points are involved.

If the pump will be used only for watering the garden, then the calculation is completely different - proceed from the area of ​​the site, the required amount of water and the duration of irrigation.

Calculators for calculating the required performance are also given in the appendix to the article.

  • An important parameter of choice is the dimensions of the pump. If for a well the diameter of the device does not play such an important role as for a well, then the height, on the contrary, assumes the paramount importance-it all depends on the height of the water layer. The pump must be suspended so as to remain immersed in water, but at the same time not to be closer to the bottom than the manufacturer recommends, so as not to cause a concept of turbidity.
  • Mandatory consideration of permissible water contamination by solid inclusions - this parameter is usually indicated in the technical documentation. For wells with a shallow depth and silted bottom, it is more expedient to purchase a pump with an upper water intake. If the prior is exacting to the purity of pumped water, it is better to purchase a model equipped with a take-off pair, which is always maintained at a certain depth with the help of a float device. Typically, these nozzles are equipped with additional filtering devices.
Pumps with floating sampling nozzle and float level sensor

Pumps with floating sampling and

  • float level sensor. Of course, it is much easier to operate the pump if it is equipped with a float-type water level sensor - so air sucking is excluded in cases where, for some reason, the water flow exceeded the well's debit.
  • pump housing must be made of high-quality material that is not susceptible to corrosion and does not reduce the food quality of water. Different pumps can use cast iron or stainless steel( which, of course, affects the cost of the product).Recently, high-strength plastic has also become increasingly used.
  • The mass index of the device is important for the organization of a reliable suspension of the pump in the water column. Many models are immediately equipped with cables or cords of the required level of tensile strength.
The cable length must be evaluated. In addition, the kit can immediately include a cable( cord) for suspending the pump.

The cable length must be evaluated. In addition, the kit can immediately include a cable( cord) for suspending the pump.

  • You should evaluate the length of the power cable - this will help to decide in advance where to install the connection point.
  • Pay attention to the additional options of the pump and its completeness. Here the important parameters can be considered the presence of degrees of protection against overheating, from idling. Many models are immediately equipped with check valves, filters for mechanical water treatment. Very well, if the kit immediately includes the necessary fittings( fittings, couplings, etc.) to connect the pump to the intake pipe.
  • An important parameter of choice is always the product brand and its cost. The pump is usually purchased with the expectation of long-term operation, so it is better to purchase high-quality equipment from well-known manufacturers - Grundfos, DAB, Pedrollo, Wilo, Metabo, Marina-Speroni, QUATTRO ELEMENTI.Among domestic manufacturers, you can safely give preference to the Gileks technique - in the range of products a special line of "Vodomet" is specifically designed for wells. Good reviews deserve the well pumps brand Aquarius, Elitech, Caliber, Belamos and others.

Anyway, whatever model is chosen, it is worth to assess the manufacturer's warranty obligations and, preferably, the degree of development of the service network of this brand in your region.

Video: Dzheleks soda submersible pump


Calculation of a well pump for a complete water supply of the house

A. Calculator for calculating the pump's performance

The initial parameters of the calculation are the values ​​of water consumption at points of consumption. The approximate values ​​are given in the table:

The basic types of domestic( residential) aspiration points The peak flow rate at the point( liters per second)
Bidet 0.08
Washbasin mixer in the bathroom 0.1
Toilet bowl 0.1
Kitchen sink mixer 0.15
Dishwasher 0.2
Bath mixer with shower head 0.25
Shower cabinet usual 0.25
Shower cabinet or whirlpool bath 0.3
Automatic washer 0.3
Faucet( ¾ ") for the owner(watering, car washing, cleaning, etc.) 0.3

Summing up these values, you get a peak water flow, however, the probability of their simultaneous use is low, so you can enter a correction factor:

k = 1 / √( n-1),

n - the total number of points of consumption.

Below is a calculator that allows you to simplify the self-calculation:

Specify the requested data and press the button "Calculate the pump capacity"
Indicate the availability and quantity of water points
kitchen sink
no one two
no one two three
bath with mixer and shower
no one two baths with whirlpool function
shower cubicle
no ordinary with hydromassage function
toilet bowl with drain tank
no one two
no one two
automatic washer
no one
no one
household crane
no one two
Total, total number of water points, n:
ten thousand

B. Calculator for calculating the required head with direct feedwater to the points of consumption

If the internal water supply system of the house is not equipped with a hydraulic accumulator, the pump head should understand the water to the required height, overcome the hydraulic resistanceIt wiring and piping to provide even at the farthest point is the pressure required for the correct operation of sanitary equipment or appliances.

