Toilets for home how to use

Unfortunately, not all rural houses, and in the residential buildings of provincial towns equipped with all the necessary for living "convenience".Therefore, with the appearance on the market of such a convenient device as a bio-toilet, more people living in private houses or leaving for the summer at the dacha are thinking about buying it.

Toilets for home how to use

Toilets for the house how to use

Choosing this option instead of the traditional wooden box and cesspool under it, you can get rid of the unpleasant smell, which eventually spreads throughout the site, as well as from flying to it harmful insects that carry infectious diseases. Knowing about the existence of these comfortable devices, many would like to purchase them, but usually potential buyers immediately have questions: toilets for the home how to use them, and how effective they are? To make it easier to decide on such a purchase and make sure of the convenience of the biotoilete, it is recommended to obtain in advance information about its design and the possibilities of the models presented on the market.

Types of constructions of dry closets

Contents of the article

  • 1 Types of constructions of dry closets
    • 1.1 Liquid biotoilets
      • 1.1.1 Principle of operation and basic rules of operation
      • 1.1.2 Solutions for liquid biotoilets
    • 1.2 Peat dry closets
      • 1.2.1 Design features and basicoperating rules
      • 1.2.2 Peat for dry closets
    • 1.3 Electric biotoilelet
  • 2 Overview of models of biotoilets
  • 3 Video: Review of biotoilets with comentariyami

Biotoilets specialist may have different design, but one in them remains unchanged - is the presence of two containers, one of which is, actually, a toilet, and the other is intended for collecting waste and the corresponding processing.

Biotoilet is an excellent solution for houses and apartments that are not equipped with "conveniences"

Biotoilet is an excellent solution for houses and apartments not equipped with "conveniences"

. The cameras are connected by means of a special lock, and have a reliable seal between each other, ensuring the integrity of the structure. In addition to these containers, the bio-toilet, depending on the principle of operation, is provided with a tank for liquid or special filler.

The vast majority of models of biotoilets presume the presence of at least two cameras

The vast majority of models of biotoilets presuppose the presence of at least two cameras

The construction of the biotoilet is designed so that it is available for use and cleaning for any person. The biotoilete does not need to be connected to the central sewer system or mandatory installation above the cesspool, since it works autonomously, and you can find a place for it in any room in the house or in the house.

As a rule, most devices of such purpose are mobile, so they can be moved from place to place. For example, during the summer period it is taken to an unheated room of one of the outbuildings, and for winter time it is installed in a warm room. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the sale can be selected and stationary versions of biotoilets, which are fixed in a certain place. Cleaning of such models is done by removing a special container-cassette, designed to collect waste. Further, it is released from them, flushing and installation back into the structure for further use. Stationary devices are suitable in the event that a separate room can be allocated in the toilet house.

The biotoilete can be installed and fixed - in the space reserved for it.

The biotoilet can be installed and fixed - in a room reserved for it.

In specialized shops you can find different types of dry closets. Their choice will mainly depend on the material possibilities of the consumer and the desire to use this or that method of flushing. Biotoilets are divided into peat, liquid, electric, as well as non-liquid disposable. In addition, as already mentioned, there are stationary options and mobile.

To understand what they are and how to use them, you need to consider each of the existing designs.

Liquid biotoilets

Principle of operation and basic rules of operation
Some of the simplest in operation are liquid biotoilets

One of the easiest to operate - liquid biotoilets

In liquid-type bio-toilet scraps, waste disposal is carried out by means of different solutions that are added to the water. The operation of these devices is as comfortable and simple as possible. Its construction can be well considered in the presented schemes.

The upper part of the liquid toilet, in which a tank for clean water is located.

The upper part of the liquid toilet, in which the tank for clean water is located.

The lower block of the structure in which waste is collected, and where their splitting takes place.

The lower unit of the structure in which the waste is collected, and where their splitting takes place.

This kind of biotoilets can have a different volume, on which the height of the structure depends directly. So, this parameter can vary from 10 to 25 liters, and the most common size of such devices is 450 × 450 × 420 and 320 × 380 × 310 mm.

The overall dimensions of the liquid bio-toilet are dependent on the capacity of the lower storage tank

The overall dimensions of the liquid biotoilelet depend on the capacity of the lower storage tank

. As can be seen in this illustration, the height of the bottom tank of the biotoilets can vary significantly in height, depending on the volume to which the capacity is calculated. Such biotoilets are well suited for installation in an apartment, as they are quite hygienic, and the liquids used in it almost completely neutralize unpleasant odors.

