Drilling a well with your own hands

No country house can exist without the of normal water supply. Carrying water with you when you visit in days off? This option is not even considered, since its is unlikely to suffice even for domestic needs. Constantly bother the neighbors with requests to replenish their water supply? This is possible only for the time being, up to the time - every human patience has a limit. .. The source of water will be all the more necessary if in a country house long-term or even permanent residence is planned, and on the adjacent site there is a desire to plant some flowers or crops. Outputs - connect to a centralized water supply system( in most cases it is simply impossible or involves too much financial cost), or to equip in its territory a source of autonomous water supply.

Drilling a well with your own hands

Drilling a well with our own hands

The digging of a well was described in detail in the corresponding publication of our portal. However, very often to arrange such a complex hydraulic structure simply does not make sense - you can

will limit the water well. The case is too , by no means such a simple, requiring special equipment and certain work skills. The purpose of this publication is to consider whether it is possible to drill a well with your own hands. The types of wells will be considered, the concepts of the technology of their "penetration" and "strapping" are given. As a result, the interested reader must decide for himself whether it is worthwhile to take on this task himself, or even to invite a team of experienced specialists.

Types of Aquiferous Wells

Content of the article

  • 1 Types of Aquifer Wells
  • 2 Well Drilling Technologies
    • 2.1 Screw Drilling
    • 2.2 Column Drilling
    • 2.3 Hydraulic Rotary Drilling
    • 2.4 Video: Operation of a Small Hydraulic Drilling Rig
    • 2.5 Shock Drilling Technology for Drilling Wells
    • 2.6 Video: an interesting solution for the organization of rock drill borehole
    • 2.7 Video: well drilling using
  • 3 B
    • 3.1 How to drill an Abyssinian well
    • 3.2 Video: a good example of drilling an Abyssinian well
    • 3.3 Sand well
    • 3.4 Video:

well construction First of all, it is necessary to understand what wells can be used for providing housing water. There are three main their type , depending on the depth and conditions of occurrence of the aquifer.

The water under is covered by in several horizons.

The usual location of aquifers in the earth

Conventional location of aquifers in the depth of the

  • The closest to the surface is the so-called verkhovodka, which is more likely related to soil waters, which has an unstable character, is not clean, and is practically not used for drinking and domestic purposes. Usually it is located not deeper than 4 - 5 meters.
  • Below , starting from 7 - 10 meters, there must be sandy water horizons. They can be located on several levels, separated from each other by waterproof clay layers. The water here has passed a fairly good filtration, and in most cases is quite suitable for use. It is these layers that are oriented when digging wells and wells - Abyssinian or "on sand".There are such layers of water-bearing sandstone at depths of up to 50 meters.
  • More below, under the thick layers of waterproof clay, in the thickness of porous limestone, is the most powerful aquifer - artesian. The water here is under pressure sufficient for the self-propelled to rise to the ground. Artesian well - is the most optimal variant nt for water supply - it alone can cover all the needs of several houses at once. It also has the longest period of active exploitation - usually it reaches 50 years.

However, due to the large depth of occurrence and the need for penetration through dense rocks, the artesian well can only be drilled by specialists using a special heavy technique. As this publication is devoted to the possibility of self-drilling wells, only the Abyssinian and "on the sand" will be considered.

For all the complexity of drilling, the organization of water supply from a well is often a more acceptable solution than digging a well. So, volumes of earthworks are simply not comparable. Water in the well is more susceptible to contamination, blooming, the appearance of pathogenic bacteria in it. In addition, under well-developed circumstances, the well can be drilled directly in the basement of the house, and , this will significantly reduce the further costs of laying and warming the water lines, on the pine equipment and the wiring of the domestic water supply network.

Well drilling technology

So, a well is a narrow vertical hole from the surface of the earth to the aquifer. How is it done?

Screw drilling

Screw drilling is one of the simplest methods. The drill with sharpened cutting blades located under the defined by the angle to the axis is screwed into the ground.

