How to draw water from a well to a house

In the previous publication, the process of excavating a well on a suburban area and initial preparation for operation was discussed in detail. However, considering it as a ready source of drinking water still very early, there are a lot of technological operations before the well really will start justify the fully to its destination. It is clear that under the current conditions of there are few hunters to carry water for domestic or household needs buckets - this is the complete remnant of distant of the past .But still before draw water from the well into the house, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks aimed at providing purity of water intake.

How to draw water from a well to a house

How to draw water from the well to the house

This applies fully and the country sites that were purchased already with the ready well. To ensure that it is truly a source of clean water, we will have to audit it and, if necessary, carry out the same set of operations of for preparation and the organization of uninterrupted high-quality water supply.

So, as the starting conditions, we take a dug well with a settled enough debit, properly laid down by the bottom filter. To ensure that water from it enters the house uninterruptedly, at any time of the year, clean, suitable for drinking, it is necessary to perform waterproofing, warming the well, carrying out a system of pipes, installing pumping equipment and a filtration and post-treatment system.

Waterproofing of the well

Content of the article

  • 1 Waterproofing of the well
  • 2 Laying of the communications to the well
    • 2.1 Video: easy connection of the HDPE pipes with the compression fittings
  • 3 Thermal insulation of the upper part and completion of the waterproofing works
  • 4 Organization of the water supply system
    • 4.1 Video: installation of the domestic pumping station
  • 5 mounted in the house
    • 5.1 Video: assembly of the pumping group for the submersible pump

At first glance it may seem even paradoxical, onNaco well necessarily requires reliable waterproofing. This is explained by several reasons.

  • To ensure that the water is clean and suitable for food applications, the contaminated groundwater, located much closer to the ground than the water lens of the well itself, should not be allowed to penetrate the walls. There is always a significant concentration of decomposing organic matter in soil waters and vadose, including fecal masses that have fallen on the ground and soaked oil products, ground alkalis and salts, pathogenic bacteria, agricultural chemicals and , .If you do not eliminate possible leaks of such moisture, then the well itself will very soon become unsuitable as a source of drinking water.
Absence or unsuitability of waterproofing - the cause of water pollution in the well

Absence or unsuitability of waterproofing - the cause of water pollution in the well

  • Waterproofing requires the reinforced concrete walls of the wellbore. Concrete seems very durable, and meanwhile , it can remain permanently active under the action of soil salts and acids. There is a looseness of the material, it begins to crumble, loses its strength properties and as a result - can not contain the penetration of groundwater into the shaft of the well.

Thus, waterproofing works will be aimed at creating protection for the surface of the concrete rings themselves and for sealing joints between them and technological holes.

  • If a new well is being built, the solution is to pre-seal the waterproofing of the rings, still before installing them in the excavated mine. This allows you to conduct both the external and internal surface of reinforced concrete parts, which will significantly raise their wear resistance and prevent the slightest leakage of water through the thickness of the walls.
  • External waterproofing can be carried out by the lubricating method with subsequent sizing with a roll material - roofing material in several layers .However, rings with such a coating will be inconvenient to install, especially when digging a well in a closed way. It is better to apply a method of impregnating waterproofing. To do this, the outer surface of the walls of the rings is smeared with a special impregnating compound - a soil of deep penetration. It fills the pores of the concrete, crystallizes in them and creates the high-strength protective structure, which is not afraid of the chemical components of the soil. If you are not too lazy and stingy, having smeared the walls with such a compound twice, the waterproofing will serve as much as the reinforced concrete structures themselves.
  • If the old well is put in order, will have to drop the soil to the maximum depth, at least 3 - , for the outer waterproofing of the walls, 4 rings of the upper rings. Here, after drying and cleaning of from dirt, it is possible to apply also an insulation coating followed by gluing the walls with several saplings of roofing material. For the original coating, pure bitumen is never used - the term of its "life" is small, and it will soon dry up and crack. For this, it is better to use special tar mastics.

