Creating your own source of clean water is one of the main stages of the development of a private site. Usually water supply problems are solved by creating a well. The most significant part of the costs of such an event is the payment for the services of specialists involved in drilling.
However, with a great desire, you can save considerably on the performance of such an event by assembling a self-made drilling rig and doing earthworks on your own. Making such an assembly will require tangible labor and time costs, but everything will pay off with interest.
There are several types of self-made drilling rigs. Read the key features of each existing option, select the type of installation that best fits your case, and start assembling.
Drilling Rigs
Drill Rigs
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 3
- 3.1
- 3.3
- The fourth step
- 4.1 Drilling rig with "chuck"
- 4.2 Simple auger
- 4.3 Video - Drilling rig with your hands
These aggregates are classified according to the specifics of drilling methods.
So, in the performance of rock-cable drilling, the soil is destroyed by a heavy load, tied to a support frame, the edges of which are in most cases connected to a pyramid. The load simply rises up and rushes down as many times as it takes to create a well of the desired size.
Rotating same bores are simultaneously more simple and difficult to handle. Such equipment requires much less physical effort on the part of the performer, but the design of such drilling rigs is more complicated - many components of the system are simply impossible to do by one's own hands without the availability of special equipment and relevant skills.
As a result, some of the necessary elements have to be bought or ordered. However, the cost of this is still significantly lower, if compared with the cost of installing a factory assembly.
In general, there are 4 main types of drilling rigs, namely:
- units operating on the impact-cable method. Externally, this design has the form of a frame with a base of a triangular shape. Directly to the frame is attached a strong cable with a bailer;
- screw type installation. In the case of such equipment, the excavation of the earth is carried out using a special auger. Deepening in the ground during drilling is not washed;
- rotary aggregates. Operate using the principles of hydraulic drilling;
- rotary hand mechanisms. The simplest kind of installation. The design does not include an electric motor - instead of it the physical force is applied. Requires irrationally high labor costs, so it is used extremely rarely.
Advantages of a self-made
- Relatively low cost. Ready-made drilling rigs are several times more expensive than their home-made analogues. At the same time, the homemade mechanism will not yield in any way to the more expensive installation of the factory assembly.
- The specifications of the self-made unit completely correspond to the equipment of factory manufacturing.
- Compact size and relatively light weight.
- Ease of use and maximum mobility. With the help of a small self-made installation it will be possible to drill even in the most inaccessible areas.
- High speed assembly and disassembly.
- Ease of transportation - the dismantled self-made drilling rig easily fits and is transported in a light trailer.
well drilling process
self-drilling drilling rig assembly manual It is enough for a hand-held rig assembly to have minimal experience with a welding machine, electric drill and bulgarian.
Prepare the required tools in advance. You will need:
- tool to create an external inch thread;
- Bulgarian;
- adjustable wrench;
- galvanized pipe half an inch, as well as a similar size;
- the sanitary cross.
Prepare everything you need and proceed to perform the work in accordance with the step by step guide.
First step
Prepare pipe lengths to make the main part of the drilling tool. Pipes will need to be fastened to the spear and the cross. To do this, prepare at the ends of the segments a two-centimeter thread.
To the ends of several segments, weld the pointed plates of metal. They will perform the functions of the tips.
This installation involves drilling with a constant supply of water, thanks to which the direct arrangement of the deepening and removal of soil will be easier.
For water supply, connect a tap or a water hose to any hole in the crosspiece. Connect using a suitable adapter.
Second step
Proceed to connect the structural parts to the threaded connections. Connect to the lower end of your work tube a piece of workpiece with a fitted tip. The connection should be made using the drive.
Direct drilling will be carried out by deepening the pointed tip with the turn of the working unit. Blanks with tips should have different lengths. First you use the shortest device. After you are ready about a meter deep, replace the short tip somewhat longer.
Third step
Assemble the foundation of the drilling structure from the square section profile. In this case, the base will be a rack with supporting components of the structure. Supports are connected to the main stand by means of a transition platform by welding.
Attach the platform and the motor to the square profile. The profile itself is fixed to the rack so that it can move around the counter. The dimensions of the profile used should slightly exceed the dimensions of the rack.