  • Liquid mobile biotoilets have two departments, which are tightly connected with each other by means of two buckle locks.
  • The upper container is a bowl with an opening on which the seat and cover are fixed, that is, it is the toilet bowl. On the upper part of the structure there is also a drainage system, which can function according to different principles. In some models, a tank for clean water is also located in the upper part of the bio-toilet.
  • The lower tank collects and decomposes waste, and neutralizes its odor. Between the tanks is a rubber seal, which makes the design airtight, retaining odors until completely neutralized with special compounds.
  • Some liquid toilets are equipped with a special indicator that informs the user about the fullness of the waste collector. So, if it is completely empty or only partially filled, then the indicator light is green, and if it is time to clean the container, the indicator color changes to red.
  • Different compositions for decomposition of waste are used for filling in toilets. They can be on a chemical basis or contain microorganisms capable of processing the accumulated mass and neutralizing odors.

These solutions can be added to the flush tank water if it is located in the upper part of the structure, or directly into the lower tank - when waste enters it, the compounds immediately begin to "work" above them. If disinfectant solutions are added to the lower tank of the structure, a special aromatic composition is often added to the water tank. It interacts with the waste treatment solution, and is also designed to remove odors and facilitate flushing.

  • If an environmentally friendly compound containing microorganisms is used in the bio-toilet, then after processing the waste, they can be disposed of by pouring to the soil anywhere in the site, as they become harmless to humans and the environment. Ecologically clean solutions for biotoilets are usually marked in green, so they can always be distinguished from chemical compounds.
  • If for the processing of waste chemical aggressive substances are used, then for them it is necessary to provide a special pit from which the liquid will not fall on the beds, in the well or in the drinking of animals.
  • To ensure that the bio toilet is not clogged too quickly, and the recycled waste is a homogeneous liquid, it is not recommended to throw toilet paper in it, unless it is specifically designed for use with biotoilets. Therefore, when organizing the place for installing the toilet, for paper it is necessary to provide a special collection container.

It is not difficult to use a biotoilet. After the bottom of its capacity is filled, it is unfastened from it, and then the upper part of the structure is removed. Further, the waste tank is taken out and the contents are disposed of.

For periodic recycling of waste that has undergone chemical treatment, it is necessary to provide for a special cesspool.

For periodic recycling of wastes that have undergone chemical treatment, it is necessary to provide a special cesspool.

Developers of models usually provide in the bottom tank of a biotoilet a drainage branch and the reset button, therefore its clearing passes very accurately. After releasing the container from the liquid with waste, it is well rinsed, and then filled with water with the addition of solutions in the proportion specified in the instructions on the packaging of the composition.

When choosing a liquid bio-toilet for installation in one place or another, the following criteria should be taken into account:

The choice of a liquid biotoilet requires the consideration of certain criteria

The choice of a liquid biotoilelet requires consideration of certain criteria

  • The volume of the collection tank. A biotoiler with a volume of a lower tank of 10 or 12 liters is usually designed for 20-25 washings, so if three people use it, it will be filled every three to four days. To make this procedure less frequent, it is worth buying a structure with a large volume, for example, 20 ÷ 25 liters. It is already designed for 45 ÷ 50 washings, and it can be used by three people for about a week.
  • Choosing the volume of the tank, you also need to calculate your own forces, since the capacity of 10 ÷ 12 liters, after filling it will weigh 12 ÷ 14 kg, and 20 ÷ 25 liter tank can reach up to 30 kg. It should not be forgotten that the container will have to be lifted in order to take out the waste for disposal.
  • It is also important to take into account the height of the structure, as it should be comfortable for all members of the family. In the event that the biotoilet is purchased for a user with limited mobility, for example, a disabled person or an elderly person, it is worthwhile to think about purchasing a special stand that has convenient handrails.

In liquid toilets, different flushing systems are used, and when choosing a particular model, this fact needs to be paid special attention to use this device was convenient.

There are three types of pumps - pump, piston and electric. They also provide cleaning of the bowl of the toilet bowl.