External waterproofing means still and the creation of an external padding, clay shutter and concrete blind area. However, this is probably better done a little later, after laying water pipes and warming the upper part of the well.

  • The next important issue is sealing the joints between the rings. During the assembly of the barrel, you can immediately lay a sealant between them - for example, bentonite-rubber cord « Waterproof » or « Barrier. It is elastic in itself and will provide a good obturation, the dance will increase by volumes of several times and reliably will close all possible cavities at the joints.
Bentonite-rubber cord has the property of expanding under the influence of moisture

Bentonite-rubber cord has the property of expanding under the influence of moisture

If the well is old and clearly needs repairing the joints between the rings, then they should to cut to a depth of 30 mm at an angle, and thoroughly clean the with brush. It happens that from the slots already oozes water - leak can be eliminated "aquapark", for example, AQUAFIX - cement composition of superfast freezing when interacting with water.

Aqua-plug for immediate elimination of active leaks

Aqua-stopper for the immediate elimination of active leaks

Then the cavities formed are tightly filled with a repair compound( for example - MEGACRET-40), which has a high adhesion even to the wet surface and does not shrink.

Repair composition for concrete rings

Repair composition for concrete rings

  • In the same way, it is necessary to repair all the flaws found on the inside of the wellbore.

After the repair composition has dried, it is possible to proceed to the waterproofing of the inner walls of the well throughout their area. As already mentioned, if the well is going to be a new one, then the rings are recommended to be processed beforehand, before they are assembled - then only the joints between them should be put in order.

Two-component lubricant for reliable waterproofing of walls

Two-component lubricant for reliable waterproofing of the

walls. It is best to apply an insulation coating, eg AQUAMAT-ELASTIC.This two-component cement-polymer composition is absolutely ecological, and does not adversely affect the quality of drinking water.

The surface of the walls is slightly moistened with water, and the composition is prepared with for calculating so that it can be conveniently applied with a wide brush. After the application of the first layer, it is also possible to glue the waterproofing tape at the joints and on "weak" sections of the walls, in addition to fresh mortar. After solidification of the entire surface is applied one more layer( it is not necessary to wet the walls).when the second layer also solidifies( this will take about 24 hours), the well can be considered reliably waterproof and from the inside.

Laying of communications to the

An approximate general scheme of the water supply from the well to the house

Well. Approximate general scheme of the water supply from the well to the house.

After the waterproofing of the well, inside and outside, one should not rush to fill the soil back into place - before it is necessary to lay pipes and make a cut through the wall for them.

  • Piping from the well to the should be buried below the freezing level of the soil( this value can be easily verified in any local construction organization). The trench digs with the given the of the on its , the bottom will be covered with a sand and gravel cushion of approximately 100 mmheight.
The trench must be below the ground freezing level

The trench must be below the freezing level of the ground

  • . Probably no one in our time is using metal pipes for such water pipes. The most optimal solution is polyethylene pipes( HDPE).To guarantee the supply of the whole house it is better to use a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. On sale, they always have a wide range of fittings - fittings, tees, bends, junctions and like .Compression fittings connections simplify the work extremely - no is required at all any additional equipment.
HDPE pipes and a variety of reinforcement products for them

HDPE pipes and a variety of reinforcement products for them

  • The experienced masters advise: HDPE pipe is inexpensive, so when laying a water pipe from the well to the house it makes sense to lay not one but two lines. One of them will be the main one, and the second - just is located in reserve in case of any emergency. This prudent move will, in this case, save laborious work to replace the with the out-of-line .
Such an insulated channel will protect the pipe from freezing

This insulated channel will protect the pipe from freezing

  • It is unreasonable to lay the pipe just on the ground - it needs to create additional mechanical protection. For this purpose, it is possible to use technical polyethylene pipes of larger diameter , or polymeric corrugated pipes , with or without insulation.
It is possible for additional insulation to use blocks of expanded polystyrene

