How and from what to make fertilizers for indoor plants in the home

Top-dressing of fauna home representatives is suitable from several points of view. It promotes the intensive development of indoor plants, increasing their resistance to diseases, a more vivid and abundant flowering, and so on. Many different fertilizers are available for sale, but the effectiveness of certain types of this product raises certain doubts, because due to "chemistry" not everyone believes( and often - not without reason).

This article will be of interest to those who want to get acquainted with the experience of our ancestors who completely dispensed with special tools and fed houseplants with compositions made independently at home. And not from some kind of "overseas" drugs, but from what almost every housewife has in the house.

Options for self-made fertilizers in the form of nutrient solutions

For regular use of

Ash( woody). st.l / liter of water( warm).The solution is maintained for about 5 - 7 days, during which the mass is mixed regularly. Application - once a week - 10 days. Crusts of citrus. It is enough to pour hot water and let it settle for at least 24 hours. The ratio of the components of the solution is selected independently. But in any case, regardless of the number of crusts, it will contain many useful nutrients for plants.


Sugar. A solution is prepared from the ratio of the glass. Slightly sweetened water is a good fertilizer for all types of plants, but especially it is loved by representatives of the family of cactus, ficus.

Variant - pour a little sugar on the ground( much is not needed, just one small spoon on the pot), and then plant the plant.

nettle Mushrooms( but only edible). The infusion is prepared as follows: the ground mass is poured with water( 1 to 1) and settled.

Nettles. In any form( dried or fresh) is poured in water for 5 days. Since the resulting infusion has a high concentration, it must be diluted before watering the plants( about 1 to 4 to 5).

In separate periods

Castor oil. This fertilizer is applied when tying and budding flowering plants( per liter of water - 1 tsp).

Aspirin. A solution based on it( tablet / liter) increases the immunity of domestic plants, so this fertilizer is used not only for signs of wilting, but also as a preventative.

Aloe juice. Application - similar to aspirin( 1 teaspoon is bred in one and a half liters of warm water).


Banana. The fetus is not used, but its skin. It is ground and poured onto the drainage layer when planting / planting a house plant. In fact, it is a "long-lasting" fertilizer, because the chemical elements / elements( magnesium, phosphorus, potassium) contained in the skin will gradually penetrate into the soil.

Coffee grounds. It is used if it is necessary to increase the acidity of the soil. It is such a soil like, for example, many varieties of cacti. It is enough to pour such fertilizer into a pot, and then water it. The main thing is to observe the measure and not go too far.

Fern. also promotes acidity. When transplanting plants, the crushed fern fits under the ground( for drainage).

Eggshell. Infusion from it is not suitable for all domestic plants, so you should carefully study which one and what it is desirable to feed. For those flowers that require acid soil - definitely not suitable. It is prepared so - chop and pour with clean water( the proportion is not important).Defend for at least 2 weeks, in a dark place. This time can be reduced to 8 - 10 days, if the mass is recycled in a mortar.


Tea. Pretty good and convenient for home cooking fertilizer. There are many uses. The first - putting a little old tea leaves in a pot, you can just water. In tea, there are practical all necessary nutrients. The second is to pack the bags between the layers of drainage and soil. The third one is to pour the unapproved tea not into the sink, but into the pot with the plant.

Nutritious primer. For rural residents this is not a problem, even to prepare anything, in principle, it is not necessary. It is enough to take some land from the forest belt and place in pots intended for planting domestic plants. Such soil is already saturated with various minerals, and it is not necessary to fertilize it for at least six months.

Practical recommendations and

The technology of fertilizer preparation at home implies the use of only purified water, therefore it is not recommended to use tap water. Since there is little need for fertilizer, it is better to buy it( if there is no well near the well or the fence is not made from the well).

It remains to add that these are the most famous, but not the only ways to fertilize domestic plants.

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