When choosing an electric motor, be sure to pay attention to the indicator of its power. To ensure optimum drilling conditions, a motor with a horsepower of 0.5 horsepower will suffice.
The power control is carried out by means of a reducer. Attach the flange to the gear shaft. Attach another flange to the flange using bolts. There must be a washer of rubber between these two flanges. Thanks to the rubber gasket, the shock loads appearing when different types of soil pass through will be smoothed out.
Fourth step
Connect the water. The liquid must be continuously supplied to the main working tool by means of a drill. Without a properly organized water supply, the quality of the equipment will decrease.
The above task can be solved by installing below the flanges of a special device made of a steel pipe. Prepare in the length of the tube 2 holes with a slight shift in relation to each other.
Next, you need to make a groove on both ends of the pipe for the arrangement of ball bearings. You also need to prepare an inch thread. One end of the pipe connects to the flange, and the other end will be installed working elements.
In order to create additional moisture insulation of the created device, place it in a special tee made of polypropylene. Connect to the middle of this tee adapter to connect the water supply hose.
Other models of
rigs In general, the process of assembling most of the existing varieties of drilling rigs remains the same. Frame and other elements of the construction in question are prepared in a similar way. Only the main working tool of the mechanism can change.
Read the information on the manufacture of various types of plants, make a suitable working tool, and then attach it to the support frame and connect to other required elements using the recommendations from the above instruction.
Drilling rig with "chuck"
The main working element of such an aggregate is a cartridge( glass).It is possible to make such a cartridge yourself from a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 100-120 mm. The optimal length of the working tool is 100-200 cm. In the rest, be guided by the situation. When choosing the dimensions of the support frame, you will have to consider the dimensions of the cartridge. Think about it in such a way that in the future it would be convenient for you to use the finished drilling rig.
The working tool should have as much weight as possible. From the bottom of the pipe section, make triangular points. Thanks to them the soil will be more intense and quickly loosen up.
If you want, you can leave the bottom of the workpiece flat, but it will be necessary to sharpen it.
Make a few holes in the top of the glass to attach the rope.
Use a strong cable to attach the chuck to the support frame. The length of the cable should be selected so that in the future the cartridge can freely rise and fall down. Be sure to consider the planned depth of the source.
To increase the efficiency of excavation, you can connect the assembled unit to the electric motor. The cable with the cartridge in this situation will be wound on the drum of the reducer.
It is possible to ensure the cleaning of the face from the ground by including a bailer in the structure.
It is very easy to use this installation: you manually create a hole at the drilling site with a diameter greater than the diameter of the working cartridge, and then start lifting and lowering the chuck one by one until the required depth is reached.
Simple auger
The main working element of this mechanism is a drill.
Make a drill from a metal pipe having a diameter of 100 mm. On the upper part of the workpiece, make a screw thread, and on the opposite side of the pipe arrange a screw auger. The optimum diameter of the drill for a self-made machine is about 200 mm. Pairs of turns are enough.
Attach a pair of metal knives to the ends of the workpiece. You must fasten them in such a way that at the time of vertical placement of the installation the knives are located at some angle to the soil.
To work with such an installation it was most convenient, connect to the tee piece of metal pipe length of 1.5 m. Fix it with welding.
Inside the tee must be equipped with a screw thread. The same tee screw onto a piece of demountable 1.5-meter barbell.
It is the most convenient to use such an installation - each worker can take a 1.5 meter pipe.
Drilling is performed in the following order:
- working tool is deepened into the ground;
- is done by 3 turns of drill;
- loosened soil is removed and retracted.
Repeat the cycle until it reaches approximately a meter deep. After the bar is to be lengthened with an additional piece of metal pipe. A pipe coupling is used to fasten the pipes.
If a well is planned to be deeper than 800 cm, fix the structure on the tripod. At the top of such a tower there must be a hole of sufficient size for the unimpeded movement of the rod.
In the process of drilling, the barbell will need to be increased periodically. With the increase in the length of the tool, the mass of the structure will also increase noticeably, it will become very difficult to manage it manually. For a convenient lifting of the mechanism, use a winch made of metal or solid wood.
Now you know in what order simple drilling rigs are assembled and how to use such units. The knowledge gained will help you save a lot on the services of third-party drillers.
Have fun!