Gully with own hands

Properly equipped drainage system guarantees not only trouble-free operation of the roof, but also ensures the safety of the walls and foundation of the structure. Gutter system, correctly and intelligently mounted by their own hands, is in no way inferior in quality and reliability to systems executed by professionals.


  1. Required materials and tools
  2. Draining drawings and diagrams
  3. Step-by-step installation instructions for the drainage system
  4. Video of the drainage system installation with your own hands

Required materials and tools

Before starting work, you must have the necessary tools and accessories:

  • screwdriver;
  • small angle grinder "Bulgarian" with a cutting circle for metal;
  • gun for sealant;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer;
  • measuring tape;
  • level;
  • set of metal scissors;
  • nylon thread;
  • roofing sealant;
  • roofing screws of the right color;
  • pencil or marker.

Gutter mounting accessories include:

  • drain gutters;
  • set of pipes and knees( based on the height of the building);
  • short curtain hooks;
  • drainage funnels;
  • plugs and clamp connection yoke with ribbed gasket;
  • fastening elements for installation of drain pipes to the building wall.

Drain drawings and outlines

Step-by-step installation instructions for the drainage system

Installation of a drainage system can be performed during or after installation of the roof and the wooden binder installation of the eaves of the building.

1. Before proceeding to the independent installation of the metal gutter for the roof, it is necessary to first create a small drawing, thanks to which it is possible to purchase the required quantity of materials and determine the layout of the elements of the future design.

2. Having become acquainted with the theory and photo, how to make a drain on your own, you can start the practical part of the forthcoming works. First you need to fix the first hook for mounting the chutes at the beginning of the roof overhang. Then, using the level, it is necessary to determine the desired slope of the trough( at least 2 cm per 1 meter linear) and install the most extreme cornice hook.

The nylon thread drawn between these hooks will designate the installation line for the remaining hooks, which should be fixed in steps of no more than 600 mm. In this case, the distance to the hooks to be mounted should be no more than 150 mm at the junction of the troughs.

3. On the edges of the chutes are attached plugs with rubber gaskets. In this case, all joints are carefully spread with a roof sealant.

4. After installing all the hooks, they are assembled on the components of the trough for collecting water.

5. If you designate the installation location of the drainage funnel at the lowest point of the chute, it is necessary to cut a hole of a suitable diameter for draining the water using a metal scissors. With the help of a hammer, the edges of the tinplate in the carved hole bend outward in the direction of water movement.

6. Troughs are connected to each other in a single trough by means of special locks-connections with rubber gaskets from the inside. During this process, it is necessary to strictly control the correct placement of gaskets from rubber. Joints are treated with a roofing sealant.

7. A water inlet hopper is installed on the cut hole in the trough, to which are attached the knees with inserts from the pipe sections, starting from the distance from the edge of the cornice to the building wall.

8. Vertical pipes are fixed to the wall using special clamps with screws or dowels( depending on the material of the wall).The lower elbow of the gutter, attached to the wall, should be about 300 mm above ground level.

9. For additional stability of the troughs, especially in winter conditions, special rods made of roofing tin, fastened with rivets, are mounted in the places of installation of hooks.

Video installation of drainage system with your own hands

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