Screws of various types for drilling operations

Various types of augers for drilling operations

After passing of a particular , the drill bit rises to the surface for cleaning from the selected soil( sludge).As you go deeper into the ground, the bar with the drill is extended by additional links.

This technology is considered to be one of the most productive, allows the to carry out the work of the even manually, with the help of simple self-made devices, for example, the drill "" tripod with secured via swivel on the cable with drill string. The lifting mechanism is mandatory - manual, using a conventional gate or winches, or mechanized. It is almost impossible to extract the drill with the trapped deepened even a few meters deep.

Scheme of the simplest screw auger

Scheme of the simplest auger drilling rig

Often in the network there are publications about the possibility of manual drilling of bore holes by a similar method, without using any additional equipment.

Manual drilling is inefficient and with great difficulty in maintaining verticality of penetration

Manual drilling - inefficient and with great difficulty in maintaining verticality of the

To tell you the truth, this raises doubts about the reliability, or, at least , in the quality of such drilling. It's not even the use of force - the muscular efforts of two healthy men, yes the still with well-chosen levers for rotating the column, should be enough. The hitch is in keeping the verticality of the penetration - here its without an accurate fixation of the drill is extremely difficult to achieve. A deviation from the vertical - this is the deformation of shrinkage pipes and the inability of a normal tying of the well.

Small Drilling Rig


drilling rig Often resort to the use of small-sized drilling rigs, which are a metal frame with a mechanical drive installed on the movable frame, which transmits rotation to the drill string. The design allows for the smooth descent of the and lifting of the drive, providing both the required forward force for the passage of the ground, and for the screw for regular cleaning.

This drilling method is usually used at shallow depths, on soft soils - this is where it will show the greatest efficiency and productivity. However, he has many drawbacks:

  • Such drilling technology can not easily cope with the hard rocks, dense layers of clay, stony layer on the way. There are special drills with carbide tipped, which can sometimes help in this case, but the sometimes has to either change its place or move to a different drilling technology.
Screw with carbide taps

Screw with carbide tipped

There may be problems with getting on the "vadose" or the layer of "quicksand" - , even a shallow well will be constantly filled with dirty water mixed with sand, which will make work extremely difficult. Therefore, , with this method of drilling, it is most often performed a constant parallel casing of the well, as it deepens into the ground.

Difficulties arise also in the passage of liquefied ground areas, on the threshold of the aquifer. The auger blades can no longer hold onto the sludge, and therefore will have to "rearm" the column with a borer-spoon that provides the grip and lifting of the even with a semi-liquid consistency.

Bour-spoon for loose and water-saturated soils

Boil-spoon for loose and water-saturated soils

To manufacture or purchase such drilling equipment in order to drill one or two wells on on its site is extremely unprofitable. It is better to use the services of the -leased rental kits - it is not difficult for local residents or neighbors in the countryside settlement to verify the presence of such companies.

On the Internet, no-no, and there are recommendations to use motobur for similar purposes. It would be a big mistake to use such an aggregate for digging a water-bearing well, , if it does not belong to professional equipment with a large margin of power and strength, and if the does not explicitly state such features in its technical documentation. Such models are very expensive, and hardly anyone will agree to give them for rent.

Will the motobur with great depths - a big question

Whether the motobur with large depths will be handled - the big question is

Motors of the same household or semi-professional class are very useful for making holes and relatively shallow wells for piles, poles, tree planting and .Use -like tool at significant depths - the right way to "ditch" the technique. Especially since the without fixed installation to hold motobur when working at significant depths even to two people is very problematic and even unsafe.

Core drilling

Technologically, in principle, auger drilling, however the cutting part of the drill has a completely different device. The drill itself is a hollow cylinder, on the lower edge of which are placed tapes of high-strength materials, capable of coping with soils of any density. The sludge in this case accumulates inside this "glass" and is periodically cleaned when the drill rises to the surface.