Different types of drain pumps

Various types of drainage pumps

  • Pump wash system. In this design, a corrugated pump is used for draining water, having a convenient button on top. It will not take much effort to cause the flow of water into the bowl of the toilet bowl - it will be enough to press this control element - and flushing will follow. The disadvantage of this system is the lack of control of the pressure and dosage of the liquid supplied.
  • Piston flushing system. This option is simpler in design, but it will take some effort to create the necessary water for flushing. With the help of the handle, swinging movements( up and down) are performed, thereby creating the required pressure inside the system, thereby draining liquid. The use of the piston system and its repair are simple, and the corresponding maintenance can be completely performed independently.
  • Electropump. This flushing system operates on batteries, and it can be called the most comfortable option, since water is supplied to the drain hole automatically by pressing the button located on the surface of the structure. The only thing you need to constantly monitor is the timely replacement of batteries.
Solutions for liquid toilets
The operation of liquid biotoilets requires the purchase of special consumables

The use of liquid biotoilets requires the purchase of special consumables

As already mentioned above, various types of working solutions are used for liquid biotoilets. They differ in the way they are used and packaged, and are designed to perform certain functions, such as disinfection, removal of odors and rapid splitting of waste to a liquid state.

These solutions are produced on different bases - they are formaldehyde, ammonium and biological. How these compounds work, as well as how to properly dispose of them and will be discussed below.

  • Formaldehyde based solutions

Formaldehyde solutions can be called the most potent, as they quickly and efficiently splits human waste. However, the disposal of waste treated with these compounds must be carried out only in sewage. Formaldehyde refers to chemical agents and is quite toxic, so you should not choose solutions based on it for use in suburban conditions where there is no sewage.

The consumption of formulations on a formaldehyde basis is 1 liter for three to four months, provided the biotoilet is used with a lower tank volume of 20 liters. The amount of the composition that should be added to the water is indicated in the instructions for its use.

  • Ammonium solutions

Ammonium compounds decompose waste in contact with oxygen, and work for 5 ÷ 7 days. The waste recycled with these solutions can be used to add to the compost or fertilize the beds of the garden or flower beds. Therefore, applying funds on an ammonium basis, you can get "wasteless production".Excellent choice for suburban living conditions.

The consumption of these solutions per capacity of 20 liters is 1 liter for three months.

  • Biological Compositions

Biological agents include living bacteria that, when they enter a favorable environment, begin to multiply and actively process the contents of the waste container. Biological compounds are environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment, so they perfectly convert the waste that has fallen into the bio-toilet into fertilizer. Thanks to the work of bacteria, the water in the tank is disinfected, the smells are neutralized, and the soil fertilized with this compound becomes fertile. In addition, biological solutions prevent the development of harmful microbes, eliminate the pathogenic microflora and even infect the eggs of helminths.

Natural solutions and dry formulations do not contain phosphate and formaldehyde additives, so they are completely safe to use in the toilet and recycle, pouring into the soil.

It is true that biological agents have a higher price than chemical agents, and this can be called their biggest drawback.

  • Means for upper and lower tanks

Compositions for biotoilets are also divided according to the field of application, that is, one of them is poured into the upper one and the others to the lower tank.

One of the compositions intended for the lower capacity of the biotoilette

One of the formulations designed for the lower capacity of the

dry closet. Solutions designed for pouring into the lower tank, work for quick splitting of waste and removal of unpleasant odors.

The composition of the solution for the upper tank usually includes a flavor

As a solution for the upper tank, the

fragrance is usually included. Compositions added to the upper tank, where clean water is located, greatly facilitate the flushing of waste from the bowl of the toilet bowl, thereby reducing the water flow, and thus prolong the filling time of the lower vessel.

Specialists recommend buying compounds for the lower and upper capacity of one manufacturer, since in this case they will interact better with each other.

  • Manufacturers of solutions for liquid toilets
It is recommended to purchase both types of solution from the same manufacturer

It is recommended to purchase both types of solution of one manufacturer

Solutions for liquid biotoilets are made by foreign and Russian manufacturers, and they can be found both on Internet sites and in specialized sanitary ware shops. The solutions differ in composition and, of course, in prices, but one should not assume that any sanitary engineering chemistry will suit the biotoilets, since some of the solutions can damage the plastic construction of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase only the solutions intended for this device, which are able to cope with the task assigned to them. The use of the solution must be indicated on the package, and it is desirable that it is hermetically sealed.

Several companies producing such plumbing fixtures have become popular on the Russian market: Septicsol( Canada), Biola and Rodas( Russia), Campa Green and AquaRinse( Netherlands).

Peat dry closets

Design features and basic rules of operation
Compact peat bio-toilet

Compact peat toilets for

For the country house the most popular option is a peat dry closet, as it is simple in design and affordable. This kind of bio-toilet can be purchased in specialized shops, or even manufactured independently, without serious costs.