It is possible to use blocks of expanded polystyrene

  • for additional insulation. If the pipe is guaranteed to be placed below the freezing level of the earth, it does not require special insulation. However, it is better to lay a layer of expanded polystyrene over the top of the pipes before filling the trench with soil - this will secure them in particularly strong, abnormal frosts.
  • " Weak" site may be pipe sections to the surface, passing a basement or unheated basement. Here, probably, it is necessary to provide heating of the water pipe and its reinforced insulation, about than is described in detail in a special article of our portal .
  • The pipe pass through the well wall is organized at the same level as the pipeline. In no case should this site be located at the joint of the rings - when drilling holes, the edge of the ring may crack or even collapse. The most optimal option is to install a threaded lead Ø 1 "into the hole made.
Passing the pipe through the wall of the well

Pipe pass through the well wall

The space between it and the walls of the hole is filled with a plastic sealant( for example, waterproofing mastic with reinforcing fibers).The same composition is abundantly smeared on the walls of the ring from the outside and from the inside near the hole. Then, on both sides, wide rubber gaskets, large diameter washers are dressed, and then the snag is fixed with nuts.

  • The threaded part of the externally is "packed" with the fitting, to which the HDPE pipe is connected to the well. From the inside of the well on the fitting is better to fix the tee. On the horizontal conclusion, it is advised to install a faucet that will drain water from the domestic water supply system if the house is not used for a long time. To the output of the tee, looking down, the fitting is being "clamped" to which the is connected a piece of a vertical pipe to draw water from the well or to connect to a submersible pump.

Now you can complete the work on waterproofing and warming the well.

Video: easy connection of HDPE pipes with compression fittings

Thermal insulation of the upper part and completion of waterproofing works

  • There is always a gap between the well wall and the mine excavated under it .It must be filled with a sand-gravel mixture and as tightly its is compacted.
  • Beginning from the level just below the tie-in of the pipe and up to the level of the surface of the soil, narrow blocks of thermal insulation - polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene - are attached to the rings on the outside. This will prevent the walls from freezing in the winter. You can fasten these panels in any way, for example, with a wide adhesive tape.
Insulated upper part of the well before filling the clay shutter

Insulated top of the well before filling the clay shutter

  • Then this free space is filled with soil, sand and gravel mixture, as for example shown in the figure. It is imperative to make an earthen castle - a tamped clay belt along the outer circumference of the rings with an incline downwards to the sides. This will prevent the ingress of rain or meltwater into the outer walls of the well.
An approximate scheme of gravel-sand dumping and clay shutter of the well

Approximate scheme of gravel-sand foundry and clay well shutter

  • It is advisable not to limit this and pour and concrete concrete around the projecting part of the well, which will finally complete the waterproofing process of this facility.
It will never be superfluous and a concrete blind area around the well

The concrete floor around the well

will never be superfluous. The organization of the water supply system

First of all, it is necessary to decide which pump will be used to arrange water supply from the well to the house.

Differences in water intake schemes with an external or submersible pump

Differences in water intake schemes with external or submersible pump

1. In the case when the depth of the water layer does not exceed 7 meters, the best solution is to install a home pumping station. When , its selection necessarily pay attention to the height of lifting water - the technical specification, which is indicated in the technical documentation of the product. In this case, and vertical, and are oriented horizontal water pipeline sections. The height of the generated water column for the calculations of the vertical sections is assumed to be 1 : 1. The horizontal sections are calculated from the ratio of 1 me tr a = 10 meters of the pipe.

When choosing a pump, both vertical and horizontal plumbing sections must be taken into account

When choosing a pump, both the vertical and horizontal sections of the

  • are always taken into account. Immediately the sampling pipe section is assembled with so that it descends approximately to the middle of the aquifer layer, otherwise the will start the to scoop sand and dirt from the bottom. A mandatory condition is the installation of the reverse valve on it, so that the pipeline is permanently filled with water. The ingress of air into the pump mechanism can cause it to overheat and malfunction.
Assembled pipeline sections

Assembled pipeline sections

  • Do not interfere with the intake filter, which prevents the pipes from entering large suspensions, which will prevent the pump station from premature wear.
  • As a sampling pipe, it is possible to assemble a unit( with a filter and a valve) from the same PND-32 and connect it to the tee fitting at the pipe inlet into the well.
  • Another option is the use of ready-made corrugated pipe fittings, which are already structurally equipped with a non-return valve.
Corrugated pipe for water intake

Corrugated pipe for water intake

  • For better stability of construction, the pipe can be fixed to the walls of the well with clamps( clips).