Drill-core for core drilling

Drill-core for core drilling

This technology allows to obtain wells of very precise diameter. However, in conditions of self-drilling, this method is practically not used, since it requires special stationary equipment that ensures a uniform simultaneous distribution of the efforts of the - to rotate the drill and to its downward movement.

Hydraulic rotary drilling

As can be seen from the name itself, drilling is provided by continuous feeding of water( drilling fluid) in under high pressure. The head of the liquid and wash the surface of the sludge, and in some cases, in addition, leads to the rotational movement of the drill bit itself.

  • Pressurized water can be fed into the drill string body and then of the gravity flows, along with the slurry, to exit through the annulus( between the pipe wall and the rock) - this method is called direct flushing.
  • Back flushing is also applied when drill is fed to the through the annulus and then pumped out of the cavity of the pipe. This technology is considered more efficient, but the is and more expensive, requiring very complex and powerful equipment for pumping out semi-liquid rock.

Hydraulic rotary drilling is the most widely used for industrial and geological exploration at virtually any depth. is used by its and drillers who fulfill orders for the arrangement of artesian wells, using special equipment installed on the automobile chassis .

Small-size installations for hydraulic drilling. The pump is installed directly above the drill string

Small-size installations for hydraulic drilling. The pump is installed directly above the drill string

Small-size hydraulic drilling rigs with direct flushing are also available.

Such installations can often be leased, but that's only for drilling shallow wells under the water to use it will be quite problematic. The difficulty is that the sandy aquifers are very heterogeneous in depth and thickness, and it is almost impossible to control the impact on it with a constant supply of water into the well.

Video: operation of a small hydraulic rig

This technology is more suitable for drilling wells at a predetermined depth, when preliminary geological prospecting accurately determined the occurrence of aquiferous layers .

Drilling and Rigging Technology This well drilling method often "mocks" for its laboriousness of , but it, however , remains one of the simplest and reliable .It causes its wide application precisely in the conditions considered in this article.

The essence of the technology is that the drilling is carried out by successive strokes of the - hollow drill bit with sharpened shaped lower edges. It rises to the defined height, and then freely dropped to the bottom. The rock, compacted, is clogged into a glass, and is periodically cleaned when the lifts the to the surface.

Бурильные "стаканы" для ударно-канатной технологии

Drill "cups" for the shock-rope technology

Advantages of this method - the ability to work on almost any soil, the lack of the need to build long ng pr and care for considerable depth, simplicity of the equipment used, which, in fact, can be manufactured even independently.

The scheme of the simplest impact drilling rig

Scheme of the simplest impact drilling rig

Of course, like method requires of significant efforts of , and if you use only muscular force( and rollers with manual drilling technology are found on the network), then the installation itself will turn into a kind of "power simulator ", and the performance will be at the same timelow. However, folk craftsmen find interesting solutions for retrofitting their plants.

People craftsmen often refine the installation to facilitate work

Folk craftsmen often refine the rigs to facilitate the operation of the

They use the electric drive for the lifting the of the drilling cup and install a mechanism similar in design to the car clutch system to ensure that the drill falls freely down from the desired height.

Video: an interesting solution for the organization of rock drill rig

This drilling allows the to clearly control the structure of the passable soil layer, that is, the water-bearing sand will immediately become known. At the same time, the drill bit is replaced with a bailer - a special tool, equipped with valve system, allowing to scoop out the liquefied ground to the surface.

Different types of hopper

Different types of

hoppers The required diameter of the skips can be purchased or manufactured independently. The valve system for them can be different:

  • in the form of a flat leaf opening inwards;
Screed plan with flat valve

Scheme of a bailer with flat valve

  • or with with ball valve;
This is the way a bailer with a ball valve

This is how the bailer with the ball valve

is designed. The cinderpans are also used for the passage of non-cohesive soils, driftwood -, in those cases when the sludge to be removed is not fixed in the cavity of a conventional drill pipe.

Using the technology of rock-cable drilling, with competent and timely casing, it is possible to drill smooth wells with strong walls to a considerable depth, reaching of deep-lying sandy water-carriers.