To do it yourself, you will need a container that is convenient for installing a seat and a lid for the toilet, as well as a box for the filler. An important condition in this design is the strength and stability of the container on which the lid will be installed. Therefore, many owners arrange the construction of the boards, and already put into it a container selected in form and size.

An uncomplicated device of a homemade peat bio-toilet

A simple device of a homemade peat bio-toilet

As a filler in this kind of bio-toilet, peat is used, which is poured on the bottom of the container, where the waste enters. As they are filled, they are sprinkled with another thick layer of peat.

Scheme of construction of peat toilet factory production

The design scheme of peat toilet factory-made

The ready, factory version of the peat toilet consists of a plastic outer container made in the form of a toilet bowl, an internal bucket with a comfortable handle, into which the filler is filled. The upper part of the structure can also be equipped with a special container, in which a filler stock is laid.

Approximate sizes of peat bio-toilet

Approximate dimensions of peat bio-toilet

When choosing this kind of bio-toilet, it must be taken into account that the room where it will be installed must have good ventilation - it can be an extension to the house separated from residential premises or completely separate from the house. This is due to the fact that the design does not provide for the pouring of additional funds that can quickly and completely neutralize unpleasant odors.

Dry closet with separation of liquid and solid waste

Bioscale with separation of liquid and solid waste

Some owners prefer to use a slightly different scheme of peat bio-toilet equipment - it provides separation of liquid and solid waste. The liquid in this case is taken to a separate container, and the solid waste falls into a volumetric bucket, where peat is poured. Then, as it is filled, the peat mass is transferred to the compost pit, where it is converted into a fertilizer for the garden.

Positive aspects of this design are as follows:

  • The construction of the peat toilet does not require water.
  • Emptying the tank with solid waste is much less frequent than with a liquid biotoilet.

The waste recycled in peat biowaste is transformed into an effective fertilizer for

  • peat. The peat bio-toilet can be called wasteless, since from the obtained mass an excellent, environmentally friendly fertilizer for beds is obtained.
  • These dry closets are available at an affordable price compared to other types. Low cost and consumables - peat backfilling.

The drawbacks of such a scheme include the following:

  • The inability to completely neutralize an unpleasant odor.
  • The need to equip a place for storing the mixture from waste and peat. Stationarity of the structure.
Peat for biotoilets

Peat for biotoilets is recommended to be purchased ready-made, that is specially designed for these purposes, as it is enriched with bacteria that will "work" for the decomposition of waste and converting them into a homogeneous mass. Special peat mixtures more effectively neutralize the smell and produce an accelerated processing of the contents of the container than conventional natural peat.

For biotoilets it is recommended to purchase special, enriched with microorganisms peat backfill

For biotoilets it is recommended to purchase special, enriched with microorganisms peaty backfill

It is impossible to fill a wet peat mixture in the bio-toilet - it must be dried and free-flowing, otherwise it will not effectively cover the waste that has fallen on the bottom layers of peat.

«Thetford Porta Potti Qube 165»,
product developed in Holland,
is manufactured in China.

Thetford Porta Potti Qube 165 is a compact, neat portable model that can be installed in a small, dedicated corner.
The product is made of sanitary plastic.
Size of the dry closet 427 × 383 × 414 mm( L × W × H), the product weight in the empty state is only 4 kg, the volume of the upper tank is 15 l, the bottom one is 21 l.
The design has a siphon flushing system, a drainage pipe with a lock is provided, which simplifies the combination of one tank over the other.
Flushing is performed by pressing the corrugated pump.
The model is easy to operate and convenient to clean.
The lid has a built-in lock, which can not be avoided when carrying a dry closet.
The manufacturer gives a warranty for your product for 3 years.
4700 ÷ 5200
«Thetford Porta Potti Excellence»,
The Netherlands - China

This biotoilet model is presented in two color variants - ruby ​​and ivory.
This variant differs from other models in the height of the landing and an unusual shape in the form of a barrel.
The seat surface of the product is large enough, and therefore convenient for users of any age.
Thetford Porta Potti Excellence is equipped with a built-in control panel, a pump, upper and lower tank fullness indicators that inform users about the need to fill the top or empty the bottom tank.
The biotoilet has the following parameters:
- the size is 458 × 388 × 450mm( H × W × D);
- seat height 443 mm;
- flushing system - pistol;
- capacity of the lower tank 21 liters, top 15 liters;
- construction weight 5,5 ÷ 6 kg.
"CNN RT 20",