All this is taken into account in the below calculator - enter the requested values ​​and get the result.

When determining the depth of installation of the pump, you can focus on both the dynamic water level in the well and the direct location of the pump - there will not be a big error in this case.

Specify the requested values ​​and press the "Calculate required head" button
The difference in height between the pump installation point( the dynamic well level) and the highest point of water consumption
The parameters of the pipeline from the well to the farthest point of water consumption( horizontal sections of pipes larger than 1 in.not accepted)
PIPE Ø 1 "
pipe material
plastic pipe steel pipe
total length of horizontal sections
pipe material
plastic pipe steel pipe
total length of horizontal sections
PIPE ½ "
pipe material
plastic pipe steel pipe
total length of horizontal sections
Pressure required for correct operation of installed household appliances based on passport parametersby default, without using the technique - 2 atmospheres)
required pressure, atmospheres( bar)
conversion into meters

B. Calculator pthe desired pressure in the presence of bills in the accumulator system

In this embodiment, the pump must be able to overcome the lifting and horizontal section before installation point accumulator and create therein a pressure, to ensure filling of the GA to the pressure threshold at which automatic triggered, stops the pump power. That the equipment does not work at the peak of its capabilities, it is recommended to add a reserve of 10%.

Calculate the parameter using the calculator:

Specify the requested values ​​and press the button "Calculate the pump head"
the difference in altitude between the pump mounting point( dynamic well level) and the location of the accumulator
The parameters of the pipeline from the well to the accumulator( horizontal sections of pipes with a diameter of more1 inch is not taken into account)
PIPE Ø 1 "
pipe material
plastic pipe steel pipe
horizontal section length
PIPE ¾ "
pipe material
plastic pipe steel pipe
length of the horizontal section
upper value of the working pressure of the accumulation tank( threshold of the automatic shutdown of the pump)
pressure, atmospheres( bar)
conversion to meters

Calculation of well pump for irrigationof the infield

If the pump is planned to be used only for irrigation, the system for calculating its parameters looks somewhat different

A. Calculating the productivity of the pump for irrigation

To calculate this parameter, you can use the following formula:

Q = Sп × n / t

Sп - area of ​​irrigation, that is, the irrigated area - beds, flower beds, etc.

n - approximate rate of water flow per unit area, l / m².Usually this indicator lies in the range from 3 to 6 liters, and depends on planted crops, irrigation frequency, soil characteristics, steady weather. In calculations, it is better to focus on the maximum indicators - this will create a certain reserve so that the pump does not work at the limit of possibilities.

t - the time that is supposed to be diverted to watering the site. Usually this event is held in the evening hours, after the heat and the sun go down, so that most often count for an hour or two.

Below is the calculation calculator. The value of the area in it is in a hundred square meters, since it is these quantities that are usually used by truck farmers.

Specify the requested values ​​and click the button "Calculate the pump capacity"
area of ​​the irrigated plot, ares
one hundred
Irrigation rate, liters per square meter
approximate time allocated for irrigation of the site
0,5 hours 1 hour 1,5 hours 2 hours 2.5hours 3 hours

B. Calculating the head of the pump for watering the garden

The calculation is not complicated, but its peculiarity is that hoses of different diameters( usually from 15 to 25 mm) having different hydraulic resistance can be used. In addition, hoses are not normally located in a straight line, and plus they can be equipped with tees, couplings, cranes, fittings and the like. This requires the introduction of certain amendments.

At the end, the farthest point of irrigation, the head should ensure correct operation of the irrigation devices( nozzles, sprayers, etc.).Typically, this requires 1.5 to 2.5 bar.

All this is taken into account in the calculator below:

Specify the requested values ​​and press the button "Calculate the required pump head"
The value of the total excess of the irrigation above the pump installation point
Distance from the well to the outermost point of irrigation( hose length)
Diameter of the used hoses
1 inch( 25 mm) ¾ inch( 20 mm) ½ inch( 15 mm)
necessary pressure for correct operation of the irrigation devices
1 atmosphere( bar) 1.5 atmosphere( bar) 2 atmospheres( bar) 2.5atmosphere( bar)

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