Video: well drilling using

drilling method. Drilling wells in the countryside of the

. So, if a decision is made to independently equip a well on the with its section, it is necessary to determine the its type( abyssinian or "on sand") and find the best placefor drilling operations.

The search for the most promising areas in terms of the proximity of aquifers was described in detail in the article on digging wells. However, should clearly understand that no one can guarantee an accurate hit on the aquifer. Sand water-carriers can "walk" quite high in height, and most often everything is determined by the experienced by .Often, when the neighbors at a depth of 8 - work well, the Abyssinian well works well, but when drilling similar in close proximity, it seems that the depths are somewhat different, and sometimes the aquifer does not appear at all. We have to do several "punctures" to find the most acceptable option.

How to drill an Abyssinian well

For a small house with a low water consumption, an Abyssinian well may well suffice, which completely satisfies both domestic needs and agrotechnical ones.

This technology began to apply to at the beginning of the XIX century, and received its name because , that this was the way the water supply of British military expeditions in East Africa was provided. Even in the hot semi-desert conditions of Abyssinia ( Ethiopia), this method proved its effectiveness.

The essence of the technology is to drill a narrow( about two inches in diameter) well into a shallow depth - about 7 ÷ 15 meters, with subsequent felling of pipes in the with a special tip and a filter at the end. Such a device is often called a needle.

"Игла" для абиссинской скважины

"Needle" for the Abyssinian well

Drilling of the borehole is carried out by a screw method, with a drill diameter usually 50 mm( less often - up to 80 mm).As you dive into the groove nt shn ek is increased by additional links.

Usually, with a good layout for the aquifer layer fall at depths of 5 to 7 meters. This is sure to manifest output of semi-liquid sand slurry. Deeper drilling may be required, but below 10 - , 12 meters are usually not lowered - the rise of water from large depths in the Abyssinian well will be extremely is difficult - the self-priming pump simply can not cope with this, and pumping water manually is very tediousand unproductive occupation.

Once the aquifer is reached, drilling is stopped, the installation is dismantled. The next step is "clogging the needle."

Currently, you can purchase kits for Abyssinian wells that includes the needle itself and the required number of ( usually lengths 1 m ) with a coupling system( threaded couplings), diameters of 1, 1¼ or1½ inches.

You can buy a ready-made kit for the Abyssinian well

You can purchase a ready-made kit for the Abyssinian

Well, first insert the needle into the drilled hole and clog the with its so that the so that the on the surface remains a portion of the order of 200 mm, to allow the to "pack" the next knee. Further, the continues to drive the entire column, repeating the build process as it deepens. It is necessary to very carefully connect the pipes and couplings, so that the joints are completely sealed.

Than to hammer in pipes in a chink? There are two approaches.

  • In the first case, use a special grandmother - a heavy cylinder, put on the pipe. It can be muted - then the impacts will fall on the on the top of the pipe with a clutch mounted on it. There is a danger of damaging the threaded part.
The headstock for slaughtering the Abyssinian well

Grinder for clogging an Abyssinian well

A granny can be through. Then on the pipe wall in the right place with a collet or screw connection is installed sub-head - hit the on it.

  • The second way is to install inside the rod pipe - a durable metal rod, which rests on the at the very bottom of the needle, and through the which the will be transferred to the impact force. As the pipes are being built, the goes and the extension of this bar. After the has reached the required depth, the rod is extracted from their cavity tubes.

After the entire column of the "needle" is fully driven, the is pumped. This can be done using a manual column or using a pump - a self-priming pump.

  • To begin with, it is necessary to fill the well with water from outside - the bay of its through a funnel or forcedly from some tank using an electric pump.
The pumping of the Abyssinian well

Borehole of the Abyssinian well

  • Then the pump or column is switched to the lifting of the water. The discharge created by them at depths of up to 10 meters should be sufficient to allow water to flow from the well after a while. Initially, it will be clear that the is turbid , but then there must go a clean head, which will be suitable for further use.