The biotoilets RT 20 of this manufacturer are produced in different volumes, but the most popular model is the lower tank, designed for 20 liters, as it is ideal for a family of 3 people.
Technical characteristics of this dry closet:
- body size 410 × 355 × 420 mm;
- construction weight 5 kg;
- permissible load of 200 kg;
- the volume of the lower tank is 20 liters, and the top one is 15 liters;
- the biostulet is equipped with a pressure gauge valve and indicators of the fullness of the tanks;
- double discharge.
Warranty from the manufacturer 12 months.
4000 ÷ 4200
"CNN RT 10",

This model of the same manufacturer, but smaller, and designed for a maximum of two users.
It is also equipped with indicators of the fullness of the tanks and the overpressure valve.
This bio-toilet is more compact due to reduced height, and is most often used with a special stand that is purchased separately.
Technical characteristics of this version of the dry closet:
- design size 410 × 355 × 310 mm;
- weight - 4 kg;
- the volume of the lower tank is 10 liters, and the top 5 liters;
- the permissible load is 200 kg;
- the biotoilete is equipped with a pressure gauge valve and indicators.
Despite the smaller volume of containers, the product has a double drain function.
Warranty from the manufacturer 12 months.
3200 ÷ 3500
Separately, it should be said about the stand for the biotoilets, which are equipped with special handrails. Such adaptations greatly facilitate the use of the toilet to people with disabilities or old age. Stands are made of two types - A, B and C, from which you can choose the right one.
Type A is used for a biotoilet having a small height for its comfortable use.
Type B can be called the most popular and convenient for people with limited mobility, as strong and comfortable handrails allow you to use this device on your own.
Type C, as well as B, is designed for the convenience of people with disabilities and for the elderly, from these two options one is chosen which is more convenient to use in this or that case.
Since the most popular of the three options is Type B, it is worth mentioning exactly its characteristics:
- dimensions - 630 × 580 × 840 mm;
- material of construction - steel;
- the backrest and armrests have elastic soft coverings of black rubber;
- permissible load on the structure - 200 kg;
- the color of the frame is metallic;
- the weight of the stand - 4,5 kg.
The design of the stand is foldable, it is assembled in one plane.
In addition, it can be adjusted in width and height.
2000 ÷ 3600
«Dometic 972»,

Dometic 972 is easy to use and clean.
It is equipped with a piston drain system, air is recruited for 15 swinging motions and it will be enough for 20 flushes.
The button for draining water is located on the housing in a convenient place.
The waste collection container is equipped with a special swivel nozzle, which makes it easy to clean.
The design is equipped with indicators of the fullness of the tanks and hydraulic gasket, which ensures their complete integrity.
Technical characteristics of model:
- the size of the biological toilet is 317 × 333 × 387 mm;
- the volume of the upper tank is 8.7 liters, and the lower one - 10 liters;
- body weight - 5,5 kg;
- color - metallic.
The Netherlands

The cassette bio-toilet "CW-200" is installed permanently in a certain place. It is often used for installation even in intercity buses and airplanes.
The design has a swivel seat that allows you to place a bio-toilet in a small room that has any shape, and this can save a lot of space.
The biotoilet is equipped with all the functions and facilities necessary for comfortable use, including an electronic indicator that informs about the fullness of the tanks.
Technical characteristics of the dry closet:
- size of the structure - 500 × 353 × 822 mm;
- the volume of the lower capacity is 17 liters, and the top one - 7 liters;
- product weight - 13.5 kg;
- the water is discharged by means of a mechanical pump;
- biotoilet is equipped with an indicator, working on two batteries;
- maximum load on the structure - 250 kg;
- the bio-toilet can be fixed to the wall or to the floor.
«Mr. Little Idea»,

The "Little Ideal" bio-toilet combines all the functions that are possible for this device in its design, and it is perfect for a family of 4-5 people, since it has an increased volume of the lower tank.
The design is equipped with indicators of the fullness of tanks and easily replaceable piston pumps.
Technical characteristics:
- the size of the biological toilet is 410 × 370 × 420 mm( H × D × W);
- the volume of the bottom tank is 24 liters, and the top one - 15 liters;
- weight of empty structure - only 5 kg.
«Piteco 505»,

«Piteco 505» is a composting peat bio-toilet, consisting of 2 blocks.
In its upper part there is a bowl of a toilet bowl and a tank for the filler, and in the lower part there is a drainage system, filter elements and a storage tank, which is closed by the doors opening with the use of the product.
The case of the product is made of special plumbing plastic.
The product has the following parameters:
- dimensions -710 × 390 × 600 mm,
- weight - 10 kg;
- the maximum load is 250 kg.
5800 ÷ 6000
«Biolan Naturum»,