Disadvantages of this scheme are the high noise level of the pumping station, which requires a separate room in the house( for example, in the basement).In addition, there are certain difficulties with the organization of monitoring the water level in the well - the will have to visually check it to prevent air from sucking into the pipes.

Video: installation of a domestic pumping station

2. At a well depth of 8 or more meters, does not have , how to install a submersible pump. Mounting worries with him a little more.

Approximate scheme of water supply using a submersible pump

Approximate scheme of water supply using submerged pump

  • First, it is necessary to immediately provide for the laying of an electric cable to the well. Often its is placed in the same channel as the water pipe.
  • Secondly, it will be necessary to secure the pump to the on the secure metal cable.

However, in general advantages in this scheme are many:

  • The created water head of submersible pumps is always immeasurably greater.
  • No noise from the running pump - the house does not need a separate room.
  • Modern submersible pump models are equipped with both a prefilter and a non-return valve, the and that the is the most important, a float system for automatically monitoring the water level in the well. With a critical drop in the level, the pump simply stops pumping out the water.
Modern submersible pumps are equipped with an automatic water level monitoring system

Modern submersible pumps are equipped with automatic water level control

  • Generally, submersible pumps are significantly cheaper than stationary pump stations.
Submersible pump is lowered into the well and fixed to the cable

The submersible pump is lowered into the well and fixed to the

cable. The pump is lowered by the on the cable to the required by the depth, connected by a corrugated pipe or a flexible hose with a tee at the inlet of the water pipe into the well. Typically, this pipe section also clamps the pump power cable with clamps, so it will be easier to lower the entire pump assembly without compromising the cable and hose.

What is installed in the house

The technology of laying internal water pipes in the house requires detailed consideration in separate publications, therefore, only a few recommendations will be given here.

Water from any spring source must necessarily be filtered and properly cleaned. The composition of the system of such water treatment can vary significantly in each specific case - it all depends on the results of laboratory analysis of water.

  • The simplest scheme of supplying water to consumers in the house is the installation of a storage tank at the top of the system, from where the water flows by gravity to the parsing points.
A simple but imperfect system with a common storage tank

Simple but imperfect system with a common storage tank

This scheme is extremely imperfect, it can be used, perhaps, only in country houses where the owners come from time to time for a short time. In this variant, it is necessary to monitor the water level in the storage , and the created head will not differ evenly that entails problems, for example, when trying to install water heaters or other household appliances.

Membrane hydraulic accumulator and water aftertreatment system

Diaphragmatic accumulator and water aftertreatment system

  • Optimal solution to this problem is by installing a special membrane accumulator( receiver) of a certain capacity( from 50 to 100 liters).The pump fills it up to the of a specific pressure inside, after which a barometric sensor triggers the power supply. Thus, in the domestic water supply system, a steady water head is always maintained. As soon as the pressure in the receiver drops to the of a certain mark, the automation turns on the pump, which replenishes the water supply.

Such receivers are always included in the set of home stationary pumping stations, being part of their general design.

The hydraulic receiver is a structural unit of the pump house station

Hydraulic receiver is a structural unit of the pump house station

For submersible pumps, the receiver will have to buy and install independently, with its mounting location at the input to the common system can be chosen arbitrarily - after the filtration system and before the in the distributionwater supply manifold.

Video: assembly of the pump group for the submersible pump

So, nothing doable when organizing the water supply of a country house from the well there. Of course, the most difficult stage is the digging of the well and its equipment, and the water supply system, with certain skills in plumbing, can be designed and built independently.

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