How to care for violets in the home, so that they bloom abundantly

When breeding violets, beginning gardeners face a number of difficulties. The thing is that unlike most house plants, violet is a relatively gentle representative of the flora. What you need to do and take into account, so that it blossoms in the home almost all year round - the topic of this article.

Conditions for containing violets


It must pass water well through itself. On sale there are special ground mixtures for violets. But some florists engaged in the cultivation of this flower is not the first year, they prepare the soil according to their own recipes. For example, the terrain "Terra Vita" is purchased, under which is laid charcoal( a small piece).


Feature - requires good drainage. If for other colors its layer is made in 2 - 3 cm, then for the violet it is poured into about ½ of the vase.


f-4 It should be small, otherwise there can be no flowering. Even a plastic cup is enough for a young violet. Since it does not grow very much in height, the acceptable size of the flowerpot for an adult plant is considered to be: height - about 10 cm, diameter - about 12-15 cm( in the middle part).

Feature - it is necessary to have several drainage holes in the bottom of the pot to ensure a good, even flow of water.

Illumination of

When choosing a place, you have to think, since "anywhere" the violet develops and does not bloom. She needs light, and even a lot, but not direct, but diffused. That's why the windowsills of the windows facing north or north-west are considered the best for it.

But this is not always possible, that's why they do it - they make an artificial shading of the segment on which the flower is located. If the windows have blinds, then the problem is automatically removed. And if they are not, you will have to take care, for example, of sliding curtains.

In winter, however, light deficiency will have to be filled with artificial lighting( backlighting), otherwise the violet simply refuses to bloom. Perhaps for her to purchase a personal luminaire.


Temperature mode

There are no special requirements for this item. For the normal development of violets, it is quite sufficient to have a standard room temperature( of the order of 22 ± 2 ° C).If the flower is located next to the heating devices( on the windowsill), then during the heating period it will be necessary to organize more frequent watering.


Dry air violet is contraindicated. The optimum moisture level for it is between 65 and 75%.Since spraying the plant is undesirable, it is advisable to put a small container with water( for example, a glass) to increase the saturation of air with water vapor near the pot. These fumes will be enough.


Any if it meets the above requirements.

What to take into account - if a pot of violets is placed on a window sill, then it should be placed as far as possible from the window or the section of the plastic window that opens to ventilate the room.


Non-observance of its mode is one of the main reasons why the violet does not bloom and even perishes. Therefore, this item should be considered in more detail. Watering should be moderate, but regular. Excess moisture, as well as its lack, are equally pernicious for violets. It is desirable to monitor the state of the soil in the flowerpot daily, especially since it does not require any significant time. Practice shows that if the flower is installed on the windowsill, then it is enough to water it about once every 6 to 8 days.

Take note! The drooping leaves are a sign of a lack of moisture in the soil.

violet-2 Feature - experienced flower growers recommend to practice "bottom" watering at home. What it is? Take any clean dishes( for example, a plastic basin with high sides), which is filled with water. To the liquid there are no special requirements - clean, room temperature and settled( that is, without chlorine).

Filling is performed with the expectation that after installation in the pot of pottery with violet water level( and it will rise) was just below the edge of the pot, but slightly above the level of the soil in it. These are the optimal conditions for qualitative capillary penetration of liquid into the soil from below.

In this position, the flower is left indefinitely. Water itself will gradually penetrate through the drainage holes. How to determine the sufficiency of such watering when it is finished? According to the state of the soil. If it is all damp on top, across the entire area, then you can stop the procedure. The pot is removed and refers to the window sill.

What to consider:

  • Pot shape. If its bottom is flat, it will have to be lifted artificially. For example, by laying two small reedges. Otherwise, water through the bottom into the violet with violet does not penetrate.
  • The presence of water in the pan. She will put her pot after it. These surpluses should be drained after a while.
  • Simultaneously with the "lower" watering, it is possible to feed the violets. It is enough to add nutrients to the water. Fertilizers for this flower are sold not only in dry form, but also in liquid, in ampoules.
  • The delicate leaves of a violet can get burned after water gets on them. And elementary, because water droplets - it's a kind of magnifying glass for the sun's rays. This is the main reason why the "top" irrigation technique is not practiced for this flower.


Recommendation - the prospect of constantly keeping in the house( especially in the apartment) a whole battery of plastic bottles or a bucket of "spare" water few people like. If you pour in the evening in a basin of water, then taking into account the large evaporation area after 6 - 7 hours, chlorine will evaporate. Therefore, right from the morning, you can perform the procedure of watering the violets. Or vice versa - to dial before leaving for work, and in the evening for half an hour put in a basin vase.

Top dressing

It is produced with flowering violets, not more than once every 2 weeks. This is enough to prevent the flower from experiencing a shortage of nutrients. In the rest period - about once a month. But the fact is that with the correct organization of content and care, the violet blossoms almost continuously. Therefore, in the issue of fertilizer application, it is necessary to be guided by the circumstances. You can use fertilizers cooked at home.


violet-3 In any room, even with an air purifier, it has the smallest fraction - dust. It settles, including, and on the leaves of violets, blocking them. With a strong contamination of "light" plants, it becomes difficult to breathe. Regular cleaning of the leaves is one of the conditions for proper care of the plant.

How to do? The pot is put in the basin( it's better to put it in the bathtub), and the violet is sprayed from the "flower" atomizer( not a deficit and costs no more than 100 rubles) or washed from the shower head with warm water. Naturally, the pressure is minimal, so as not to damage leaves and tender stems.

What to take into account - water should evaporate naturally. Do not wipe the leaves! And only after their final drying the flower can be transferred to the window sill( the risk of burns is already mentioned).

Transplanting violets

f-6 The root system of violets does not develop as intensively as other colors, for example, ficus. Therefore, the transplant is, as a rule, in the change of soil. And it is desirable to do this every year, although much depends on its composition and intensity of fertilizer application. But such calculations with the definition of specific terms can only be done by an experienced florist. Therefore, once a year - this is normal.

Useful advices

  • Given that the violet is a photophilous plant, its leaves will be intensively drawn to the window. To make the plant look attractive( which means symmetrically), the position of the pot must be changed regularly( turn it).
  • Yellowed leaves, wilted flowers are removed as they appear.
  • In winter, the violet from the window sill should be removed. The low temperature for it is fatal, so it's better not to take risks and not rely on heating batteries. You can meet the recommendations that in the cold season a pot of violet should be covered with glass( transparent) dishes. Perhaps this is also an option, but the question arises - what about the greenhouse effect? Will the flower suffocate in such a limited and closed volume?
  • Owners of city apartments in the summer house flowers transfer to the balcony( loggia), and it is correct and useful for plants, but not for violets. The reason has already been indicated - drafts, which she does not like.

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