How to take care of azalea in a pot at home

This decorative plant attracts, above all, abundant flowering and a variety of shades. If you know and observe the rules of its content, azalea will be a magnificent decoration for any room. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands how much she is capricious, and to achieve its normal development, you need to spend a lot of energy. About all the nuances of azalea care at home - this article.

Features azaleas

Without knowing the specifics of its growth in natural conditions, it is difficult to understand the subtleties of caring for the plant in the house.

  • All varieties of azalea( and their experts singulate three) like loose soil.
  • The humidity in the region is slightly above average and the temperature is "cool".
  • The indoor version of the flower( mostly so-called Indian azalea) is most active in the winter, from about the first half of December to the beginning of March. It was during this period that the azalea blossoms abundantly.
  • Unlike many other decorative drafts, it is not afraid of drafts, and this is a big plus.

So, this is the raw data. How to use them in practice? Much depends on what the gardener focuses on. If azalea quite suits the role of an evergreen shrub, then the requirements for caring for it are not so "tough".But if you want to achieve flowering plants, you will have to strictly follow the recommendations below.

Rules for the maintenance and care of azalea

Place for the pot

a-2 It should be chosen so that the azalea does not fall direct rays of the sun. But you should also take into account the temperature in the installation site. As a rule, flowerpots with house colors are placed on the windowsills, therefore, near heating appliances. Under such conditions, it is unlikely to achieve the required coolness. Given that intensive lighting for the flower is not required, it can be grown in almost any sector of the apartment, avoiding only the heavily shaded areas.


a-3 Friable and slightly acidic. On sale there, and pick up easily. If you prepare the mixture at home, then it must contain coarse-grained sand and peat. Although for azalea, self-preparation of soil is undesirable, since it is sensitive to its structure, and it is difficult for a layman to select the necessary proportions of all components. It is better not to experiment and purchase soil in a specialized store.

Temperature in room

In this plan it is necessary to focus on the stage of development of azalea, and choose the most comfortable conditions for it. When there are signs of bud formation( for home conditions, as a rule, this is the end of October or early November), the temperature should be maintained at a level of 6( ± 1.5) ºС.As soon as the flowers bloom, it must be raised to a level of 12( ± 2.5) ºС.Further increase may cause the loss of flowers and leaves.

Involuntarily the question arises - how will the family feel at this temperature regime in the dwelling? This is one of the "pitfalls" in the care of a flower. Naturally, it is necessary to focus on ensuring the comfort of family members, so lower the temperature in the segment where the pot with Azalea is placed will have to be artificially.

How? Each gardener "cunningly" in his own way. Some overlay the ice( dry), others - watered with cool water, and others - put it on the floor. There are other ways, but about them - just below.


Partially already indicated. It should be added that during the flowering period the azaleas should be illuminated. But the light should not be too bright - this is an indispensable condition for the normal development of plants.



Azalea irrigation is frequent and abundant. But also the waterlogging of the soil is unacceptable, as this leads to decay of the root system. Find the "golden mean" is not difficult. It should be practiced( maybe every day, depending on the specifics of the room) spraying the plant. And not only the azaleas, but also the surrounding air. This will allow to solve in parallel two more tasks: to increase the humidity level and to lower the temperature in the place of installation of the pot.

What to consider?

  • Azalea likes water soft and cool. Ideal option - rain. But if it is taken from a water pipe, it must first be boiled, and then let it settle to remove the residual chlorine.
  • During the formation of buds, the intensity of irrigation should be reduced. At this time azalea does not need a lot of moisture.
  • It is possible to increase the humidity of air in one more way, due to artificial evaporation of the liquid. For example, put next to the pot a cup( pial), which is constantly poured cool( or cold) water. Another option - the pot is installed in a pallet, which is loaded with a thoroughly washed ASG( or large pebbles + sphagnum moss).The vase must be raised so that it does not touch the water, which is then poured into the container, otherwise the liquid will become absorbed into the ground, and the roots will constantly be damp, which is unacceptable.


Fertilizing the soil

Given the "whimsicality" of azalea, it is better to purchase formulations in specialized stores. Top dressing is performed after the end of flowering( from the second half of March) and until the end of October. Fertilizers are introduced in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. As a rule, it indicates the order of times every 2 weeks.

Experienced gardeners as supplement / food are often used( g / l) superphosphate( 15) and citric acid( 2).

Soil loosening

It is advisable to do this the next day after watering or several hours later. For example, in the morning - watering, in the evening - loosening. The point is that such soil treatment ensures good penetration of oxygen deep into the soil. This is what the root system needs.

And the recessed part of the stem, and the azalea rootlets are very tender. Therefore, the "tool", which loosens the soil, the tip should not be sharpened.

Blade azaleas

Pruning is performed after the plant completely fades, that is, not earlier than the beginning of April. All old, weakened or overgrown branches are removed. Young shoots are plucked so that there are not more than 5 leaves left on the stem. Such withdrawal allows to form a beautiful crown of azalea and to achieve its more intensive flowering in the next period.


Useful tips

  • Exceeding the optimal temperature( 12) by 3 ° C reduces the flowering period by about 2.5 - 3.5 times.
  • Practice shows that most purchased plants develop poorly even with good care, and if they blossom, then not for long. Therefore azalea is better to propagate and grow independently.
  • If it is necessary to transplant a plant into a new vase, it is overloaded with a lump of earth adhered to its roots.
  • In the blossoming azalea, wilted buds should be immediately removed, rather than waiting for them to disappear themselves.

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