Well "tied", installing water pipes, connected to the pumping station.

If the well is designed for garden needs, you can install and just a hand column, but it is still more convenient to provide a tee wiring that allows you to use both the pump and the column.

The simplest solution is to install the garden speaker

The simplest solution is the installation of the

garden speaker. With a lucky combination of circumstances, a well-made Abyssinian well can last even several decades, while giving out 10 to 40 liters of water per minute - quite enough for normal maintenance of the average large house.

Video: a clear example of drilling an Abyssinian well

A well on sand

If the debit of an Abyssinian well is clearly inadequate, or aquifer sandstones lie at a considerable depth, the will have to drill a wider well "onto the sand". Its depth can reach from 10 ÷ 15 and even up to several tens of meters.

Self-drilling is carried out using screw or shock-wire technology. The main feature of detailed wells is the necessity of their casing in the process of soil sampling. If in the first few meters the soil layers are sufficiently stable and well "keep in shape", then below there can be various "surprises" in the form of "tops", buoys, quicksands, which will constantly tighten the mine well, extremely complicating the process with gait.

The optimal solution is the use of light polymer casing pipes

Optimal solution - the use of lightweight polymeric casing pipes

  • First, carefully clean the site of all foreign objects that can interfere with operation at the selected location. Digging out approximately for 0,5 - 1 m guide groove( pit) - this will remove the too loose topsoil that is used to fall into the well. Above it there is a tower-tripod or drilling frame installation.
  • The most important thing is that when drilling auger, set right straight, strictly vertical direction of penetration. After a depth of 1.5 meters on the -, a temporary metal casing can be inserted that will support the required direction of drilling.
  • It is required to regularly raise the drill to the surface to clean it from the slurry. If you "overdo" with a single drill, then the effect of tightening the drill can work, and pulling it out will be very difficult, and in some cases - even impossible.
  • As the dive deep into the rod, the drill is expanded( threaded or keyed).For ease of operation, water can be periodically poured into the borehole opening.
  • If the method of cable-impact drilling is chosen, then is necessary to monitor the depth of penetration and the degree of filling of the drill-hole or bailer with slurry. Overfilling can cause the tool to jam between the walls of the well or the casing. It happens that it ends with complete impossibility of to continue work on this well and loss of tool.
  • It is recommended to pipe the well with pipes in parallel with the drilling operations. In any case, this process is sure to begin if there is a buoyant or signs of instability of the soil structure. Pipes build up and lower as you drill.

As a casing, polymeric pipes with a special coupling or conical threaded connection are most often used today. The lowest segment of the casing must have holes or slotted slots for unimpeded passage of water. Such apertures should be located no lower than 500 mm from the lower of its trim.

  • When the aquifer is reached, the drilling is not stopped - it is necessary to go further into the earthen waterproof layer for 300 - 400 mm. Ideally, an aquifer layer of coarse-grained sand or small pebbles is required for normal operation of the well. If the sand is fine, a pulverized type , then such a well very quickly overgrew .
The space between the casing and the ground is filled with small gravel

The space between the casing and the ground is filled with fine gravel

  • After drilling is completed, the space between the casing and the ground should be filled with fine gravel.

For a well to work as long as possible , if allows the , you can use the and the worker, in addition to the casing, , at the end of which a strainer is attached. The main thing is that the diameter of this barrel allows the submersible pump to be lowered into the well, able to cope with the existing height of the lifting water.

To lift water from the well, a submersible pump

A submersible pump

will be required to lift water from the well. This arrangement of the skat will simplify its regular cleaning.

Pipes with installed strainer

Pipes with installed strainer

This filter can also be used in the casing, as the lowest segment, but only if the diameter of the is the same as the , allowing it to be lowered to the required depth without damaging the mesh structure.

Once the well is completely ready, the of its must be tied, "swung" and put into service with a connection to the domestic water supply system.


well completion All these questions will be considered in a separate publication of our construction portal.

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