«Biolan Naturum» is a composting biotoilet with a comfort design.
For easy movement, almost all products of this manufacturer are equipped with wheels, so cleaning the device will not be too complicated.
The design is a single unit and has dimensions that allow it to be installed in a room of a standard size apartment for a toilet.
The set with the biotoilelet is equipped with all the parts needed for maintenance - a dosing bucket, a drain hose and ventilation pipes.
The design is divided into two tanks for collecting liquid and solid waste.
The product has the following parameters:
- dimensions - 840 × 740 × 810 mm;
- seat height - 490 mm;
- weight - 40 kg;
- volume of the bottom capacity - 30 l;
- the volume of the block for the filler is 7 kg.
«Termotoilet» is a peat composting heat-extractor, the biological waste processing in which occurs all year round.
The structure is designed in such a way that the lower part of the toilet body is under the floor - this means that the structure should be installed near the wall in order to be able to clean it from the street side. To do this, you will need to install a cleaning door in the interior of the house.
This model has a warm, wear-resistant seat made of expanded polypropylene, which does not require special electrical heating.
The body of the product is made of sanitary wear resistant plastic, resistant to temperature changes.
The storage tank has a volume of 230 liters.
The parameters of the thermal window are:
- total height 980 mm;
- height from floor to seat - 425 mm;
- depth and width of the seat - 600 × 800 mm;
- the diameter of the vent is 110 mm.
32500 ÷ 33000
Illustration, product name, country of manufacture Brief description of the model Estimated price, rubles( April 2016)

Do not use sawdust or small chips instead of peat for waste disposal. Such a mixture will not be able to ensure proper effect on the contents of the biotoilet and produce high-quality processing, turning it into a fertilizer. If a large amount of sawdust has accumulated in the holding, then one can make a 1: 1 mixture with peat, and only if a large container with a volume of at least 45 ÷ 50 liters is used as a waste collector.

The electric biotoilets

Electric biotoilets have a rather complex design

The electric biotoilets have a rather complicated design

The electric biotoilete has a more complex structure, which includes a plastic toilet seat equipped with two receiving tanks, one for solid and one for liquid waste.

This kind of bio-toilet is produced in several variants. In some of them, drainage of liquids from the toilet bowl is made to the drainage or sewage system, in others - their complete evaporation occurs. Solid waste, entering a separate chamber where the desired temperature is created, is dried in it to the consistency of the powder. This process is facilitated by a compressor integrated in the design, which ensures a constant flow of heated air.

One of the models of electric biotoilets

One of the models of electric biotoilets

Based on the processes that occur inside the appliance, it is necessary to think over the arrangement of external ventilation, which will remove all unpleasant smells from the toilet. In the case of the product, a silent fan is installed for this process, which ensures forced evacuation of odors to the ventilation system.

Scheme of an electric bio-toilet with forced evacuation of gases and mixing of waste

Scheme of the electric biotoilet with forced removal of gases and mixing of waste

The following points can be attributed to the advantages of such a design:

  • For the work of an electric biotoilet it is not necessary to constantly buy consumables.
  • Recycled waste is an excellent compost environmentally friendly material, therefore it is actively used as a fertilizer.
  • Dehydrated wastes do not have a large volume, so it is much easier to clean the electrical dry closet than any other design. Carrying out of cleaning of capacities can be carried out only 3 ÷ 4 times a year.
  • For an electrical dry closet, large volumes of flushing liquid will not be required.
  • Due to the presence of forced drawing, unpleasant odors do not enter the rooms.

The drawbacks of this device can be considered the following:

  • Stationarity of the device, since it must be "tied" to an electrical outlet and ventilation duct.
  • When the power is turned off, the appliance can not be used.
  • The exhaust pipe from the appliance must always be taken out to the street.
  • The electric biotoilelet has a rather high price, in comparison with any other types of similar devices.

Such products are supplied to the Russian market by Swedish producers "Biolet"( "Cinderella") and "Separett"( "Villa").

Overview of the

models The following table provides an overview of the common models of the biotoilets of different operating principles:

Having received information on the characteristics, operating principles of the different types of biotoilets and the rules for using them, it will not be difficult to cope with the daily operation and maintenance of one of them selected for purchase. More detailed information about each particular model can be found in the operating instructions accompanying each product.

At the end of the article - a small video sketch with a brief overview of the biotoilets for the house:

Video: Review of the biotoilets with comments by specialist

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